Notice of Invitation to Tender No:
IRQ/SR/WNW 01/ Mymn 05 / Repair, rehabilitation and extension of the Water Network in the town of Maymouhna in southern Iraq
Issued by: / United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
1. Project identification and financing
a) Title / Maymouhna Water Network Rehabilitation.
b) Number / IRQ/SR/WNW-01
c) Source of financing / UNICEF
2. Contract identification
a) Type of Contract / Works Contract
b) Number of lots / 1 lot
3. Eligibility and origin criteria
a) Eligibility / Construction firms or companies, international or registered in Iraq
b) Origin of materials etc. / Subject to standards of originating country and/or the British Standards (BS), and/or ISO
4. Location and deadline
a) Project location: / Southern Iraq
b) Place of performance / Missan Governorate in southern Iraq;
c) Tender validity / Tenderers shall be bound by their tender for a period of 60 days from the closing date for the submission of tenders.
The tenderer selected shall be bound by his tender for a further period of 30 days.
5. Project Authorities
a) Contracting Authority / The United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS)
b) The Engineer / The person, firm or company appointed by the Contracting Authority
c) UNOPS’ agent / The person, firm or company, entity empowered by UNOPS
6. Tender documents
a) Type of Tender / Open invitation to tender
b) Terms for purchase of tender documents / The Tender Documents may be obtained from:
UNOPS Amman Office
13 Ridallah Al-Badawneh Street
Um Uthaina,
P.O. Box 941655
Amman 11194, Jordan
Tender documents may be couriered upon payment of US$20 (contact email: ) indicate Ref. No.
7. Language, currency, receipt and opening of tenders
a) Language / English
b) Currency / United States Dollars (US$)
c) Date and time of receipt of tenders / 14.00 hours, local time, on 2 May 2005
d) Address for receipt of tenders / UNOPS Amman
13 Ridallah Al-Badawneh Street
Um Uthaina,
P.O. Box 941655,
Amman 11194, Jordan
e) Date and time for opening tenders / 14.00 hours, local time, on 3 May 2005 at the offices of UNOPS, Amman, Jordan
8. Deposit and guarantees
a) Performance Guarantee/Bond / Yes, 10% of the value of Contract
b) Other Guarantees / N/A
9. Site Visit / The Tenderer could visit site at its own discretion

Statement of Work

1. General Scope of Work

1.1 Work to be performed

·  Repair and rehabilitate the existing water network consisting of different pipe sizes.

·  Replace approximately 6,000m of the existing pipe network in sections at different locations with DN110mm PE100 (HDPE) pipework.

·  Extend existing water network to un-served areas with DN110mm PE100 (HDPE) pipes

·  Install isolation/control valves and valve chambers/ surface boxes as required.

·  Map out the existing network and the new constructed network

·  Replace existing house connections and provide new house connections

·  Provide on the job training to technical staff of the local water authority.

1.2 No changes without approval

The changes shall be instructed only by UNOPS or by consultants appointed by UNOPS in writing.

2. Items/materials to be furnished with tender bid

Duly completed

·  Price Schedule with breakdown of rates applied, as deemed appropriate (i.e cost of labour/material etc)

·  Appendix to Tender

·  Bid Submission

·  Statement by tenderers

·  Proposed Work Plan including method statements for providing security for Staff & materials, procurement & transportation of material, construction method etc.

3. Services to be furnished

All the work items listed in the Price Schedule inclusive of materials, labour, supervision, etc.

4. UNOPS furnished equipment

(not applicable)

5. Reports to UNOPS

·  Bi-weekly reports including narrative on the works done, materials received on site, sketches of works done, video & photographs showing progress, tests carried out and problems encountered and solutions found to these problems, as well as any other pertinent details

·  Interim Certificates for works done as agreed/specified elsewhere

6. Documents incorporated

·  General Conditions of Contract for Works:

·  Price Schedule:

·  Statement of Works:

·  Specifications:

·  Standard Drawings:

7. Special Requirements

·  Use of local Engineers and technical personnel to the extent possible

·  Extensive use of the local Labour force to the extent possible with limited use of mechanical equipment to increase level of employment.

·  Procurement of Materials locally to the extent available

·  Disposal of debris without any nuisance to the inhabitants

·  Provision of high level of security for staff, labour and materials and safety on site, to protect against the potential risks from insurgent activities in the area. Method by which such protection would be provided shall be indicated with the bid submission (Method Statement)