Pursuant to Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, notice is hereby given that the School Board of Walton County, Florida, intends to adopt four new rules and to revise and amend seven existing rules dealing with the following subject areas:

New Rules

Rule 4.115 Grade Forgiveness

Rule 5.23 Controlled Open Enrollment

Rule 5.25 Classroom Transfer

Rule 8.55 Naming or Renaming Schools and School Facilities

Exiting Rules

Rule 2.95 Wellness Policy

Rule 3.60 Flag Display and Pledge

Rule 5.20 Student Assignment

Rule 5.62 Administration of Medication

Rule 5.80 Athletics

Rule 6.22 Teaching Out-of-Field

Rule 6.301 Conflicts of Interest in Purchasing

The purpose and effect of the adoption of the new rules/policies and the revision and amendment of the existing rules/policies are to ensure that the School Board Rules/Policies are updated to comply with changes in state and federal law.

A public hearing will be held by the School Board of Walton County, Florida, at 5:15 P.M. during its regular board meeting on April 4, 2017, at the Tivoli Administrative Complex, 145 Park Street, DeFuniak Springs, Florida, for the purpose of considering adoption of the new rules/policies and the revision of the existing rules/policies. Any interested person may appear at the hearing and be heard concerning the adoption of the new rules/policies and the revision and amendment of the existing rules/policies. Immediately following the public hearing, the School Board of Walton County, Florida, proposes to consider final action to adopt the new rules/policies and the revised and amended rules/policies.

These new and revised rules/policies are to be adopted under the provisions and authority of Florida Statutes, Sections 1001.32, 1001.41, 1001.42, 1001.43, and Florida State Board of Education Rules.

The adoption of the proposed new rules/policies and the revision and amendment of the existing rules/policies may result in additional costs associated with implementation, but no statement of estimated regulatory costs has been prepared.


The proposed new rules/policies and the revised and amended rules/policies are on file and available for inspection during regular office hours at the following locations: the Office of the Superintendent of Schools, Walton County, Florida, which office is located at 145 Park Street, Suite 3, DeFuniak Springs, Florida 32435; Paxton School, 21893 U.S. Highway 331 North, Paxton, Florida 32538; Freeport High School, 12615 U.S. Hwy 331 South, Freeport, Florida 32439; and South Walton High School, 645 Greenway Trail, Santa Rosa Beach, Florida 32459. These Rules/Policies may also be viewed at the Walton County School District website at

If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the School Board with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, such person will need a record of the proceedings, and for such purpose, such person may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based.

The School Board of Walton County does not discriminate upon the basis of any individual’s disability status. Anyone requiring reasonable accommodation as provided for in the Americans with Disabilities Act to ensure access to or participation in the hearing should contact Laura Smith, School Board Secretary, at (850) 892-1100, Extension 1316, at least two (2) business days in advance to make appropriate arrangements.

The name of the person originating the proposed new rules/policies and the revised and amended rules/policies is Tom Blackshear, and the name of the person approving the proposed new rules/policies and the proposed revised rules/policies for initial consideration by the School Board is A. Russell Hughes.

The Notice of Rule Development required by Section 120.54, Florida Statutes, was published on February 16, 2017, in the DeFuniak Herald-Breeze.



Superintendent of Schools

Walton County School District

Run once in the DeFuniak Herald-Breeze

February 23, 2017