/ MINUTES OF THE meeting of the SPORTS park COMMITTEE HELD on wednesday 22nd February 2017 at 7:30 PM IN the front YOUTH MEETING ROOM AT THE kings hill community CENTRE
Present: / Cllr A Petty (Chairman), Cllr A Board, Cllr S Beal, Cllr L Faulkner, Cllr D Hurring, Cllr T Steel
Apologies: / None
Also in attendance: / Ms H Munro (CEO), Mrs G Jackson (Assistant Clerk), Mrs B Hucker (Deputy Clerk), Ms J Brown (Sports Park Manager), Mr A Gibbins (Senior Groundsman), 2 Residents
The meeting started at 19:31
SP16/322.  / To receive and accept Apologies for Absence
There were none.
SP16/323.  / To receive Declarations of Interest & Lobbying
There were none.
SP16/324.  / Minutes – It was RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 25th January 2017 be approved and were duly signed.
Cllr Hurring entered the meeting at 19:35
SP16/325.  / Chairman’s Announcements
There were none.
SP16/326.  / Officer’s Reports – to receive reports and note update
SP16/238 the purchase of foot scrapers.
The Sports Park Manager is obtaining quotations.
SP16/242 To consider speed controls at the Sports Park.
Liberty Property Trust is obtaining quotations.
SP16/243 Speeding and parking issues on Beacon Avenue.
It was reported that a speed indicator device is to be situated on the section of Beacon Avenue between the Sports Park and the “Guardian” roundabout.
SP16/254 To receive update on meeting with Kent FA’s funding team and agree actions.
The Sports Park Manager has failed to get a response from the FA.
SP16/304 Quotations to install electricity to the compound and external clock
A contractor has been awarded the contract and the works have been deferred until the removal of the container.
There has been a delay in installing the external clock but this should be completed in the next couple of weeks.
SP16/305 Reports on the condition of the carpet in the social area
No formal inspection has taken place but it is suggested that the Parish Council should have a deeper clean next time.
SP16/306 Entrance sign to be located at the Sports Park - KHFC
It was reported that the entrance sign will need a planning consent from Tonbridge & Malling Borough Council (TMBC). Further investigation will take place. / Clerk
SP16/313 Archery equipment
The archery equipment has been purchased.
SP16/327.  / Public Session and to consider any Issues Raised by Residents for discussion
The Chairman welcomed the residents and Borough Councillor Barker to the meeting.
Proposed Sports Park Playground
SP16/328.  / To receive update on proposed Sports Park Playground design and agree actions.
An update was received regarding the playground design and it was noted that Liberty Property Trust have confirmed that the revised layout of the equipment is acceptable. It was RESOLVED to proceed with the new design. / Clerk
SP16/329.  / To receive update on the proposed Sports Park playground works programme and agree actions.
It was noted that the revised works programme has been delayed and completion is currently expected to be end of September 2017.
SP16/330.  / To present quotations for Contract Procurement advice and agree actions.
It was reported that due to Government legislation the playground contract has to go to open tender. Quotations were sought for the evaluation assessment criteria and one has been received and another is awaited. After much discussion it was RESOLVED to progress this process in house due to the high cost of the quotation received. / Clerk
SP16/331.  / It was RESOLVED to circulate a draft evaluation process via email to councillors and arrange a meeting for next week with Cllr Board, Beal and Faulkner. / Clerk
Deputy Clerk left the meeting at 20:06
SP16/332.  / Public Session and to consider any Issues Raised by Residents for discussion
Borough Councillor Barker reported that she had been contacted by residents regarding flood lighting at the Sports Park on pitches 1 and 2. It was reported that these are modular flood lights and are normally situated on pitch 5. It was noted that there are currently no leaves on the trees to deflect the light.
SP16/333.  / To consider request for extended hours for the Open Air Cinema film and agree actions.
