Your compliance with safety and health requirements is essential to both yours and Novelis’ collective success. Novelis’ commitment to safety includes a formal process to ensure that everyone (including our contractors) working on the premises is aware of and working towards our goal to become an injury free workplace.
As such, Novelis has developed a Contractor Management Program to ensure that contractors comply with the mandatory contractual terms and conditions for provision of services to Novelis. It is a business requirement that contractors successfully complete and fulfill the program requirements in order to work at the Novelis, Oswego Works site.
Novelis has engaged a leading industry expert, Browz LLC, to help our contractors understand and fully conform to our requirements. Browz will help Novelis to streamline the contractor assessment process, which includes EHS performance and improvement. As a provider of services to Novelis, you are required to register with Browz and comply with Novelis standards.
Please note, while it is not a requirement for you to be a member of Browz to bid for work on site, if awarded, your contract with Novelis will require your best efforts application, and successful completion of registration preferably within 30 days and a maximum of 60 days. At this time, your subcontractors will not be required to join Browz, but you should assess carefully their safety qualifications, as their safety statistics will be required with your bid, and will be evaluated and affect the award of business to you.
Browz provides a number of benefits, including the ability to:
· Apply the same standard across the entire contractor base.
· Ensure contractors fully understand all compliance requirements.
· Provide support to help them achieve and maintain full compliance.
· Reduce the administrative burden by having one qualification event to keep the contractors’ information current.
· Streamline the annual updates to the contractors’ compliance information.
· Provide maximum visibility of each contractor’s standing with Novelis’s compliance requirements to Novelis’s Environment, Health and Safety and Procurement Departments.
· Provide our Contractors with a highly visible means of marketing their company and skills
The cost for each contractor to enroll in this process is likely $695 annually, paid by the contractor to Browz, unless you are already a member of Browz, in which case you will only pay an additional $100 to add Novelis to your listings at Browz. Instructions for registering and more information about Browz are included with this letter in the form of a Browz Membership Packet.
Novelis values its relationship with our contractors and relies on your continued participation and support of our Contractor Management Program. We strongly believe that your support will enhance our business relationship and help us build a safer work environment for our respective employees, contractors, and the communities we serve.
If you have any questions, please contact Browz (see attachment) or the Novelis Procurement representative for this RFP.