Carnon Downs Local Development Order Notification Form and Guidance Notes

Office use only
Ref no: / Date received:

By submitting this form you are requesting a check as to whether the works you are proposing would constitute permitted development under the additional rights given bythe Carnon Downs Local Development Order. In assessing this form and the plans provided the check will only consider whether your proposal is of a type which constitutes permitted development as provided for by the Order and as such no opinion will be provided on other forms of potentially permitted development. With regard to planning, this will constitute a formal response as required by the Order. Please note that your development will still be subject to the normal requirements with regard to the need for Building Regulation consent.

An administration charge may be required for the processing of the notification.

Please complete the relevant sections of this form and return 2 copies to Feock Parish Council together with a sketch plan (see example on page 5) indicating all measurements in metric, andthe appropriate fee. The Parish Council will contact you if further information is required, however, they may not be able to complete this service if sufficient information is not provided. The Parish Council aim to respond to you within 5working days.

1 / Your details
Address and post code
Telephone number (daytime/mobile)
2 / Agent details (if you are completing on somebody else’s behalf)
Address and post code
Telephone number (daytime/mobile)
3 / Address and location of proposed work (including post code)
4 / Brief description of existing property (including its use)
Please provide a brief written description of the existing property and where possible supply current photographs of different elevations of the dwelling. If you require further guidance, please contact Feock Parish Council.
5 / Description of proposed work (including its use)
Please provide a written description of the work and complete the relevant questions at section8 of this form. If you require further guidance, please contact Feock Parish Council.
6 / Please confirm whether you have consulted the owners of neighbouring properties regarding this proposal?
Where appropriate please provide details of which properties have been consulted. If you require further guidance, please contact Feock Parish Council.
7 / Brief explanation as to how your proposal accords with the guidance contained within the Carnon Downs Design Guide.
The Carnon Downs design guide can be viewed at the Feock Parish Council offices or downloaded from the Feock Parish Council or Cornwall Council websites. Please refer to the parts of the guide marked with the householder icon, where relevant.
8 / Details of proposed work (only answer the questions that are applicable)
Please indicate which Part(s) ofthe amended permitted development provided for by the Carnon Downs Local Development Order you believe your development falls under (please tick more than one box if appropriate)
Part A.1 (d)
(includes extensions to a principle and/or side elevation which front a highway
If you have ticked this box please complete Section 8.A / Part B.1 (b)
(includes the enlargement of a roof fronting a highway including dormer windows)
If you have ticked this box please complete Section 8.B / Part D.1 (a) & (b)
(includes porches)
If you have ticked this box please complete Section 8.C
8A / Proposed extensions facing a highway (only complete this section if your proposal includes an extension to a principal elevation or side elevation which fronts a highway)
Proposed Materials
Roof / Walls / Windows/doors
Colour / Colour / Colour
Existing Materials
Roof / Walls / Windows/doors
Colour / Colour / Colour
Please answer the following questions with Yes, No or Not Applicable (N/A)
a) Would, as a result of the development proposed, more than half of the ground area of the property which forms the curtilage of the dwelling be covered in buildings (excluding the ground area of the original dwelling house (see guidance note 1)?
b) Would the height of the part of the dwellinghouse to be extended, improved or altered exceed the height of the highest part of the roof of the existing dwellinghouse?
c) Would the height of the eaves of the part of the dwellinghouse proposed to be extended, improved or altered be higher than the height of the eaves of the existing dwellinghouse?
d) Would any part of the structure be within 2 metres of any boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse, or within 4metres of any boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse with a highway? (See guidance note 2).
e) Would the enlarged part of the dwellinghouse be greater than 4 metres in width (measured externally) or extend beyond the wall of the original dwellinghouse by more than 4 metres in the case of a detached dwellinghouse, or 3 metres in the case of any other dwellinghouse?(See guidance note 3)
f) If your house is single storey would the enlarged part of the dwelling exceed a line 0.3 metres below the height of the original dwelling?
g) If your house is two or more storeys would the enlarged part of the dwelling exceed the eaves line of the original dwellinghouse?
h) Would by enlarging the dwellinghouse there would be a loss of on-site parking at the dwelling which would mean there would be less than 2car parking spaces, including garaging? (See guidance note 4)
i) Would as a result of the proposed development more than 50% of the existing total ground area located between the original dwellinghouse and any boundary which fronts a highway be covered by buildings and hardstandings? (see guidance note 5)
j) Does the proposed extension consist of or include as of the following? (if so please specify):
  • the construction or provision of a veranda, balcony or raised platform,
  • the installation, alteration or replacement of a microwave antenna,
  • the installation, alteration or replacement of a chimney, flue or soil and vent pipe, or
  • an alteration to any part of the roof of the dwellinghouse, (except where it is an integral part of the proposed extension)

