Please complete the Commencement of Candidature form on the day you arrive/commence your studies. Please note that Commencement of Candidature cannot be in the past of future.

Please ensure you visit the Commencing Candidates webpages for information and resources on getting started with your studies.

NOTE:To add your electronic signature, copy and paste your signature file (JPG, BMP or PNG formats) into the signature box.

  1. Candidateand Enrolment Details

UTAS StudentID:
Candidate Full Name:
School/Institute: / Choose an item. /
Course Code: / Unit Code: / XXX000
I am: / ☐A Domestic Candidate / ☐An International Candidate
Commencement Date effective from: / dd/mm/yyyy / (Cannot be a date in the past or future)
Do you intend to undertake full-time or part-time paid employment while undertaking your candidature? / ☐Yes, FT / ☐Yes, PT / ☐No
If you have ticked ‘Yes’ please refer to clause 3.3.1 and 3.3.2 of the HDR Candidature Management Policy regarding working during candidature.
  1. Scholarship Details

Will you be receiving a living allowance scholarship from the University of Tasmania? / ☐Yes / ☐No
If Yes, have you submitted your Banking Details form? / ☐Yes / ☐No
If No, please complete and submit the Banking Details form, and submit with this form
  1. Contact Details and Emergency Information

Please provide your contact details and emergency information below. It is important that the University of Tasmania (UTAS) can contact your next of kin or contact person in the event that you are involved in an accident or emergency. These details will remain confidential and only used in the event of an emergency.
If your details change, you can update these online via eStudent.
Important information for International Candidates:
It is a condition of all Student Visas that, as an international candidate, youmust notify UTAS of your residential address in Australia within seven (7) days of arriving in Australia, and that you must notify UTAS of any changes in your residential address within seven (7) days of any change.
Residential Address in Tasmania: / Mobile phone number:
In the event of an emergency, whom can we contact?
In Tasmania/Australia (All Candidates) / In your home Country (International Candidates)
Name: / *
Relationship to you:
*Does this person speak English? / ☐Yes / ☐No
If No, what language do they speak?
  1. Candidate Declaration

Please read this declaration carefully:

The University of Tasmania collects, stores and uses personal information, including student images, for the purposes of:

  • Administration of the student's enrolment and progress in their study;
  • The provision of other services to the student by the University; and
  • To comply with the Higher Education Support Act 2003, the Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2007.

All information and images are:

  • Collected and stored on a secure server;
  • Only accessed by University staff for the purposes for which they have been collected; and
  • Will only be used or disclosed in accordance with the University of Tasmania Privacy Policy.

I understand that:

  • I have the right to access my personal information held by the University in accordance with the Right to Information Act 2009 (TAS);
  • It is my responsibility to ensure that my enrolment is correct;
  • I agree to pay all fees, levies and charges within the specified timelines;
  • I will receive information and notices in relation to my course of study or general information via my University e-mail account;
  • I am required to abide by the University Ordinances, Rules, Policies and Procedures;
  • I am aware of the conditions under which I can use the University's Information Technology facilities and I accept responsibility to obtain and read the relevant documents;
  • I consent to the provision of my personal details as required by law to government departments, statutory bodies and other institutions involved in the delivery of my course of study;
  • I authorise the University of Tasmania to obtain official records from any educational institution I have attended to enable my application to be considered. Where necessary QualSearch will be engaged to access this academic information. I understand that UTAS is not responsible if any educational body/institution does not supply these records. I understand that the results of the search will be made available to me on request and that an audit of this authority may also be undertaken; and
  • I acknowledge I have read and understood the University’s Privacy Policy.

I declare to the best of my knowledge and belief the information given in this form is correct and complete in every detail.

Name / Signature / Date
Candidate: / / dd/mm/yyyy
  1. Supervisor OR Graduate Research Coordinator (GRC) acknowledgement of candidate commencement

I confirm that the candidate named above has commenced their candidature on the date specified. / ☐Yes / ☐No
For on-campus candidates, I confirm that I have seen the candidate named above and that they are on-campus. / ☐Yes / ☐No
Name / Signature / Date
Primary Supervisor: / / dd/mm/yyyy
GCR: / / dd/mm/yyyy

NOTE: Only one signature is required to confirm commencement of a candidate.

  1. Submission

Please submit the commencement form to your Research Hub
/ /

Commencement of Candidature Form (Version: 20170707)1 | Page