After much discussion it was RESOLVED not to grant the request for extended hours for the Open Air Cinema because the current extension is only for the Sports Park Pavilion and not the grounds/ pitches. / Clerk
Borough Councillor Barker left the meeting at 20:15
Grass Pitch Management
SP16/334.  / To receive and discuss Groundsman Operations report and agree actions
A report was received and the soil analysis report was noted.
SP16/335.  / It was AGREED to investigate the original pitch construction specification. / Clerk
SP16/336.  / To receive update on pitch maintenance contract and agree actions.
It was RESOLVED that if the pitch maintenance contract ends in March 2017 the Chief Executive Officer has delegated authority to purchase a mower for the Sports Park. / Clerk
SP16/337.  / To consider action plan for location of grounds maintenance compound and storage compound and agree actions.
An update was received regarding the location and design of the grounds maintenance compound. There was a discussion regarding security of the compound and it was RESOLVED to investigate 24 hour response security options. An update will be given at the next Sports Park Committee Meeting to be held in March 2017. / SP Mgr/SB
Sports Park
SP16/338.  / To consider proposed three year plan for grass pitch management and agree actions.
The three year plan was received and noted.
SP16/339.  / To discuss future irrigation plan at the Sports Park and agree actions.
It was reported that a meeting is being held on 10th March 2017 to discuss future irrigation at the Sports Park. An update will be given at the next Sports Park Committee Meeting to be held in March 2017. / Groundsman/TS
Sports Park
Future Development
SP16/340.  / To receive update on installing dugouts and pitch perimeter fencing to pitch 1 & 2 and consider proposal to remove rabbit proof fencing from the specification.
After discussion it was RESOLVED that Kings Hill Football Club would obtain further quotations for the perimeter fence to include rabbit proof fencing. This will then be presented to the Parish Council once received. / KHFC
SP16/341.  / To receive update on Kings Hill Football Club funding proposal for the Step 7 works and agree actions.
A report was received and it was RESOLVED to accept the funding proposal from Kings Hill Football Club as long as it is cost neutral to Kings Hill Parish Council subject to Landlord approval and other necessary consents. / Clerk
SP16/342.  / After discussion it was RESOLVED that the advertisement boards can be covered for certain games if this becomes necessary.
Sports Park Operations and Facility Management
SP16/343.  / To receive and discuss Sports Park Operations report and agree actions.
A report was received and noted.
SP16/344.  / It was RESOLVED to accept the recommendation to obtain an independent water risk assessment and the contractor was selected. / SP Mgr
SP16/345.  / To receive recommendation to install additional inspection hatches and agree actions.
After discussion it was RESOLVED that the style of hatch should be Option 2.
SP16/346.  / There was a discussion on the quality criteria and the evaluation process it was RESOLVED to add price and locality of contractor to the criteria. / Clerk
SP16/347.  / It was RESOLVED that the revised quotations and evaluation for the hatches will be presented to the Sports Park Committee at the next Sports Park Committee Meeting which takes place in March 2017. / SP Mgr
Sports Park
Motions from Councillors
SP16/348.  / 3G pitch flood lighting.
There was a discussion on flood lighting for the 3G pitch and it was RESOLVED that quotations would be obtained for LED lighting. The quotations will be received at the next Sports Park Committee meeting to be held in March 2017. / Groundsman
Sports Park
SP16/349.  / To consider hosting the Maidstone & District League Finals and discuss logistics.
Parking options were discussed and noted.
The CEO left the meeting at 21:30 and re-entered the meeting at 21:37
SP16/350.  / There was further discussion on parking options and marshalling.
Cllr Petty left the meeting at 21:35 and re-entered at 21:37
SP16/351.  / It was RESOLVED to host the Maidstone & District League Finals subject to agreement on the terms and conditions. / SP Mgr
SP16/352.  / To consider recommended price for the Maidstone & District League Finals and agree actions.
After discussion the hire charge for the Maidstone & District League Finals was agreed by RESOLUTION.
