Noticeof Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District
Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 6:30 pm
Peach Springs Unified School District #8- Governing Board of Education
403 Diamond Creek Road (Elementary School)
Peach Springs, Arizona 86434
Pursuant to A.R.S. $ 38-431.02, notice is hereby given to the members of the Governing Board and the Public that the board will hold a meeting open to the public on Tuesday, June 6, 2017 at 6:30 p.m., in the Governing Board meeting room, Peach Springs Unified School District No.8, 403 Diamond Creek Road (Peach Springs Elementary School), in Peach Springs, Arizona. Information regarding agenda items, with the exception of materials relating to Executive Sessions, may be reviewed in the District Administrative Offices located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, Arizona.The Governing Board of the Peach Springs Unified School District #8 may vote to meet in executive session intermittently throughout the meeting pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03, to review and discuss certain matters which are marked by an asterisk(*). Additionally, the Board may vote to go into Executive Session on any matter listed on the agenda, pursuant to A.R.S. 38-431.03 (A) (3), for discussion or legal advice from the Board’s attorney, which may occur via person or telephone. Any Executive Session discussions will not be open to the public. However, all Board decisions will be made in the open public meeting.
If any disabled person needs any type of accommodation, please notify administration at (928) 769-9034 prior to the time scheduled for the meeting. All members of the public wishing to address the Board are required to sign the attendance sign-in sheet and complete a Public Comment form. Board members of the Peach Springs Unified School District may attend either in person or, when necessary, by telephone, video conferencing, or internet conferencing.
Agenda(Revised 6/5/2017)
- CALL TO THE PUBLIC (This is the time that the public may comment. Members of the Board may not discuss items that are not on the agenda. Therefore, action taken as a result of public comment will be limited to directing staff to study the matter of scheduling the matter for further consideration and decision at a later date.)
- Approval of Governing Board Meeting Minutes:
- May 11, 2017
Notes: Superintendent Cole recommends resending occupational therapist bid from Northland-rural Therapy Associates for $11,408.28 before accepting May 11, 2017 meeting minutes because I thought our current OT was working for Northland-Rural but it was only our PT.
- OLD BUSINESS(prior items that were tabledMay 11, 2017 and/or prior meetings)
- Discussion and possible action to approve SY 2017-2018 district Galileo assessment for pre/post and quarterly assessment at rate of $2,000
- Discussion and possible action send superintendent and future kitchen manager to attend Kitchen Manager/Director training July 18, 2017 in Phoenix, AZ
- Discussion and possible action to approve Arizona School Board Association Policy Services Advisory No. 567-583
- Discussion and possible action to accept evidence of teacher PROP 301 funding to include the following funding approvals:
- Ms. Shannon Strader ***Full $6,000
- Ms. Senining ***Full $6,000
- Ms. Emily Shi *** Full $6,000
- Pearl Claus ** qualifies for 67% of $6,000
- Bert Gale ** qualifies for 40% of $6,000 (i.e. 7% committee work and 33% of testing,
- Laura Spence** qualifies for 67% of $6,000
- Bill Moore *Qualifies for 7% for committee work
- Mikhail Smallcanyon, STEM *** Full $6,000
- Culture teacher ** qualifies for 40% of $6,000
- Discussion and view Peach Springs USD data analysis and trend reflection, current district wide data from DIBELS, Galileo, state AZ Merit results for 2016-2017 school year, MTBS discipline data chart, and current school wide results
- Discussion and possible action to approve Northland-Rural Therapy Associates for speech therapy services $83,000 along with bundle package for OT, speech, and PT at reduced rate contract attached.
- Discussion and possible action to resend Northland-Rural Therapy Associates, Flagstaff Occupational Therapy for $11,408.28 board approval from May 11, 2017 and to accept current Linda Wilkins, Occupational Therapist bid for $5,500 because I thought she worked for Northland-Rural Therapy when it was only the physical therapist.
- Discussion and possible action to accept Christina Valencia speech therapist bid of $49,999 for SY 2017-2018 with the agreement added that she cannot add fees for late fees. She needs to work with business manager to ensure invoices are submitted in advance and payments are set up consistently. She also needs to comply with all school rules, policies, and handbook as consultant of PSUSD *
- Discussion and possible action to add to Boys Town service proposal for the following : (prior approved sole source vendor)*
- Prior board approved Training 8/7-8/11/2017 $12,204.22
- New proposal $2,810.16 to add 9 participates (8/7-8/11)
- 2 day consultation/assistance $5,730.88
- Total: $20,745.26
- Discussion and possible action to accept state certified hearing officer, retired counselor, masters in psychology and retired police officer Larry McGill that was recommended by ASBA Trust representative Klissa at rate of $60 from Mesa, AZ as the SY 2017-2018 discipline hearing officer*
- Discussion and review of district self-assessment A-F letter grade submitted to Arizona Department of Education.
