MEETING HELD July 19, 2017
A public meeting of the Arizona Geographic Information Council was convened at 1:00 pm at the Arizona State Land Department, 1616 West Adams Street, Phoenix, AZ 85007 in Room 215. Present at the meeting were the following members or designees of the AGIC Administration and Legal Committee:
Curtis Pulford Co-Chair, State Cartographers Office
Tim Smothers, City of Peoria
Brian Brady, City of Yuma
Eric Feldman, Maricopa County
Tim Colman, SCO
Jason Howard, MAG
Jim Meyer, ADOT
Shea Lemar, ASU
I. Call to Order. – Meeting called to order at 1:00 pm
Introductions were made by the committee, around the table and over the phone, ensuring attendance list was managed.
II. Approval of Minutes of April 12, 2017 Meeting.
Tim Colman motioned for approval of the January Minutes. Motion seconded by Brian Brady. The Minutes were approved unanimously.
III. Boards and Commissions Update: Curtis Pulford reported that in November a list of applicants was submitted to the Boards and Commissions office. New people are working in the Commissions office. The process was slower this year than in the past. The Council membership may be restructured in the future. The restructuring may eliminate Federal membership and increase local representation. Council members who haven’t been renewed to the Council are considered Council members until the new appointments are complete.
IV. Identify Current Revenue Sources: The Revenue Work Group has met twice. In addition to AGIC Conference revenues the Work Group is looking for more sources of revenue to support AGIC initiatives. The Work Group has developed a spreadsheet of expenses. The spreadsheet is used to prioritize expenditures. Although the spreadsheet shows $70,000 revenue. Most of the revenue is absorbed by Conference expenses.
V. NAIP: Curtis reported that 0.6 meter imagery will be obtained and 160cm point cloud data derived from the imagery. The APFO will make the 0.6 meter the official product. This means that APFO will do all of the post processing work.
VI. Data Committee Coordination Efforts: Standing item.
VII. Future Agenda Items
· Tim Smothers asked what can Admin and Legal do assist with rules and guidance for the sUAS Work Group.
· Lidar for the nation.
VIII. Adjournment – at 2:00 pm