Revised June 2012

In order to preserve our community and to protect the value of the properties, Camille Gardens No. 1 Condominium Association, Inc. Board of Directors has establishedthe following Rules and Regulations.

1. VIOLATIONS, COMPLAINTS, & CONCERNS:All violations, complaints, or concerns must be submitted in writing to the management company, except in the case of an emergency. A violation form may be necessary. (See attached form).All violations, complaints, and concerns will be reviewed by management and the Board and management will follow-up with all parties involved if necessary. Owners (or their guests or tenants) violating any Rules will be subject to fines starting at $25.00 a day to the maximum of $1,000.00 if the violation continues. Each party subject to the fine must have a 14 day notice of a special hearing where the Violations / Fining Committee will mediate or determine the enforcement of the fine and make recommendations to the Board of Directors. Notice of the hearing must be posted or sent to owners within 48 hours of the hearing date.

2. UNIT STRUCTURES AND OUTSIDE AREAS: The exterior of all homes must be kept in good condition. Walls, walksand driveways are to be kept free of hazardous materials, stains and mildew.

2.1 ARB (Architectural Review Board) Approval: Approval mustbe obtained by making Application and submitted to the Architectural Review Board for an owner to alter or permanently change anything on the exterior of their unit. (See attached form). Owners are not permitted to make any exterior structural changes oradditions (including the addition or modification of a shed, Florida room, or lanai) to their homes without the approval of the Board. Any addition to the exterior, alterations and modifications or changes to a residence shall be compatible with the existing structure in material, color and design. Board approval does not preclude the necessity to obtain all required permits. Approval includes additions or removal or any landscaping items and the following subsections:

2.1.1Storage Sheds:The repair or addition of a storage shed by any owner must be approved in advance by the Board. Such shed base shall not exceed 6’x6’ shed height shall not exceed the ceiling of the carport and shed shall be white in color. The shed must be placed behind the solar screens, tied down to, or built on a poured concrete slab and maintained in good condition.

2.1.2Roof and Gutters: Owners are responsible for the maintenance, repair, and replacement of roofs and gutters, insuring they are well maintained and have a neat appearance at all times. When a new roof is required, all old roofing materials must be removed from the building before the new roof can be installed. Multiple roofs shall not be allowed. Flashing exposure shall match surrounding/attached units. Roofs must meet Lee County Hurricane Code. Appropriate permit(s) must be presented with the application for approval. Any changes or additions must be approved in advance by the Board.

2.1.3Storm Shutters: Exterior blinds or storm shutters are permitted, provided they are approved by the Board as to type, general appearance and color (white and/or aluminum) as well as other considerations deemed necessary by the Board. Plywood may not be used. Roll down shutters and tie down adjustable awnings may be installed for storm protection. Window glass may be strengthened by the application of a special plastic film. Newly installed hurricane shutters or replacement must meet Lee County Code. Review and approval must be approvedprior to installation.

2.1.4Exterior Painting:The cost of regular exteriorpainting is covered by reserves set by the Board of Directors and part of the owner’s maintenance fee. Any needed additional cost will be handled as a special assessment to the Owner at the time of the painting. Costfor painting any Limited Common Elements (storm shutters, lanai interiors, replacement doors etc.) are the owner’s responsibility. As uniformity is desired, Owners who need to do any touch-up on the exterior of their home, i.e. shutters, front doors, soffits, gutters, fascia and awnings are to be white.

2.1.5Post Lights in Front Yards: Each owner is responsible for cleaning and bulbs in their exterior light pole. The maintenance of the wiring, as well as the cost of electricity, pole replacement whennecessary and repair of damage, unless damaged by owner or owner’s guests, is the responsibility of the Association. Painting, if needed, shallbe done as part of the general painting contract.

2.1.6Flowers, Flower Beds, Bushes, etc: Upon ARB Approval, Owners may plant decorative flowers and bushes on their own property within a three feet perimeter of their homes. The owner is responsiblefor the maintenance of all such plantings, using care to keep a neat appearance of the grounds atall times. Plantings farther from the home must be approved by the Board inaccordance with their established guidelines. Owners may not plant on the common property ofthe Association without Board approval. Plants toxic to humans or animals may not be planted. The Association will maintain all plantings outside ofthe three foot area.

2.1.7Sprinkler System: The Association is responsible for the maintenance of the sprinkler system. Please notify the management company if a problem develops. Upon ARB Approval additions to sprinkler system per unit may be determined as necessary.