- Discussion and possible action to accept technology and vehicle disposal list following all required business procedures:
- Technology list
Inventory No. / Item Description / Purchase Price / Quantity / Location
07026 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07027 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07028 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07029 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07030 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07031 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07032 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07033 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07034 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07035 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07036 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07037 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07024 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07023 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07022 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07021 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07020 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07019 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07018 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07017 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07016 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07015 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
07025 / Dell computer tower / 1 / storage
06003 / HP computer tower / 1 / storage
05161 / HP computer tower / 1 / storage
07049 / HP computer tower / 1 / storage
05200 / HP laptop / 1 / storage
05116 / HP laptop / 1 / storage
NA / Dell Color Flat screen monitors / 18 / storage
NA / Hp Color Flat screen Monitors / 5 / storage
NA / Laser jet P3015 printers / 2 / storage
06116 / Dell color printer / 1 / storage
07041 / Dell color printer
07042 / Dell color printer
07043 / Dell color printer
NA / Dell computer / Sn BNJTV21 / 1
NA / Dell Computer / SN DXTFT21 / 1
00886 / Quasar VCR / 1
NA / Sharp VCR / 908867878 / 1
NA / RCA TV / 845526493 / 1
NA / Keyboards / NA / 33
NA / Keyboard mouse combo pack / NA / 5
NA / HP Color Monitors / NA / 31
NA / DCP / 7065DN / 1
- Vehicle inventory
07266 / Krystal Enterprises Limo Bus by International mdl 3200.
2005 date 6.0 liter diesel / 1HVBTAFM96H v233217 / 1 / Bus garage
05374* / 1997 bluebird bus by international model 3800 466 engine / 1HVBBAAN4VH47 / 1 / Bus garage
03448 / 1994 Ford Triaxle Van. 7.3 liter diesel / 1FDKE30FXSHA02130 / 1 / school
003149 / 1994 Ford Crown Victoria / 2FALP74W6SX121612 / 1 / School
2000 Chevy Tahoe / 1GNFC13T01R126369 / 1 / school
LIC # G500EH / 2003 Chevy Cavalier / 1G1JF52F847275753 / 1 / school
LIC# G420EE / 2004 Ford Windstar Van / 2FMZA51665BA03636 / 1 / school
LIC# G334GH / 2001 Kia Van / KNDMG4C77C6456835 / 1 / school
- Discussion and possible action to approve MOU between I.H.S. Dental services and Peach Springs Unified School District for SY 2017-2018
- Discussion and possible action to approve Conscious Discipline training for the following staff in Florida June 24-July 1, 2017 for Ms. Spence and Ms. Quasula (adding to prior approved group of Ms. Shi, Ms. Pearl and Ms. Cole)
- Discussion and possible action to approve AABSO training for Jeren Smallcanyon, business manager in Tucson, AZ July 19-22, 2017
- Discussion and review of April 12, 2017 Administrative Review Report of National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and School Breakfast Program (SBP) results
- Discussion and possible review and action to approve SY 2017-2018 Budget Proposal
- Discussion and review of 2015-2016 audit findings and action plan reviewed by business manager Jeren Smallcanyon
- Discussion and possible action to approve and Expense Vouchers 1727, 1728, 1729and payroll 3217, 3317
- Discussion and possible action to approve the following certified teachers SY 2017-2-18 contract for :
- Ninfa Cabanero, general and special education teacher (MA + 5BA +18 with 5 year experience) at rate of $47,363*$ 44,681
- Meriam Dela Torre, general education teacher (BS + 39 units with 5 year experience) at rate of $46,692
- Discussion and possible action to approve the following certified teacher for SY 2017-2018 contract:
- Bert Gale for renewal of teacher contract (BA +6 years) at rate of $43,086*
- Discussion and possible action to accept the following teachers for a three week summer school June 6-22, 2017 from 8am-noon to include an additional hour of preparation daily at $25 an hour (5 hours a day for 12 days= $1,500)
- Pearl Claus (grades 3-5) total of $1,500
- Laura Spence (grades 6-8) total of $1,500
- Discussion and possible action to approve Rochone Quasula at $13.50 for summer secretary June 6-June 22, 2017 during summer
- Discussion and possible action on SY 2017-2018 at will contract for Augustine Talieje as kitchen assistant. * (moved to July 2017)
Upcoming Board Meeting to be held at the Governing Board Meeting Room (in the Peach Springs Elementary School) located at 403 Diamond Creek Road, Peach Springs, AZ:
- Regular Governing Board Meeting –July 11, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Dated this 5of June 2017