Government of India, through the Embassy of India,Kathmandu proposes to construct a college block within the complex of B P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS), Dharan in district Sunsari under the India-Nepal Economic Cooperation Programme.

Sealed proposals are invited from reputed Architectural/Engineering Consulting firms registered with Nepal Engineering Council, Registrar of Companies/Cooperative Societies, TAX/VAT offices of Government of Nepal for engagement as consultant for implementation of the above project.

Eligible firms who wish to bid for the job may submit their proposals as per schedule given below:


S.N / Activity / Date / Venue
1. / Sale of Terms of Reference at a price of N.Rs.1,000/- (Nepali Rupees one thousand only) non refundable. / From12.01.2010 to 14.01.2010 between 1000 to 1400 hrs on all week days except Saturday from the Embassy of India, Lainchaur, Kathmandu
Phone: +977-1- 4419847
2. / Submission of proposals. / Till 18.01.2010 (Mon - Fri) between 1000 hrs and 1500 hrs.Tenders shall be dropped in the tender box placed near reception of the Embassy.
3. / Opening of proposals. / On 18.01.2010at 1530 hrs.
Venue: office of the Counsellor (Economic Cooperation), Embassy of India, Kathmandu.
  1. The interested bidders should have satisfactorily completed institutional building design and consultancy projects (at least one project costing NRs.12 croresor two projects costing NRs.9 crores or 3 projects costing NRs.7.5 crores) in Nepal during the last five years ending March 31, 2009 and should have minimum turnover of NRs.60 lakh in consultancy services in each of the last three years ending in 2009.
  2. Completion certificate issued by the officer of the client department of the rank of Senior Engineer or equivalent in the case of Govt. Department and officer of equivalent rank in the case of others will have to be furnished along with application. The completion certificate must clearly indicate:
  3. Project Cost ( tender, completed cost)
  4. Date of commencement of work
  5. The date of completion of work.
  6. Nature of work.
  7. That the work has been completed satisfactorily and without any penalty
  8. The bidders are advised to enclose duly attested copies of all relevant documents.
  9. The proposal along with the enclosure shall be submitted in a sealed envelope which shall be superscribed "PROPOSAL FOR CONSULTANCY SERVICES FOR CONSTRUCTION OF COLLEGE BLOCK AT BPKIHS, DHARAN".
  10. Application must be submitted at the scheduled venue and during the scheduled time as indicated in Sl. No. 2 of "ACTIVITY SCHEDULE".
  11. Eligible and interested firms are advised to visit the site for construction of the college block at BPKIHS, Dharan and assess the nature of job before submitting their proposal. Any claim later for non-acclimatization of site shall not be entertained under any circumstances.
  12. The Embassy reserves the right to reject or accept any proposal without assigning any reason.

Counsellor (EC)

Embassy of India
