Planning and Environment Act 1987


Notice of the Preparation of an Amendment to a Planning Scheme and

Notice of an Application for a Planning Permit Given Under Section 96C of the Planning and Environment Act 1987

Amendment C147

Planning Permit Application KP15/480

The Kingston Council has prepared Amendment C147 to the Kingston Planning Scheme.

The land affected by the Amendment andPlanning Permit applicationcomprises of 2,516 square metres of land located within the south-westernportion of the Rossdale Golf Course (‘the Land’). The address of the Land is Lot 1, Sixth Avenue Aspendale (Lot 1, TP 738172R).

The Land fronts Sixth Avenue, abuts the Aspendale Tennis Cluband is not included within the Golf Course playing area.

The Amendment proposes to rezone the Land from a Special Use Zone (Schedule 1) to a General Residential Zone (Schedule 3) to allow for residential use, apply an Environmental Audit Overlay (EAO) to the Landto ensure the land is suitable for sensitive uses and make consequential changes to Clause 21.04 and 21.05 of the Local Planning Policy Framework of the Kingston Planning Scheme.

Concurrent to the Amendment Council is also considering a planning permit application (KP15/480) for the subdivision of the land into 2 lots and the removal of native vegetation.

The applicant for the Amendment and Planning Permit isthe Rossdale Golf Club C/- Tract Consultants.

You may inspect the Amendment, the Explanatory Report about the Amendment and any documents that support the Amendment, including the proposed permit, free of charge, at the following locations:

  • During office hours at the office of the planning authority:

City of Kingston

Planning Information Centre

Level 1, 1230 Nepean Highway

Cheltenham (during office hours)

Customer Service Centre, Chelsea (co-located with the Library)

1 Chelsea Road, Chelsea

Mon - Fri 10 am - 4.30 pm

  • At the City of Kingston website
  • At the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planningwebsite:

Any person who may be affected by the Amendment or by the granting of the permit may make a submission to the planning authority.Submissions must be made in writing giving the submitter’s name and contact address, clearly stating the grounds on which the Amendment is supported or opposed and indicating what changes (if any) the submitter wishes to make.

Name and contact details of submitters are required for Council to consider submissions and to notify such persons of the opportunity to attend Council meetings and any public hearing held to consider submissions.

The closing date for submissions is COB Monday 5September2016. A submission must be sent to:

Post: City of Kingston orEmail:

Strategic Planning Unit

PO Box 1000

Mentone 3194

The planning authority must make a copy of every submission available at its office for any person to inspect free of charge until two months after the Amendment comes into operation or lapses.

Thefollowing panel hearing dates have been set for this Amendment:

  • Directions Hearing: week commencing 23 January 2017
  • Panel Hearing: week commencing13February 2017

Paul Marsden

Manager, City Strategy