April2015–Greetings from your communications team. This edition of Grapevinehas been compiled by David Green. Please email items for inclusion to by the20th of the monthbefore the month of publication.
Grapevine and more available online
Don’t forget that Grapevine and a wealth of other useful information for clergy and anyone actively involved in the church community is all available on the new diocesan website, which has a powerful search function to help you find what you are looking for.
If you aren’t yet a regular visitor to the website, why not bookmark it on your desktop, laptop, tablet or smartphone – the new website has been developed to work just as well on any device – and is where you will find the latest news and information from around our busy diocese and beyond
Six parishes to receive roof grants
Six of our parishesare to receive grant funding for urgent repairs to their church roofs in the first round of awards from the Listed Places of Worship Repair Fund.
Nationally, 372 Church of England parishes are to receive grants as part of a total awards package of £30m. Second round funding of £25m for 2015-16 has also been announced.
All Saints, Crondall, in Hampshire, along with Surrey churches, St Mary’s, West Horsley; St John the Evangelist, Wotton; St Peter’s and St Paul’s, West Clandon; St John the Evangelist, Bisley and Christ Church, Coldharbour – shared the good news, with all grants between £10,000 and £100,000 for urgent repair of roofs, gutters and drains.
The second round, for the allocation of the remaining £25 million set aside for the scheme, is expected to open later in 2015. Both unsuccessful applicants under the initial scheme and new applicants will be able to apply. The full list of grant recipients, and more information on the Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund, can be found at
New RE teacher recruitment campaign
A new RE teacher recruitment campaign - Beyond the Ordinary - has recently launched. It is helping to find individuals who have the drive, interest and personality to teach one of the most diverse, questioning and relevant subjects in schools today.
There are places for around 800 trainee RE teachers this year – with trainees expected to come from all walks of life and backgrounds. Is this something you, or someone you know, could be interested in?
To find out more visit the website and don’t miss the short film about teaching RE, seen through the eyes of a current teacher.The campaign is set against the backdrop of newly re-instated government financial incentives to cover training costs. Find out more at
From Evidence to Action – April PDE Roadshows
The national follow up to From Anecdote to Evidence(published Jan 2014)is called From Evidence to Action.
The dedicated websiteis up and running provides lots of information and downloadable resources designed to help parishespromote church growth - and the Parish Development & Evangelism (PDE) Teamwill be taking a roadshow around the diocese during April to:
- Showcase the new From Evidence to Action material to parishes (and give copies away) and;
- Provide practical advice and resources in areas of Church Growth, Evangelism, Children & Families Ministry, Youth Ministry, Stewardship and more.
The roadshow will follow a short talk format with resources and the PDE team available to discuss more, aimed at anyone engaged in church growth and other PDE topics. For more information email
Tuesday 14 April2pm- 4pmCathedral Education Centre, Stag Hill
Tuesday 14 April7.30pm- 9.30pmSt Thomas-on-the-Bourne
Wednesday 15 April7.30pm-9.30pmHoly Trinity, Claygate
Monday 20 April7.30pm- 9.30pmSt Paul’s, Dorking
Wednesday 29 April7.30pm-9.30pmSt Pauls, Camberley
Calling all cricketers in the diocese!
Time to dust off the whites as the diocesan cricket team sends outa plea for more players for the coming season. Most matches are played on Monday afternoons between April and early July with a few net sessions in the lead up to the season. Some of the matches are friendlies, but for Church Times Cup matches players need to be ordained, licensed in the diocese (e.g. youth work, LLMsetc.) or ministerial work in an LEP or in the Methodist, Baptist or URC church.
If you are interested please contact the club secretary George Newton on or telephone him on01252 320618.
Who is my neighbour? Public forum at Guildford Cathedral on April 20
The Adult Discipleship Development Adviser Revd Matt Prior writes: “I would like to draw your attention to this recent pastoral letter from the House of Bishops in advance of the General Election, available on the diocesan website
“We will be offering a public forum Discipleship, Citizenship and Voting: General Election 2015 on Monday 20th April 2015, 7.45pm - 9.15pm at Guildford Cathedral. This will take the form of a Question Time with a panel including Bishop Ian; Dr Jonathan Chaplin, Director of the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics in Cambridge; Dr Simon Usherwood, Senior Lecturer in Politics at the University of Surrey and the Revd Canon Dr Julie Gittoes, Residentiary Canon of Guildford Cathedral. A short study guide to the House of Bishops’ letter for use in a parish or chaplaincy setting is available from on request.”
Lip Reading Course in Godalming – starts April 22
As part of the Diocese of Guildford’s Hear Here! Project on Wednesday afternoons, 2.30 – 4.30pm, starting 22nd April at The Octagon, St Peter & St Paul’s Church,
Borough Road, Godalming, GU7 1ES. £5 per session, first class free.
For more information please contact Tracey Wade, Sensory Inclusion Adviser, Tel01483 790327Textphone 07531 268476 or
It Is Not Good To Be Alone – April 25
Led by Revd Dr Julie Gittoes – and open to clergy and LLMs on Saturday 25 April,10am-12.30pm at St Mary’s Church, Shalford, Guildford GU4 8AE.
Over the last decade, the number of single person households has increased; a survey by ComRes reported that 20% of people feel more lonely than they did 10 years ago. How does the church respond to these changing social trends in its mission and pastoral care? This study will explore the theological and biblical resources that we might we draw upon as we deepen our understanding of relationships within the church.
To book in please contact or01483 790320.
Neighbourhood Angels Befriending Training – April 25
Saturday April 25th, 10am-3.30pm (lunch included) at The Old School, St Paul’s Church, Tongham, GU10 1DS.
Neighbourhood Angels is a befriending project in Guildford Borough for older people or vulnerable adults who may be lonely or isolated. Neighbourhood Angels are volunteers who are willing to give some of their time to start building vital connections with isolated people in their community.
This training session is for adults interested in befriending or finding out more. Please book by April 18. To book or find out more please contact Rachel Guilford, Neighbourhood Angels Project Co-ordinator, Communities Engagement Team, email or phone 07796 098077.
Have you got a potential LLM in your midst? First selection day April 25
The diocesan Board of Licensed Lay Ministers (LLMs) has set the dates for next year’s selection days for LLM training. The first is on 25th April 2015, the last in July. The process of putting together an application for LLM training can take time, so now is the time to have the conversation. More information Gertrud Sollars, , tel 01483 415182.
English Heritage Angel Awards – entries open until April 26
English Heritage is welcoming applications from anyone involved in a heritage rescue. You can apply on your own behalf for a project you are involved with, or nominate a group or individual whose efforts you feel deserve acknowledgement.
By applying, you’ll be in with the chance of having a short film specially made about your heritage project. Previous winners have found that being an Angel has given a massive boost to their fundraising and publicity drives.
For full details on how to enter for an English Heritage Angel Award visit
Preaching on Creation and Hope - April 28
with Revd Canon Russell Bowman Eadie on Tuesday April 28 from 10am until 4pm at St Mary’s Church Room, Chiddingfold. GU8 4RY.
A workshop to explore how we can preach on the themes of creation and hope which creatively link Scripture in ways which provide hope despite and beyond the collapse of cultural certainties. For hope in Christ necessarily entails hope for the world and God’s new world. Book in with
Liturgy for the unchurched at Southwark Cathedral – May 8
See past the rather clunky title of this Praxis South event at Southwark Cathedral on Friday May 8, 10.30am to 3.30pmand you will be able to hear from some expert creative speakers in the art of communication to those people that the Church often struggles to reach.
Find out more here
Diocese of Guildford’s Clergy Conference June 2015 – “Taking Care”
Tuesday 2 to Thursday 4June at the Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire.
Don’t forget to return your booking form if you haven’t already done so.
You can download a form from thenew diocesan website here or contact - Tel 01483 790320. All licensed clergy are invited to attend.
'Taking Funerals Seriously' - June 10-12
This conference, the first national Church of England conference on death, dying and funerals, is a valuable opportunity to explore changing culture, trends, research and theology around this crucial ministry.
Whether you are involved with funerals, bereavement ministry, or work with the dying as a vicar, curate, chaplain, Reader or lay person, there will be something for you at 'Taking Funerals Seriously'.
The conference will take place 10-12 June 2015 at Woodland Grange, Stoneleigh, Warwickshire. Highlights include:Launch of national funeral research and resources; Key note speakers on theology, culture and pastoral care; Gala dinner and visit to National Funerals show, the major trade show for the funerals industry.
For more information about the conference visit
Building your pastoral team? Apply by June 1
Applications for the Pastoral Assistant Foundation Training are invited for the 2015 September intake. Please act promptly if you have someone considering this ministry as the courses are very popular, especially on the daytime course.The closing date for all applications is June 1, or sooner should the courses become full.
For more information please email ring Sue on 01483 790321 or Margaret Smith on 01483 790323.
Tent Week 2015 – FREE DVM team event on Tuesday June 23
Tent Week 2015: FREE Discipleship, Vocation and Ministry (DVM) Team event - Tuesday 23rd June from 7.30 – 9.30pm
The DVM teamare hosting a FREE event at the annual Tent Week at Willow Grange where the whole team will be on hand to offer support on discipleship, vocations and spiritual growth in your context. Save the date - more details to follow.
Summer School 2015 dates for your diary – July 6-24
The annual Diocesan Summer School runs from July 6-24. Summer school 2015 is entitledFinding Freedom, to mark the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta, which will be the subject of a major interpretation project at the Cathedral.
Both Bishops will be speaking as well as a range of presenters on topics such as The Liberty trail from Magna Carta to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Freedom from Addiction, Living in Freedom and Work and Freedom.
Full details and booking information will be announced in early April via the website and a brochure.Please contact Matt Prior, Adult Discipleship Development Adviser for more information.
Licensed clergy who are within 5 years of retirement – hear this!