SP16/353.  / The terms and conditions were reviewed and it was RESOLVED that Cllr Board assist Officers with work on these. The document will be received at the next Sports Park Committee meeting to be held in March 2017. / Clerk/ AB
Sports Park
SP16/354.  / After discussion it was RESOLVED to charge a higher damage bond for this event. / SP MGR
SP16/355.  / To consider the terms and conditions for Kings Hill Paralympic Event and agree actions.
It was RESOLVED that the Sports Park Manager would book and deal with this request. / SP MGR
The Assistant Clerk, Sports Park Manager, Sports Park Groundsman and residents left the meeting at 21:50
Pursuant to section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings Act) 1960, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press were asked to leave the meeting during consideration of items SP16/356 to SP16/363 at 21.50
Catering Operations
SP16/356.  / To consider future operations and agree actions.
No update was available. An update would be given at the next Sports Park Committee meeting. / Sports Park
SP16/357.  / To consider change to alcohol licence in line with amended operating hours and agree actions
It was RESOLVED that an application to amend the alcohol licenced hours would be made and would be 15 minutes less than the recently agreed new operating hours. / SP Mgr
SP16/358.  / To review the Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) for the Sports Park and agree actions.
It was RESOLVED that consideration be given to appointing the Chief Executive Officer as the DPS for the Sports Park. In the short term consideration would be given to appointing the Chairman of the Parish Council as he currently held a personal licence. Research would be undertaken to ensure there were no restrictions on a Councillor being appointed. / Clerk
Strategic, Administration and Finance
Administration, HR & Finance
SP16/359.  / To receive Chief Executive’s report for discussion and agree actions.
The report was received and noted.
SP16/360.  / To receive update on operational staff structure review and agree actions.
An update was given and noted. An alternative proposal was put forward and a detailed report requested. The amended proposal would be recommended to by the Finance and HR Committee for further consideration. / Clerk
SP16/361.  / To receive recommendation from the Finance & HR Committee for recruitment of a replacement Maintenance Officer and agree actions.
The recommendation was discussed, however, the amended proposal discussed in item SP16/360 required changed to be made. This would be recommended to by the Finance and HR Committee for further consideration / Clerk
SP16/362.  / To consider anti-social payment to staff and agree actions.
The approved payment was Noted and would be effective from April 2017.
SP16/363.  / To receive update on terms and conditions for charges for long term hirer and agree actions.
The report was discussed. It was RESOLVED that further discussion take place with the hirer to agree the final terms for the remainder of the 2016/17 contract. / Clerk / AP
The meeting was re-opened to the public at 22.31
SP16/364.  / To receive financial statements and other reports for review and comment.
The financial statements were received and noted.
SP16/365.  / To receive amended Committee Terms of Reference for approval and recommendation to Full Council.
This item was deferred. Committee members were asked to email their comments for further discussion at the next Committee meeting. / ALL
Sports Park
To report external meetings with representatives of the Sports Park Committee
SP16/366.  / 01/02/2017 – Meeting with Contractor. Cllrs Faulkner and Petty attended.
SP16/367.  / 01/02/2017 – Meeting with Project Engineer for Play Area. Cllrs Faulkner and Beal attended.
SP16/368.  / 07/02/2017 – Customer Liaison Meeting – Cllrs Hurring and Petty attended.
SP16/369.  / 01/03/2017 – Meeting with Contractor – Cllrs Faulkner and Petty to attend
Correspondence and matters for information
SP16/370.  / 11/02/2017 – Email from hirer – noted.
SP16/371.  / Date of next meeting – 22nd March 2017.
Questions from Committee Members and future agenda items
SP16/372.  / An enquiry confirming details of the display screen advertising was discussed.
SP16/373.  / The dishwasher warranty would be investigated. / Clerk
Meeting ended at 22.37pm
Sports Park Committee 22/02/2017 / Page 197 / Initialled…………