Bosham Parish Council
Planning Committee
Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday
11th March 2015 at 6.45pm in the Bosham Centre Recreation Ground, Walton Lane, Bosham
Present: Mr A Chapman, Mr J Dean, Mr J Holloway, Mr A Johnstone (Chair), Mrs G Powell.
In attendance: Miss Lisa Roberts [Clerk to the Council/RFO] D/Cllr Myers and 9 members of the public
P15/122 / To receive apologies for absenceCllrs Copsey & Whitmore Jones sent their apologies due to vacation.
P15/123 / Declarations of Interest
P15/124 / Minutes of the last meeting held 11th February 2015
It was RESOLVED to APPROVE the Minutes, and the Chairman was authorised to sign them as an accurate record of that meeting.
P15/125 / Matters arising from previous Minutes not covered elsewhere on the agenda
Min Ref: P15/116.8 15/00130/DOM Mr A Medina, Brooklyn Cottage Moreton Road Bosham Chichester - Alterations and extension to ancillary building. Original response was that we did not wish to comment on this application until we have received a LBC application. CDC has replied that this application will not require listed building consent as it is not physically attached to the listed building. The proposed addition will be sited on the garage/boat store building which was constructed in 2000 and is not therefore curtilage listed either.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council does not object to this application so long as it remains ancillary to the main dwelling.
P15/126 / Planning Applications
P15/126.1 / 14/04062/FUL Mr R Hall Mariners The Drive Bosham West Sussex PO18 8JG - Demolition of existing 1920s two-storey 3-bed house with linked garage and replacement with new highly efficient, two-storey 4-bed house. (substitute plans)
Mr Farmer and Mr Windebank came to object to the application; Mr Stockman, Mr Mirrans and Mr Marchant came to support the application along with Mr Hall.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council has no object in principle but is concerned that this is a very contentious application and that should the council be minded to approve it the following conditions should be considered a) that the proposed Juliette balance remain as such in perpetuity b) that no increase in the ridge height be accepted without further consultation. The construction of the proposed basement is of concern with regards to displacement of the water table and any effect on fluvial flooding in the area. Overall the Parish Council feels this is a sufficiently complex application and should be considered by the Planning Control Committee. / LR
P15/126.2 / 15/00428/TCA Mr K Bradley, Harbour Villas 2 Shore Road Bosham West Sussex -Notification of intention to fell 1no. Sycamore tree (T1).
P15/126.3 / 15/00466/DOM Mr M Gray, 4 Westward Close Bosham West Sussex PO18 8QX - Single storey front porch extension with revised pathway, single storey rear extension and chimney to main roof.
P15/126.4 / 15/00472/DOM Mr & Mrs David Hughes, The Croft Chequer Lane Bosham West Sussex - Extension to the side of the property.
P15/126.5 / 15/00412/DOM Mrs Virginia Kidd Manorside Bosham Lane Bosham West Sussex - Replacement hard standing and demolition of wall.
Felling of a tree in the conversation area - enforcement action will be held in abeyance until determination of this application.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council objects to this application. This application is for a property in the heart of the conservation area and every attempt should be made to maintain the historic built vernacular of the settlement. The emerging neighbourhood plan is specific in requiring garden walls to be retained in this important area, and rather that removing any more of this wall we would wish to see the original reinstated. / LR
P15/126.6 / 15/00405/DOM Mr And Mrs S Carter 50 Arnold Way Bosham Chichester West Sussex - Single storey side extension.
P15/126.7 / 15/00448/FUL Riggers, Sailmakers, Shipwrights And Bosuns Shore Road Bosham Chichester - First and second floor rear extension.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council objects to this application. The north facing gables will destroy the privacy of the two houses immediately to the north and this is considered to be un-neighbourly and cause overlooking. Further the bulk and mass of the proposed gables added to the original building are over dominant in relation to its neighbours.
P15/126.8 / 15/00578/DOM Mr Alan Chalmers, Lees Farm Hoe Lane Bosham West Sussex - Two storey extension, removal of conservatory and single storey extension to garage.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council has no objections to this application so long as the proposed accommodation in the garage remains ancillary to the main dwelling.
P15/126.9 / 15/00674/DOM 1 And 2 New Cottages Taylors Lane Bosham Chichester - New two storey side and rear extension to Nos. 1 & 2 New Cottages.
AGREED RESPONSE: Bosham Parish Council objects to application. This proposal is significantly in excess of the CHC guidelines for the extension of properties both by the increase in the footprint and by the increase of the silhouette; particularly since these building as are in the rural area.
P15/127 / The follow decisions confirmed by Chichester District Council were NOTED
P15/127.1 / 14/03848/DOM Mr And Mrs William Plant, Glebe House Walton Lane Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8QB - Alterations and extensions.
P15/127.2 / 14/04224/ADV St Richards R.C Parish, Church Of Our Lady Of The Assumption Fairfield Road Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8JH - Fit cross to the wall facing Bosham Lane
P15/127.3 / 14/04202/DOM Mrs Caroline Marriage, Inner Randells Bosham Hoe Bosham West Sussex PO18 8ET - Replacement shed
P15/127.4 / 14/04261/FUL Mr Mark Upton-Brown, The Oaks Main Road Bosham West Sussex PO18 8PH - Replacement dwelling amendments to approved application 13/04030/FUL to include new integral garage and store following demolition of existing tractor shed and store, minor re-siting of dwelling and design changes at The Oaks.
P15/127.5 / 15/00058/TPA Mr Chris McRae, Water Willow Westbrook Field Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8JP - Crown reduce by 2m (all round) and crown lift by up to 3m (above ground level) on 1no. Oak tree (T2). Crown reduce by 3m (all round) and crown lift by up to 3m (above ground level) on 1no. Oak tree (T3). Both subject to BO/73/00047/TPO.
P15/127.6 / 14/04309/FUL Mr David W Langmead, Ham Farm Main Road Bosham West Sussex PO18 8EH - Erection of poly-tunnels for horticultural crops.
P15/127.7 / 15/00047/TPA Mr Chris Hitching, Burneside Westbrook Field Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8JP - Re-pollard back to old wound points at 5m on 26 no. Poplar trees (1-7, 9-13 and 15 - 28). Crown lift off the garage to give a 1m clearance on 1 no. Monterey Cypress tree (8). All trees within Group, G1 subject to BO/89/00062/TPO and Group, G1 subject to BO/08/00168/TPO
P15/127.8 / 15/00195/TCA Mr Andrew Lawford, Plovers 3 Church Meadow Bosham Chichester West Sussex PO18 8HW - Notification of intention to crown reduce by 2m on 1 no. Oak tree (T1) and by 3m on 1 no. Birch tree (T2)
P15/128.3 / Enforcement Action/Appeals
BO/14/00376/CONADV Chichester Bedroom Centre, Kidoreel House, Delling Lane – Nothing to Report
BO/15/00041/CONBC Walton Farm, Walton Lane, Bosham, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 8QD – Under investigation for light pollution.
BO/13/03356 3&4 Adelaide Terrace – Permit notice requires all external materials to match existing, but have not replaced the chimneys like for like. The Clerk to inform enforcement. / LR
P15/129 / Affordable/Social housing Committee
Nothing to report.
P15/130 / Major Local Development
Nothing to report.
P15/131 / To note the date of the next planning meeting Wednesday 8th April 2015
The meeting closed at 19.45 pm
Signed: ______Date______