k) Is the roof pitch of the proposed extension the same as the existing dwelling?
l) Will the ridge line of the proposed extension be at a 90 degree angle to the main ridgeline of the original dwellinghouse?
8B / Enlargement of a roof fronting a highway including dormer windows (only complete this section if your proposal involves anextension beyond the plane of any existing roof slope which forms the principal elevation of the dwellinghouse which fronts a highway)
Proposed Materials
Roof / Walls / Windows/doors
Colour / Colour / Colour
Existing Materials
Roof / Walls / Windows/doors
Colour / Colour / Colour
Please answer the following questions with Yes, No or Not Applicable (N/A)
(a) Would any part of the alteration or addition to the roof as a result of the works proposed exceed the height of a line 0.1 metres below the ridge line of the existing roof?
(b) Would the proposed enlargement of the roof fall within a distance of less than 1.0 metres from the verge of the original roof, and in the case of a semi detached or terrace dwelling less than 1.0 metres from the boundary line with the attached property(s)?
(c) If your proposed development involves the alteration or an addition of a dormer window would the length of any dormer measured externally exceed 3.0 metres?
(d) Would any part of the proposed alteration, enlargement or addition to the roof as a result come below the height of a line 1 metre above the eaves line of the existing roof?
(e) If the proposal includes a dormer window will in the case of a single dormer window it be placed at the horizontal centre of the existing roof or in the case of two dormers, will these be placed horizontally symmetrically on the existing roof slope?
8C / The erection or construction of a porch outside any external door of a dwellinghouse (Only complete this section if you are proposing to build a porch)
Proposed Materials
Roof / Walls / Windows/doors
Colour / Colour / Colour
Existing Materials
Roof / Walls / Windows/doors
Colour / Colour / Colour
Please answer the following questions with Yes, No or Not Applicable (N/A)
(a) Would the ground area (measured externally) of the proposed structure exceed 5 sqm?
(b) Would any part of the porch be within 1 metre of any boundary of the curtilage of the property or 4 metres in the case of a boundary of the curtilage of the dwellinghouse with a highway? (See guidance note 3)
(c) Would any part of the structure be more than 4 metres above ground level where a pitched roof is proposed or 3 metres above ground level in other cases, eg flat roof?
(d) Would, as a result of building the proposed porch, more than 50% of the existing total ground area, located between the original dwellinghouse and any boundary which fronts a highway, be covered by buildings and hardstandings? (see guidance note 5)
(e) Would, by building the porch, there would be a loss of on-site parking at the dwelling which would mean there would be less than 2car parking spaces, including garaging? (See guidance note 4)
9 / Declaration
I hereby give notice of my intention to carry out the above work, I also confirm my intention that if it is confirmed that planning permission is not required as provided for by the Carnon Downs Local Development Order I shall only carry out the proposed work in accordance with the details included on this form at the associated scaled plans.
I understand that any variation from these details may require a re-assessment of the situation.
Name / Signature / Date
8 / Submission of your notification form

Please send your completed form to: Feock Parish Council, Fourturnings, Feock, Truro TR36QR, or . Telephone 01872 863333

If you wish to discuss your proposal or have any queries regarding the form please contact Feock Parish Council.

