Notification of intention to manufacture concrete panels

The following questions and answers aim to assist workplaces to comply with the tilt-up notification requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996.

What notification is required?

Where panels are manufactured on the construction site, the WorkSafe WA Commissioner must be advised at least ten working days before the first panel is to be cast. It is not necessary to provide separate advice for each individual panel where the casting is for the one job.

Where panels are manufactured off site at a precast yard or factory, the WorkSafe WA Commissioner must be advised at least ten working days before the casting process begins for a particular job or order.

The notification must be in an approved form and must specify where the panels are to be manufactured and the construction site at which the panels will be used.

Do the notification requirements apply to other precast concrete elements?

No, the notification requirements only apply to concrete panels as defined by regulation3.88(1), which covers concrete panels manufactured as separate and moveable panels intended to be incorporated as a wall of a building or structure. The requirement specifically excludes columns, beams, paving slabs and decorative façade panels.

Who is responsible for notifying the WorkSafe WA Commissioner?

For concrete panels cast on site it is the builder’s or main contractor’s responsibility. For concrete panels cast off site the responsibility rests with the employer or self employed person. This person must also provide a copy of the notification to the builder or main contractor at the construction site where the panel is to be used. A copy of the notification must be kept on the construction site where the work is being done. Tilt up work cannot commence before this notification has been provided.

What other regulatory requirements apply to tilt-up and precast manufacture?

The key requirement is that the manufacture of concrete panels must be carried out in accordance with the Australian Standard for tilt-up concrete construction (AS 3850-2003). This requirement applies to panels cast on or off site. However, for the benefit of precast manufacturers, it is important to note that AS 3850-2003 draws heavily on the Australian Standard for Concrete structures (AS 3600) which is the dominant Australian Standard used in the precast industry. Compliance with the relevant parts of AS 3600 in relation to the manufacturing process will generally satisfy the requirement of the regulations.

The full requirements are set out in regulations 3.88 to 3.88J of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 and are further explained in the National Code of Practice for Precast, Tilt-up and Concrete Elements in Building Construction downloadable from the WorkSafe website For further information contact WorkSafe on 1300307877.

Notification of intention to manufacture concrete panels

Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996

Regulations 3.88A and 3.88F require the WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner to be notified of the intention to manufacture concrete panels at least 10 working days before the panels are to be cast. This form should be mailed or faxed to:

WorkSafe Western Australia Commissioner Email:
Locked Bag 14, CLOISTERS SQUARE WA 6850

1. Details of person notifying intention to manufacture concrete panels
Telephone: / () / Fax: / ()
Employer/Business Name:
ACN and/or ABN
Signature: / Date:
2. Details of the construction site or other workplace at which the proposed manufacturing work is to take place
Proposed commencement date:
Estimated duration/completion date:
3. Details of the builder and/or main contractor
Business Name:
ACN and/or ABN
Telephone: / Business: / After Hours: ()
Fax: / () / Email:
4. Details of the construction site at which the panels are to be used
Proposed commencement date
Estimated duration/completion date:
