Nova Scotia Christmas Bird Count
Please Print Clearly
Count Name
Count Circle Description
(Please complete if different from last year)
(Briefly describe centre. Describe points on circle's perimeter using permanent geographic landmarks, e.g. bridges, towns, major crossroads etc.)
Date Dec/Jan______A.M. to______P.M.
(Start and ending time)
Temperature______to______degrees C. Wind______,______kmph.
(direction and velocity)
Cross out those words which are not applicable. Leave others.
Still water: Partlyopenfrozen
Moving Water:Partlyopenfrozen
A.M.Partly clear cloudy foggylight heavy rainsnow.
P.M.Partly clear cloudy foggy light heavy rain snow.
(Use numbers in following spaces. Remember that hours at feeders and hours and kilometres owling are counted separately from partly-hours and party kilometres.)
Observers:______in field in______parties (non-owling), and______at feeders.
Time and distance:______hours at feeders;______hours and______kilometres owling.
Total party-hours______and party-kilometres______;
______hours and______kilometres on foot.
______hours and______kilometres by car.
______hours and______kilometres by boat.
(city/town)(province) (postal code)
phone number
bus or fax email
Canada Goose ______Great Blue Heron______
Wood Duck ______Turkey Vulture______
Eurasian Wigeon______Bald Eagle______
American Wigeon______Northern Harrier______
American Black Duck______Sharp-shinned Hawk______
Mallard______Northern Goshawk______
Northern Shoveler______Broad-winged Hawk*______
Northern Pintail______Red-tailed Hawk______
Green-winged Teal______Rough-legged Hawk______
Ring-necked Duck______American Kestrel______
Tufted Duck*______Merlin______
Greater Scaup______Peregrine Falcon______
Lesser Scaup______hawk species______
scaup species______American Coot______
King Eider*______Black-bellied Plover______
Common Eider______Killdeer______
Harlequin Duck______Red Knot______
Surf Scoter______Sanderling______
White-winged Scoter______Purple Sandpiper______
Black Scoter______Dunlin______
scoter species______Wilson’s Snipe______
Long-tailed Duck______American Woodcock______
Bufflehead______shorebird species______
Common Goldeneye______Black-headed Gull______
Barrow's Goldeneye______Bonaparte’s Gull______
Hooded Merganser______Ring-billed Gull______
Common Merganser______Herring Gull______
Red-breasted Merganser______Iceland Gull______
Ruddy Duck______Lesser Black-backed Gull______
duck species______Glaucous Gull______
Gray Partridge______Great Black-backed Gull______
Ring-necked Pheasant______Black-legged Kittiwake______
Ruffed Grouse______gull species______
Spruce Grouse______Dovekie______Red-throated Loon ______Common Murre ______Common Loon ______Thick-billed Murre ______loon species ______Razorbill ______Pied-billed Grebe ______Black Guillemot ______
Horned Grebe______Atlantic Puffin______
Red-necked Grebe______Rock Pigeon ______
grebe species______Mourning Dove______
Northern Fulmar______Great Horned Owl______
Northern Gannet______Snowy Owl ______Double-crested Cormorant ______Barred Owl ______Great Cormorant ______Short-eared Owl ______
cormorant species______Northern Saw-whet Owl______
Belted Kingfisher______Common Yellowthroat______
Red-headed Woodpecker______Yellow-breasted Chat______
Red-bellied Woodpecker______Eastern Towhee______
Downy Woodpecker______American Tree Sparrow ______
Hairy Woodpecker______Chipping Sparrow______
Black-backed Woodpecker______Savannah Sparrow______
Northern Flicker______Savannah (Ipswich)Sparrow______
Pileated Woodpecker______Nelson’s Sparrow ______
Northern Shrike______Fox Sparrow______
Gray Jay______Song Sparrow______
Blue Jay______Swamp Sparrow______
American Crow______White-throated Sparrow______
Common Raven______White-crowned Sparrow______
Horned Lark______Dark-eyed Junco______
Black-capped Chickadee______sparrow species______
Boreal Chickadee______Lapland Longspur______
Red-breasted Nuthatch______Snow Bunting______
White-breasted Nuthatch______Northern Cardinal______
Brown Creeper______Dickcissel______
Winter Wren______Red-winged Blackbird______
Marsh Wren______Eastern Meadowlark*______
Golden-crowned Kinglet______Common Grackle______
Ruby-crowned Kinglet______Brown-headed Cowbird______
Hermit Thrush______Baltimore Oriole______
American Robin______Pine Grosbeak______
Northern Mockingbird______Purple Finch______
European Starling______House Finch______
American Pipit______Red Crossbill______
Bohemian Waxwing______White-winged Crossbill______
Cedar Waxwing______Common Redpoll______
Orange-crowned Warbler______Pine Siskin______
Yellow-rumped Warbler______American Goldfinch______
Pine Warbler______Evening Grosbeak______
Palm Warbler______House Sparrow______
Additional Species
Total Individuals______Total Species______
Nova Scotia Christmas Bird Count Rare Bird Report Form
(complete for any birds seen that either are marked with an (*) or do not appear on the CBC Bird List)
SPECIES - include number of individuals, age, sex
PLACE - location and habitat
DATE & TIME - also duration of observation
OBSERVERS - who identified the bird, who else saw it, photos taken?
OPTICAL EQUIPMENT - what type of optics were used, how far away was bird
COMMENTS & DESCRIPTION - include vocalizations, behaviour, similar species, conclusions
(please list species in taxonomic order)
Please use space below for any comments.
alphabetically by last name, list all participants including Feeder Watchers on “count day”)