Nottinghamshire Local Biodiversity Action Plan


This Local Biodiversity Action Plan has been produced by the partnership of organisations which form the Nottinghamshire Biodiversity Action Group. Many other groups and local experts have contributed, and the targets and actions have been approved by all key partners. The format and content are consistent with Government guidance.

A review of biological records has resulted in a disturbingly long list of plants and animals of conservation concern in Nottinghamshire (Appendix A). Many of these are rare, declining or under threat due to the loss of their habitats, and a list of priority habitats for protection and restoration is given in Appendix B.

Sections 1 and 2 set out the background to the initiative, and explain why we should be concerned about the loss of our wild plants and animals. Sections 3 and 4 review past and current influences on biodiversity in Nottinghamshire, consider the threats from key sectors such as energy and transport, and explore the opportunities available for conservation. A series of generic actions for biodiversity are presented in Section 5.

The most important sections of this document are the action plans for key species and habitats (Sections 7-8), which set out targets to be met and how these are to be achieved. Wherever possible, those responsible for leading the implementation of each action are identified, and targets are timescaled. Progress will be monitored, and plans updated and revised where necessary. Research at a national level is being carried out on costing action plans, and eventually, it is hoped that all Nottinghamshire plans will include costings.

On the initial publication of this document, eleven action plans were included. Eventually all priority habitats will have plans produced for them, and species action plans will be written for those plants and animals whose specific requirements cannot be catered for through habitat plans.

As part of the consultation process, a questionnaire was used to determine which species and habitats are considered to be characteristic of Nottinghamshire, and which are felt by local people to be priorities for conservation. The results of this survey have been used to identify ‘flagship’ species and habitats that may be used to encourage public participation in conservation. A public awareness programme, and a series of county-wide and community projects will follow the publication of this plan.

This document is part of a whole new approach to nature conservation, which to be truly effective will require far-reaching changes in policy and practice. Section 6 sets out the roles and responsibilities of the partners, and outlines key implementation mechanisms. The aim is to provide a framework within which more detailed action programmes can be formulated, and the process will evolve over time as actions are implemented and knowledge improves.

There are issues, such as the conservation of agricultural biodiversity (rare breeds and varieties), which have not been addressed by this document, and it is intended that they will be addressed in future updates. The Biodiversity Action Group welcomes comments on this document, which will be regularly reviewed and updated as the process continues.

Executive Summary