FY 2017-2018

Please check one:[ ] Research[ ] Subvention

Please read the instructions before completing this application. Application is due on or before 5pm on Friday, April 7, 2017. Late applications will not be accepted. This application is a guide to the questions on the submission site ONLY. DO NOT SUBMIT this application.

Last NameFirst Name


School, College, Faculty or Center: ______

Postal Address:______

Campus Phone:______E-mail:______

Date of first appointment at Rutgers:______Present Title:______

Highest earned academic degree:______

Degree: ______Year: ______Institution:______

Project Title (Eight or fewer words):______

Dean: ______

Business Manager: ______

Business Manager E-Mail: ______

MarketPlace (Sciquest) Approver, if different: ______

Amount Requested: $______

Amount not to exceed $5,000. Your budget should justify your request. Applications requesting higher amounts will not be considered.

If you belong within the H2 discipline, will you be submitting supporting documentation for your creative works? If you are, please forward your supporting documentation to the Program Administrator:

Ana Santini

33 Knightsbridge, 2nd EAST, G202C

Piscataway, NJ 08854

These documents will be returned, upon request, via campus mail.

Compliance Disclosure:

Please read carefully and followed the required compliance portions that pertain to your individual studies. All compliance will be verified upon awards being granted for congruency. If protocols are pending, please indicate that by writing “Pending”.

Priority Categories (Check those which apply):

Research Support:

In this section, you will need to list:

1 -- all the requests to fund this specific project both externally and internally except for the Research Council.

2 – all current internally supported projects that differ from this project.

3 – all current externally supported projects that differ from this project.

For each additional source, you will be able to check the button to the right labeled “Add another” and the program will open a new row for entry.

4 – or explain why you have no external support.

5 – and explain why existing funds, including research funds allocated by the school, department or center cannot be used for this project.

If you have received a Research Council Grant in the last three (3) years, you will need to fill in the table requesting Year, Amount, Title of Project, and Type (Research or Subvention). If you have not, it will skip this table.


Consult instructions outlined in “Guidelines for Subvention of Publication Scholarly Books” available on the ORED website.

The last requirement is to upload your documents to this program. Please read the description under each section to know what each section requires (maximum number of pages and descriptions).

Before you upload, please name your files with PI Last Name, your Application ID number (which is located at the top and starts with AA-followed by five (5) digits), the name of the section (i.e., Project Description, Budget, CV, etc.), and the date MMDDYY for easy identification of applications. The file name must be less than 75 characters.

Example: Santini-AA-00001 Proj Des 031017

Upload Papers:


You must state in a sentence the objective of your project.

Using not more than three (3) continuation pages, give a full but concise description of your project,covering as many of the following topics as are relevant:

Aims and objectives

Background work already accomplished


Experimental design and methods

Importance of the project and significance in its field of learning

Implications for further investigations

Collaborative arrangements

Plans for future funding

Plans for publication or presentation


Using another upload page, budget the sum you are requesting according to the following categories:

Equipment (List each item, with cost, and attach a letter from your Chairperson or Director stating that the equipment is not now available for use). Note: Research Council Grants cannot be used to purchase personal computers, other types of general office equipment or supplies, or computer time.

Transportation (Destination and duration of trip). Note: Research Council Grants cannot be used for travel to meetings.

Research Assistant (Provide a full and convincing justification of need for assistance as well as number of hours and cost per hour).


Supplies (Specify).

Other (Specify in detail).


Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum)

If applicable, documentation of departmental support of request for equipment funds.

Evidence of current or pending externally supported research.

If applicable, correspondence with publishers


I am a full-time member of the Rutgers University Faculty as defined in the announcement of this program and, if awarded a grant, I agree to report to the Research Council any changes in my plans and the results of my work.
