Agenda item / Expected outcome / Comment
Review of implementation progress
(a) Review of IOSEA implementation / Identification of key strengths, weaknesses, future directions. Overview report, based on national reports received by 30 September / Including information on sites, threats and mitigation measures
(b) Species assessments / Tabling of final loggerhead assessment and recommendations for SS follow-up; review of leatherback assessment recommendations
(c) National networks/committees / Compilation and exchange of information, lessons-learned, future plans
(d) Sub-regional groups / See separate entry below
(e) IOSEA online resources / Discussion on current use and future needs
Major thematic issues
(a) Site network proposal / Formal adoption of proposal and agreement on way forward / Working Group
(b) IOSEA Technical support/ capacity-building programme / Review of past/planned initiatives; analysis of strengths, weaknesses, way forward; brainstorming on training course concept (agreement on outline and practical development) / Advisory Committee-led initiative
(c) Thematic workshops / expert presentations / Suggested topics:
(1) Climate change & marine turtles: potential impacts and mitigation strategies / Workshop to be led by Dr Colin Limpus (confirmed)
(2) Satellite tracking and tagging in the Indian Ocean: what is it telling us? / Seeking volunteer to organise
(3) Strategies to address light pollution affecting nesting beaches / Seeking volunteer to organise
(4) ‘Big picture’ strategic direction for IOSEA / Brainstorming / follow-up on ideas identified in Brisbane (2010) session
(5) Advocating a GIS approach to turtle management / Dr Ronel Nel (expert presentation, confirmed)
(6) Implications for IOSEA of recent work on “Regional Management Units” and “Risk Assessment”
Institutional matters
(a) Focal Point roles/responsibilities / Refinement / formal adoption of paper circulated in 2010
(b) Proposal for creation of inter-sessional executive committee / Consideration / adoption of newly tabled proposal
(c) Advisory Committee / Agreement on future composition and tasks
(d) Collaboration with other organisations (IGOs, NGOs, private sector etc.) / Strengthening collaboration through identification of areas of practical cooperation, possibly to be formalised through memoranda of understanding / e.g. IOTC, ROPME, FAO, CI/SWOT, SWIOFP, WWF etc
Invite representatives to lead discussion?
(e) Legal character of the MoU / Review of current views of member States
(f) Forthcoming meetings/events of relevance to IOSEA / “Tour de table” to identify meetings/events of interest / In sub-regional groups?
(g) Next meeting of Signatory States / If possible, provisional acceptance of a tabled offer; or agreement on inter-sessional process to identify a host. / Encouragement/consideration of offers from Signatory States
Financial matters
Sustainable finance / Agreement on revised indicative scale of voluntary contributions and ways of encouraging non-contributors
Sub-regional groups and related coordination mechanisms
Western Indian Ocean / Exchange of sub-regional information, identification of key issues in need of regional collaboration / Opportunity for WIO-MTTF members / observers to meet
Northwest Indian Ocean / “ / Invite ROPME input?
Northern Indian Ocean / “ / Including presentation of report on BOBLME-IOSEA project
Southeast Asia + / “ / Invite SEAFDEC input regarding ongoing ‘sea turtle project’?