8th Grade Science
Mrs. Forman
Welcome to eighth grade science. We are looking forward to a school year filled with learning and success. This year students will study these topics:
Semester 1Lab Safety
Nature of Science
Forces and Motion
Energy Transformations
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Energy Conservation
Thermal Energy and Heat / Semester 2
Physical and Chemical Properties of Matter
Atomic Theory
Physical and Chemical Changes in Matter
Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
Periodic Table
FCAT Review*
Acids and Bases
EOC Review**
The eighth grade science curriculum is focused on physical science. *The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) for this grade level will address concepts from grades 6-8, so we will also review topics from life and Earth/space science. **There is also an end of course exam for this class that will measure learning for semester 1 and semester 2.
The following is a list of materials that are essential on a daily basis for our science class:
1 one-inch/three-ring binder3 dividers for the binder
1 college-ruled composition book
notebook paper
pencils and erasers
pencil sharpener (hand-held)
colored pencils
calculator (cell phones CANNOT be used in class)
o Teacher Website: www.cms.ocps.net (Look under faculty for your teacher’s name)
All information regarding classroom procedures, notebook expectations, contact information as well as classroom assignments will be posted on teacher websites. Please also access ProgressBook at http://parentaccess.ocps.net on a regular basis to keep informed of your child’s current progress.
Our grading policy is as follows:
Grading Scale Evaluation100-90 A Tests and Projects 45%
89-80 B Classwork 20%
79-70 C Labs 10%
69-60 D Notebook 10%
59-0 F Homework 10%
Bellwork 5%
***Late assignments will be accepted for partial credit.***
***Students are responsible for checking the class website and requesting missing work when they are absent. Students have 1 day to make up work for every day absent***
In order to provide a quality learning environment, we expect all students to maintain appropriate behavior in our classrooms. The rules and consequences are listed in the Code of Student Conduct, posted in the classroom, and are reviewed regularly.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your teacher using the email address located on www.cms.ocps.netIf you would like to set up a conference, please contact the 8th Grade Office for scheduling.
We look forward to working with you and your child!
The 8th Grade Science Team
I have read, understood, and acknowledge the guidelines for 8th Grade Science Class.
Student name (Please PRINT)______
Student signature ______date ______
Parent signature ______date ______
*Does your child have reliable internet access at home for school purposes (Y/N)? ______
Parent contact information (Please PRINT)
Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s) ______
Home Number ______Work Number______
Preferred method and time to contact you______
Email ______
*****Your email address is very important so please take the time to write legibly because this is our main form of communication with you.*****