2.1.8Television Satellite Receivers:

Upon ARB Approval, Satellite receivers are permitted provided they are installed on the roof at the rear of a unit in such a manner as not to be obstructive when viewed from the front of the unit. Old receivers must be removed before new ones are installed. They must be in compliance with Federal Standards. Outdoor radio or antennas are not permitted.

2.1.9Signs:No signs may be posted on the premises except with prior approval of the Board. This includes, but is not limited to, rental signs, garage sale signs, estate sale signs, or large real estate arm signs.

Commercially printed Open House signs shall be allowed only on the day of the Open House and only while the realtor/agent is on site and the Association has received prior notification of the Open House.

For Sale and For Sale by Owner signs are permitted, but only with prior approval of the Board. They must be commercially printed.

3. TRASH / RECYCLING/ DEBRIS:Owner must keep the exterior free of clutter, debris, and trash. Garbage cans are to be stored in carport or within the unit or a shed. Garbage containers should be placed street-side the night before or the morning of pickup. Garbage shall be placed in rigid containers with a tight lid. Garbage may be placed in suitable plastic bags if not left on thestreet overnight. Containers shall be removed from curb-side the same day as pickup.

4. PARKING/VEHICLES:All vehicles must be registered, have a current license plate, and be in runningcondition. No vehicle of any resident is to remain on the grounds for more than ten days without a valid registration, license tag or if inoperable. The vehicle will be towed at the owner’s expense if left longer than 10 days without the Board’s approval. Non-resident vehicles may not be stored on the property.

No owner/tenant/guest is allowed to use another owner’s driveway/carport without written permission of the owner. This must be delivered to Management before a vehicle may be parked. If the vehicle, which has permission to be parked in another owner’s driveway creates a problem with the driveway (oil, grease, rust, junk car etc.) the person who has permission mustrepair/clean the driveway and the vehicle. If no permission is received, the vehicle is subject to being towed and the person who did not get permission is subject to being fined.

Neither unit owner nor their guest, tenants, or occupants shall be permitted to parkon any grassed area within the complex or to block any driveway. Occasional short-term parkingon the street in front of an owners unit is allowed for guests as long as adequate passing room remains for other vehicles, including emergency vehicles. No overnight street parking is allowed.

Vehicles must not extend beyond the driveway into the road.

No parking of boats or RVs on the property except for a period of 24 hours before andafter their intended use.

5. CARPORTS: Carports are not common areas, any may not be used for storage.Trash, debris, or household furnishings are not to be stored in the area around the house or in front of the carport wall.

No barbeques are allowed to be used under the carport areas.

Gazebos and temporary tent structures are not allowed on driveways or in carports.

No clothes or laundry will be hung in carports or any other location that can be seen from the street.

Items such as rakes, mops, clothing, are not to be hung on the outside unit walls or carports. Hoses may be hung from the wall on a hose rack.

No mechanical work is permitted on the premises, including carports. Exceptions would be for emergency purposes such as a flat tire or dead battery. Oil leaks or other hazardous materials must be cleaned immediately from cement in any carport.

6. COMMON AREAS/ACTIVITIES: Adult supervision is required of children riding wheeled vehicles, scooters, or skateboards. Helmets are required within the community property when riding such vehicles for safety and insurance requirements.

No pools, sandboxes, swings are allowed on common elements or driveways/carports.

No obstacles such as hoses, bikes, lawn furniture, toys, barbeques, etc. are to be left on lawn areas.

No resident or visitor may create or permit any disturbing nuisances, including but not limited to: loud music,

Laundry may be hung outside to dry but is notpermitted to remain overnight. Clothes must be hung behind the owner’s carport in an area approved by the Board. No permanently mounted clothes drying devices are permitted unless approved by the Board

Mailboxes must be kept clean and in good condition. No broken flags or posts. Cleanup around mailboxes after garbage collections must be done the day of pickup.

Christmas decorations and colored bulbs in yard lamps must be removed by January 15th. Other holiday decorations must be removed the day following the holiday.

NO littering. Cigarette butts should not be thrown anywhere on association property, including carports, walkways, grassy areas or street. ALL resident owners, renters and visitors should prevent littering and report violations to Management or the Police.

7. FLAGS: Any unit owner may display one portable, removable United States flag in a respectful way or on designated days that pertain to the military and patriotic holidays. They may display official flags representing the branches of the United States Armed Services, regardless of any declaration rules or requirements dealing with flags or decorations.


Sales (tag, yard, garage, estate, moving, etc.) are permitted twice a yearunder LeeCounty statutes. All sales dates must be requested and approved by the Board prior to the sale date.