Further advice may be obtained from:

Planning and Regeneration Service, Cornwall Council, Pydar Street, Truro, TR1 1EB

Telephone0300 1234 151

9 / Guidance notes

1The curtilage of a dwelling is normally regarded as the garden which surrounds the dwelling which is associated with the dwelling. The curtilage area includes things like lawns, flower beds, vegetable plots, paths, driveways, pools, and patios. The curtilage does not include detached garden plots or pieces of land which do not have a lawful use as part of a residential curtilage such as orchards or fields adjoining a curtilage which may be in the same ownership as the dwelling.

2The distance to the boundary should be measured from the nearest point of the proposed extension which should, for example, include projecting eaves. Where a boundary may be formed by a hedge bank the distance should be measured from the legal boundary which may be the centre of the hedge rather than the edge. In all case the term boundary means the legal boundary of the lawful residential curtilage of the property.

3The term original dwelling housemeans the building as originally constructed, or in the case of dwellings built prior to the1st July 1948 the building as it existed at this date.

4A car parking space is regarded as a suitably hard surfaced area of not less than 2.4metres x 4.8metres in dimensions or a garage of adequate dimensions to park a car.

5A hardstanding includes a hard surfaced area for any purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwellinghouse including for example a hardstanding to park a car or place a mobile caravan, or a patio area.

6A highway is a road footpath or bridle way over which the public have a right to pass.

7Class C3 clarification - this class is now formed of 3 parts:

  • C3(a): those living together as a single household as defined by the Housing Act 2004 (basically a ‘family’)
  • C3(b): those living together as a single household and receiving care, and
  • C3(c): those living together as a single household who do not fall within the C4 definition of a house in multiple occupation (HMO).

For the purposes of C3(b) and (c) single household is not defined in the legislation. There is no limit on the number of members of the single household under C3(a). The limit for C3(b) and (c) is no more than 6 people.

A single household under C3(a) is formed by a family (a couple whether married or not, persons related to one other with members of the family of one of the couple to be treated as members of the family of the other), an employer and certain domestic employees (such as an au pair, nanny, nurse, governess, servant, chauffeur, gardener, secretary and personal assistant), a carer and the person receiving the care and a foster parent and foster child.

Freedom of Information Act:

Please note with regard to the above legislation, it is possible that this enquiry, together with any response made by this Council, could be made available for public inspection at some future date.

Building Regulations:

Please contact Cornwall Council’s Building Control Section concerning any separate consent that may be required under the Building Regulations.

Ecology advice for work on eaves and roofs – bats and birds:

The Wildlife and Countryside Act, 1981 (as amended) fully protects all species of bat and all wild birds during their breeding season. Bats in addition are fully protected at EU level by the Habitats Directive 1992, which in the UK, is The Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.

It is both the householder and their contractor’s responsibility to ensure they are not affecting either during the work. If there is any doubt about whether bats or breeding birds will be affected we would strongly recommend that advice is sought.

Useful advice/information can be found at:

Natural England - Bats and householders

Bird Law

The Bat Conservation Trust (charity)

Bats in buildings

Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (charity)

Birds in the roof

Example plan
Please provide a metric scaled plan at 1:50 or 1:100 like this one showing all the details as illustrated. Please show your house and garden boundaries as well as the works you intend to carry out.
APosition and height of boundary fence or wall, if one proposed
BShow distance between proposed extension and the property boundaries
CPosition of existing and/or new access (if one proposed)
DPosition of any trees that may be affected
EShow distance between proposed extension and existing outbuilding
FIf you propose to erect a dormer extension then please provide a drawing with the dimensions as shown right
GSimilarly if you are proposing an extension or porch please provide elevational plans which indicate the proposed structure from the front and both sides where applicable.
HIndicate which is the principal elevation (egfront elevation)
IPlease indicate distance from dormer to eaves
JPlease indicate the dimensions of the curtilage of the property /

Your sketch plan – use separate sheets if required

Version 3.2- 12 April 2011

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