CIE Australia

Registered as CIE Australia Inc.

Associations Registration No: A0022976Z

ABN: 32301390692

formerly the

Australian National Committee on Illumination

member of the

International Commission on Illumination

Chairman’s Report - 2015:25th March 2015

Since the 66th AGM no further CIE Australia meeting took place in 2014-15.

An Australian delegation of Tony Bergen, Warren Julian, Steve Coyne and Steve Jenkinsattendedthe CIE Conference on “Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency” and Division Meetings in Kula Lumpur, Malaysia. At the Division Meetings, it was proposed and accepted that Divisions 2, 4 and 5 would meet in Melbourne in March 2016. As early planning for the Division meetings began, it became clear that to also host the biennial CIE Conference on “Lighting Quality and Energy Efficiency” would be advantageous for CIE Australia. The CIE Executive submitted a proposal to the CIE Central Bureau and this was accepted in December 2014.

Tony Bergen and Adrian Cupitt attendeda CIE Tutorial and Expert Symposium on Measurement Uncertainties in Photometry and Radiometry for Industry, Vienna, Austria in September 2014. Tony presented a lecture on Understanding the Law of Propagation of Uncertainties at the Tutorial and presented a paper on A Practical Method of Evaluating Uncertainties in Chromaticity Values Derived from Spectral Measurements at the Symposium. Tony also attended a meeting in Bangkok in February 2015 and gave a talk on the CIE S025:2015 Standard Test Method for LED Lamps, LED Luminaires and LED Modules.

The CIE Dues for Australia continues to be a drag on our limited resources but we do have assistance fromStandards Australia who pays50% of the CIE Dues. This means we have to make up the shortfall which is about $4500 for 2016. This puts a strain on our financial position and our ability to assist members with their travel budget. Nevertheless, assisting members to attend CIE meetings is an important use of our funds. In the light of us hosting the CIE biennial Conference, this should enhance our funds. However, considerable work needs to be done particularly in the area of attracting sponsors.

A plan was made to target potential members who would receive on overview of the CIE and a list of Technical publications relevant to them. This is ongoing and existing membership would be encouraged to assist in the membership drive.

The CIE Australia website is now used as the primary means of distributing notices and documents to the membership. All members are encouraged to regularly visit the site and download any of the available documents or technical presentations.

The purpose of CIE Australia is to facilitate the interchange of information and knowledge between Australia and the member countries of CIE. CIE publications can be paid for and downloaded from the CIE website, a major benefit of CIE Australia membership is that the publications of CIE are available at one-third-price.

If you have any relevant material that you would like to contribute to the website, please contact the webmaster, Tony Bergen, on