9. PETS: Pets are a necessary addition in the lives of many people, but there must be some restrictions. Owners may have two pets. Dogs weighing no more than 30 pounds are permitted. No pets, including dogs and cats shall be permitted to run free. As of this date, current residents who have more than the stated limit will not be allowed to replace pets beyond the two pet limit (i.e. death, relinquishment). Any owner having pets must complete a pet information form giving management identifying information in the event there is an emergency or if the animal becomes loose on the property.

Owners MUST clean up all waste from their pets IMMEDIATELY and dispose of it appropriately.

While on common areas your pet must be on a leash held by a responsible person. Animals may not be housed or chained on patios, carports, or in the yard, left unattended while the owner is away or at home.

Windows or doors shall be kept closed when theowner is not attending the animal to eliminate barking dog problems. If a barking dog is left unattended overnight, Lee County Animal Services will be contacted.

Owners are not permitted to feed stray or wild animals.Nofood can be fed to or left out for animals on limited or common property.

Exotic or farm animals are not permitted.

Animals may not be bred for commercial purposes.

10. SALES & LEASING PROCEDURES: Owners will notify Management Company at the time of listing a unit for Sale or Lease.

10.1Sales Application:All prospective purchasers must complete an application before the sale of a unit along with a non-refundable $100.00 application fee. Application must be submitted to Management and approval by the Board is required prior to closing. All applicants must sign for receipt of Association Documents and furbish a background and credit check along with their application. Forms to be provided by Management.

10.2 Leasing Application:All prospective renters must complete and submit a rental application provided by the association management company along with a $50.00 non-refundable application fee and a copy of the lease prior to rental of a unit. Application approval by the Board is required prior to renter taking occupancy of the unit. Any applicant occupying a unit without approval by the Board may be disapproved immediately and subject to eviction at the owners expense.All prospective renters must be furnished a copy of the Rules and Regulations. Applicant must sign receipt for documents and agree to abide by the Rules set forth. Failure to abide by these rules may lead to eviction. Forms to be provided by Management.

10.3 Term of Lease:No unit may be rented for less than six months or more than twelve months. Extending the rental lease must be done through the use of a renewal application requested in advance of the expiration date and approved by the Board.

10.4 Subletting:A unit may not be sublet.

11. USE OF UNITS: Camille Gardens No.1 is a residential community and nobusiness or commercial use is permitted (i.e. daycare, real estate, auto). Residents shall not engage in or allow any activities that will be injurious,disturbing or create a nuisance to other residents or affect the reputation of the community.

11.1 Tenants, Guests, & Others Occupying the unit: All tenants and guests are given the same rights and privileges as owners. Any tenant or guest in violation of rules may be subject from being banned from common areas and owners may face fines. At any time temporary guests or other will occupy your unit in addition to or other than yourself an “owner update” (see attached form) will need to be submitted to Management to keep in your file.

12. ABSENTEE OWNERS: Owners are required to insure that the continuing maintenance of theproperty is addressed including but not limited to the care of landscaping (including weeds, trimming, etc.) and cleaning and repair of the structure. Absentee owners should have a local contact for emergency situations and notify Management of that contact person to keep in their file. Owners who are in violation of this House Rule shall be notified in writing and given a four-week period to remedy the situation. Thereafter, such work will be done by the Association at the expense of the unit owner.

13. BILLING: Notification of Monthly Assessments for common expenses (Maintenance Fees) will be sent to each unit owner at the name and address shown in the current Association records. It is the unit owner's responsibility to notify the Management Company of the correct mailing address and to properly inform the Association (through the Management Company) of any change in ownership. An annual supply of coupons will be mailed after the Budget has been approved by the Board of Directors. This mailing should normally occur in December, or earlier if possible. A copy of the approved Annual Budget indicating the cost for each line item will be sent after the Annual Meeting as approved by the Association Members. All payments are due on the first day of every month. However fees can be pre-paid in one sum due and payable January 1 of each year, or quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1.

14. COLLECTION: Assessments not paid within 15 days of the due date shall bear a late charge and (if applicable) interest. The Board shall have the right to charge an administrative late fee of $25.00 after the fifteenth day of each installment of the assessment for which payment is late. If a Claim of Lien is filed, the Board may assess interest and late charges at the highest lawful rate from the date due until the lien encumbering the condominium unit created by the non-payment of the required monies is paid.

/Attachments: Violation Form, Owner Update Form, & ARB Form


Occurrence Date:______Owner:______




____Violation of By-law______must be corrected by______or fined.

____Violation of Declaration______must be corrected by______or fined.

____Violation of House Rule______must be corrected by ______or fined.
