LAOF Request Form – S-band Dual Polarization Doppler Radar (SPol)

NCAR S-Band Dual Polarization Doppler Radar (SPol)


Dr. Tammy Weckwerth / / (303) 497-8790



  1. Deployment location
  1. Deployment period
  1. Weather events during which collection is desired
  1. Typical attended radar operation schedule
  1. Estimated number of radar observation hours
  1. Please specify the desired mode of operation
  1. In addition to the standard attended operation mode, will you request “unattended remote off-site operations during which the radar can be scanned in a pre-specified scanning sequence or remotely controlled by a PI via internet? YES/NO
  1. Will you conduct Intensive Observing Periods (IOPs)? YES/NO
  2. If yes, under which circumstances?
  3. How long does each IOP last?
  1. Do you require the Ka-band wavelength radar?
  1. Please specify your communication needs (e.g., chat; internet bandwidth)
  1. How many of your staff will be available to help with S-Pol operations?
  1. What auxiliary equipment will be located at the radar site?
  2. If any, what are the size dimensions?
  3. Will equipment need to use S-Pol power exceeding 25 Amps?
  4. If so, will it require single or 3-phase power?
  5. 120 or 220 Volts?
  1. The standard S-Pol configuration has 3 scientific display stations and 3 additional seats with desk space. Is this sufficient to accommodate the maximum number of scientists and staff expected at S-Pol at any one time? YES/NO
  2. If no what additional space needs do you have?
  1. What office equipment (e.g., computers, printers, monitors) are you planning to bring to S-Pol?


  1. Please indicate if the following standard operating parameters are acceptable? If not please specify the requirement:

PRF = 1000 Hz (range = 500 to 1300Hz)
Max Range = 150 km
Unambiguous Velocity = 25 m s-1
Range Resolution = 150 m (150 to 675 m)
Type of Scans: Range Height Indicator (RHI), Plan Position Indicator (PPI), Vertically pointing, Staring
Scan Rate: RHI = 6 deg s-1 (1 to 6 deg s-1)
PPI = 10 deg s-1 (1 to 12 deg s-1)
Polarization transmitting mode:
Alternating Transmit (standard)
Simultaneous Transmit (available)
Standard S-band minimum sensitivity at various ranges:
-45 dBZ at 1 km
-25 dBZ at 10 km
-5 dBZ at 100 km
Standard Ka-band minimum sensitivity at various ranges:
-37 dBZ at 1 km
-17 dBZ at 10 km
Will the following list of standard real-time products be sufficient? Rain rate, (R-Z, R-Z/ZDR, R-KDP, R-KDP/ZDR, and a hybrid), Particle ID, Refractivity
If not please specify what else is desired.
  1. Scientific rationale for the non-standard but desired radar parameters
  1. Please specify your radar control needs
  1. Please specify your radar display needs


  1. Please specify your in-field real time data access needs for both S-Pol and auxiliary data.
  1. Will S-Pol data need to be distributed offsite in near real-time?
  1. Will you require recording of I and Q time series data? YES/NO
  2. If yes, approximately how many hours of recording are expected?
  1. Will post-project data distribution via ftp be sufficient? YES/NO


  1. Do you have any special radar operating requirements that may require EOL development including but not limited to:
  2. COPLANE scanning
  3. SZ phase coding
  4. dual-wavelength LWC retrievals
  5. dual-wavelength humidity retrievals
  6. Fast switching between alternating and simultaneous transmit modes
  1. Do you have any special requirements that pertain to EOL support?