The RTP group ‘Transitions in Ministry’ runs a course for clergy and their spouses in the region who are within 5 years of retirement – so for clergy roughly between the ages of 60 and 65. If you have not already been on it and would like to apply for a place (or 2 places), the next one is on Mon 19th – Weds 21st October 2015 at Sarum College - please contact Louise Redfern on
Occasional Preachers Course - Occasional Preachers Course on Monday evenings from 5th October until 7th December at Christ’s College in Guildford.
Leading Worship Course - Leading Worship Course on Wednesday evenings from 23rd September until 25th November in Guildford.
The DVM team are currently taking applications for the above courses, for more information contact or tel01483 790320.
Diocesan Day of Healing and Wholeness – Diary change to 2016!
This bi-annual event had been planned for 12 Sept 2015, but due to building works at the cathedral cannot now go ahead. We will be back in 2016!
In the meantime, to see how Acorn Christian Healing Foundation can help you develop the ministry of healing in your church see
Engage 2015 – helping churches serve the rugby community
Engage 2015launched their official website late last year as the face of the campaign in the build-up to the 2015 Rugby World Cup which kicks off in September.
Engage 2015 is a cross-denominational campaign established to inspire and equip churches throughout the UK to serve the rugby community throughout the Rugby World Cup next autumn.
The new website is a one-stop shop for news, inspiration, information and resources for churches and individuals eager to partner with the campaign. Find out more at
A Church Near You or ACNY – are you making good use?
“Why is it so difficult to find information about a Christmas service local to me? I would love to attend a service at Christmas time. The church site's last listing was months ago and there is certainly no information on Christmas services. I also tried 'A Church Near You' to no avail. How can one attend a service if you cannot find a local church that holds one?!”
This is text from a genuine email edited to avoid naming the parish concerned. A Church Near You (ACNY) lists every church in our diocese FREE and many parishes already look after their pages – but there are a fair number who don’t and could be missing out!
It is simple to register (or log-in if you are already registered) and update your page – adding information on your services, contact details, website etc. And ACNY is visited by thousands of people each year looking to find out about local churches – for Easter, Christmas, baptisms, marriages, funerals, room hire and more - so well worth just a little time invested. Find out more at
Regular worship and prayer at Acorn
There’s always plenty going on at the Acorn Christian Healing Foundation in Bordon, Hampshire, including Rest and Revelation Wednesdays. Ever need some peace and quiet? …time to hear yourself think? … time to hear God as he whispers?Find out more
Appeal for teaching skills from Papua New Guinea
Ukarumpa International Schoolurgently needs teachers for the next school year and beyond. Educators are needed for most subjects and year groups from pre-school to secondary schoolwith KS2 teachers being the highest priority need; positions in leadership available too. Visit more information on supporting the work of Bible translation in Papua New Guinea by teaching missionary children.
St Columba’s House, Woking – what’s coming up?
Check the latest events planned atSt Columba’s House Christian Retreat and Conference Centre in Woking here or email Caroline Lazenby at or telephone 01483 713005.
Lip-reading courses available to provide vital skills
Lip-reading is a vital communication skill for people who are deaf or hard of hearing. It is widely recognised that lip-reading can help people of all ages, with any degree of hearing loss to communicate better.
Lip-reading classes are designed to give pupils the confidence and skills to positively tackle the isolation experienced by people with hearing loss.
For more information contact the diocesan deaf and inclusion co-ordinator or call her on 01483 790327 or text 07531 268476.
Singer/Songwriter available to local churches by arrangement
Singer/Songwriter Helen Sanderson-White is available for booking by local churches in the coming months. If you are familiar with the Christian music world you may already have come across the talents of Helen Sanderson-White. This Spring she is keen to perform in your church... Are you holding an evangelistic event, a fundraiser - or even just after something to add depth and freshness to a slot coming up on a Sunday?Helen has released 5 studio albums and has a powerful story of God’s faithfulness through life’s struggles that will encourage your congregation and leave you challenged and inspired about your own attitudes and faith. To find out more see
Good people wanted – great opportunities offered…
For the latest vacancies in and around the diocese please visit the new website
Here are a small selection of the current opportunities on offer…
The Guildford Diocesan Board of Educationseeks to fill two full-time positions in its School Buildings Team…
School Buildings Officer - An exciting opportunity to share in the management of our fast-expanding diocesan schools and academies estates operation and to ensure effective financial management of school buildings projects, supporting the education of children in our area. Salary – circa £26,000 with excellent pension provision.
Project Management Financial Assistant – Schools Buildings - An interesting opportunity to join a busy and growing team, providing effective financial, administrative and project management support to the School Building Officers, in support of the vital work of church schools and academies in our area. Salary £19,500 with excellent pension provision.
Closing date for both roles is April 17 at 12.00 noon.For more information and an application pack, (CVs will not be accepted) please contact Gerardine Brown, HR Manager, on 01483 790302 or email
St Mary Oatlands is in need of a new Verger- Duties: opening, closing and dressing the church for services including weddings, baptisms and funerals. This is mainly a behind-the-scenes logistical role that greatly helps the smooth running of the church and its services.