Agenda Annotations
* Uncontested item, expected to be routine and non-controversial. Recommended action will be taken at the beginning of the meeting without discussion. Any interested party, Board Member or the Executive Officer may request that the item be removed from the Uncontested calendar and it will be taken up in the order indicated by the agenda. Adoption of enforcement items as uncontested will be deemed a waiver of the opportunity for a hearing.
Conduct of Board Meetings
Items are numbered for identification purposes only, and will not necessarily be considered in this order.
Some board members may attend the meeting by teleconference.
Regional Board Meetings are accessible to people with disabilities. Individuals who require special accommodations should contact the Executive Assistant at least 5 working days before the meeting. TTY users may contact the California Relay Service at 1-800-735-2929 of voice line at 1-800-735-2922.
Materials presented to the Board as part of testimony that is to be made part of the record must be left with the Board. These include photographs, slides, charts, diagrams, etc. Anyone intending to make a presentation using slides, overheads, computer graphics, or other media should coordinate with the staff person for that agenda item in advance of the meeting.
At any time during the regular session, the Board may adjourn to a closed session to consider litigation, personnel matters, or to deliberate on a decision to be reached based on evidence introduced in a hearing. [Government Code Section 11126(a), (d) and (q)]
Availability of Agenda Items
The staff reports and tentative orders or resolutions for all agenda items are available on the Regional Board’s web site, one week before the Board Meeting. The site is at
Copies of individual agenda items may also be obtained at the Board's office after 9 am on the Friday preceding the Board Meeting. The staff member indicated on the agenda listing will assist in answering questions. The Board's office is at 1515 Clay St., Suite 1400, Oakland, CA 94612.
Petition of Regional Board Action
Any person adversely affected by a decision of the Regional Board may petition the State Water Resources Control Board to review the decision. The petition must be received by the State Board within 30 days of the Regional Board meeting at which the adverse action was taken.
Copies of the law and regulations applicable to filing petitions for appeal will be provided upon request. See Title 23 of the California Code of Regulations, sections 2050 – 2068.
Contributions to Board Members
All persons who actively support or oppose the adoption of waste discharge requirements or an NPDES permit before the Regional Board must submit a statement to the Board disclosing any contribution of $250 or more to be used in a state, federal, or local election, made by the action supporter or opponent or his or her agent, to any Regional Board Member within the past 12 months.
All permit applicants and all persons who actively support or oppose adoption of waste discharge requirements or an NPDES permit pending before the Regional Board are prohibited from making a contribution of $250 or more to any Board Member for 3 months following a Regional Board decision on a permit application.
Water Quality Certification
Information regarding pending Section 401 Certification applications may be obtained from Elisa Gill at 622-2415.