World Geography Class Syllabus
HHS 2017-2018
Teacher Information:
Name of Teacher:Kristina Montez
Conference: 3rd period A days
Contact: or 512-594-1100Email is the very best way to reach me.
Website: Google Classroom (can be accessed through your student’s school account)
Tutorial Times:Mornings 8:15 to 8:50 am, during Talon, or afternoons by appointment
Course Objectives
By the end of this course, students will:
- Learn to be active readers.
- Learn to be critical thinkers, and will be able to use and evaluate geographic data.
- Improve their writing and learn to construct and evaluate geographic information.
- Develop an understanding of various geographic processes.
Behavior Expectations: Respect, Responsibility, Safety
Every day in Ms. Montez’ class students will be expected to:
- Be Prompt, Prepared and Present
- Respect all others personal opinions, personal space and personal property
- Obey all classroom, school and district rules at all times
- Contribute to a POSITIVE learning environment
Grading Policy:
70% Major Grades (tests and projects)
30% Practice Grades (daily work, short assignments, practice, quizzes)
Late Work:
Late Work will be accepted for a grade no higher than an 80.
Academic Dishonesty will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: cheating during class, copying an assignment, or plagiarism of any kind.
Designated section for World Geography in a three-ring binder.
Notebook paper Pens/ pencils Spiral/Composition book for notes
Classroom Wish List: Notebook paper,TISSUES, map pencils, pencils, etc.
Ms. Montez’ Classroom Procedures
Be Prepared:
- Bring supplies needed for class each and every day. (writing utensils, paper, etc.)
- Bring a positive attitude every day and be ready to participate…every day.
- No food or drinks are permitted in the classroom with the exception of bottled water.
- Use your passing period wisely…students may not leave the class for any reason during the first 15 minutes or last 15 minutes of class or during instructional time.
- If absent, you are responsible for coming to get your make-up work the day you return to my class.
- We have a World Geography Google Classroom, with lesson plans, notes, activities that are updated weekly. If you are absent or have lost materials, this is a great option!
Return this portion to your teacher or have your parent email your teacher at with the following information:
Student Name: ______Class Period: ______
Parent Name(s):______
Parent Phone Numbers:______
Parent Email Address:______