Notes of the meeting of the Neighbourhood Planning Group

Held on Wednesday 26th July 2017

Present:- Cllrs Annibal &Montgomery, Bob Girvan, Helen Fitzpatrick, John Latham

1. Approval of the Notes from the Previous Meeting

The notes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record.

2. Matters Arising from the Previous Meeting

a) Consultancy Contract

Wendy informed the group that the Consultancy Contract has been sent out to Open Plan and Community Lincs for comment, and that Community Lincs will feed back on the contract by the end of August. It was agreed that the format of the contract would be Tripartite, and Helen is to send a copy to PC clerk for approval before issuing.

Wendy hasn’t managed to talk TO Dan at WLDC yet regarding the £500 contribution to costs prior to receipt of our Locality grant, but will endeavour to do so in the coming week.


  • Helen to format the Consultancy Contract as a Tripartite agreement, and forward to the PC clerk for comment/approval before issuing.
  • Wendy to contact Dan to confirm that WLDC will honour their agreement to provide £500 for costs incurred prior to receipt of the Locality grant.

b) Glentworth Character Assessment

We have not yet received the template and methodology from Open Plan, which we need in order to plan our village ‘walkabout’ event. The end of August is our absolute deadline. Bob agreed to email James to chase this up, and to also ask him for the Osgodby Capacity Study which we also have not yet received.


  • Bob to chase up James on the template & methodology for the ‘walkabout’, and to remind him to send the Capacity Study.

c) Training Workshop

The training workshop went very well, with all but one of the Parish Council and Working Group attending. Wendy has received the slides from Community Lincs and will circulate to those who attended. Wendy agreed to chase up on the write-up of all our post-its which Community Lincs promised to send to us.


  • Wendy to circulate slides already received form Community Lincs, and to chase up on the write-up of the post-it notes from the event.

d) Survey Results

We will not have the full analysis report until the end of August, but agreed that we will put the key points from the Headline Analysis into the July Newsletter.

3. Event Update – Scarecrow Festival

Helen and Carol reported that there had been a fair amount of interest, particularly from people outside the village. The display boards had been useful and a number of people had read the posters as well as asking questions. The group thanked Helen and Carol for manning the stand for the afternoon.

4. Local Plan Housing Allocation for Glentworth -Update

Bob informed the group that Dan from WLDC has asked him to clarify what we think the ‘Settlement’ or ‘Developed Footprint’ of the village is, taking the core village dwellings into account, and excluding the ‘countryside’ dwellings. The group identified on a local map provided by Bob what we interpret the boundary of the ‘Settlement’ area to be. Bob agreed to carry out a house count inside this boundary, and to forward this information to Dan, supported by a map. WLDC will then use this information to confirm numbers of houses/new builds allocated to Glentworth.


  • Bob to carry out a house count within the boundary interpreted by the group as the ‘Settlement’ area, and to forward to Dan at WLDC.

5. Next Steps

Community Consultation - Two further consultation events were discussed as follows:-

A Village Walkabout will be the next consultation, the date agreed being Sunday 17th September 2017. The purpose will be;-

  • To help people understand and have input to the Character Assessment.
  • To ask people what they like, don’t like and would change about the village.
  • To informally start to get a feel of people’s views on, if we have to have infill, where might it be?
  • To share the full analysis report from the Neighbourhood Plan Survey
  • To make it a family event, making sure the children feel involved.

Ideas for the event included splitting people into groups to look at allocated areas of the village: having large scale maps on tables for people to plot their ideas and thoughts following the walkabout: taking up Janet Clarkes idea of having a photo competition for the children, split into 3-7yrs & 8-15yrs, with photographs displayed and winners announced at the following consultation event: advertise an email address in the next Newsletter for people to let us know if they are likely to attend.

The suggested timings are:-

1.30pmGather at Village Hall for welcome and briefing

2.00pmGroups sent out into the village

3.30pmReturn to Village Hall for refreshments

4.00pmFeedback & Review, utilising large scale maps

Wendy suggested we purchase roadside display boards for advertising Neighbourhood Planning activities, and also a pull up banner along the same lines of those previously borrowed from Community Lincs.

John suggested that we really need a detailed plan and programme. Bob agreed to put together a draft to discuss and finalise at our next meeting.


  • Helen to look into options for an email address for Neighbourhood Planning and to forward to the group to agree our preferred choice.
  • Wendy to look into costs of purchasing roadside display boards and a pull up banner.
  • Bob to produce a draft plan & programme for discussion at our next meeting.

The second consultation event will be a ‘Visioning Day’. The date will be Saturday 30th September 2017. No details are agreed yet, but the date will be advertised in the next newsletter, encouraging people to attend and have their say, as this will be the final consultation before the Neighbourhood Plan is drafted.

Future Grant Application - Wendy reminded the group that the application for the next phase of funding needs to go in at the end of September/early October. She will talk to the PC clerk regarding this.


  • Wendy to talk to Brian Brookes regarding preparation for the next grant application.

Update on Consultant’s original quote -Wendy stated that we need to confirm that all additional consultancy costs have been taken into account, such as travel costs, and offered to contact James at Open Plan to ensure that all Community Lincs costs are included, and that adequate time has been allowed for all activities. Wendy will ask James to check with Janet as soon as she is back from leave. Helen recommended we create a spreadsheet to enable us to closely monitor spend against the contract and offered to both create and look after it.


  • Wendy to contact James to ensure all costs are now included in the contract.
  • Helen to create a spreadsheet to monitor spend against the contract.

Newsletter - Carol to draft the July Newsletter, proposing to cover a number of items from this meeting, including updates on the Survey results, diary dates and information for the planned Consultation Events, and our successful funding application. To circulate draft to all group members before Helen does the final formatting.


  • Carol to draft July Newsletter and circulate for comments/suggestions.

The meeting was concluded by agreeing that future meetings would be held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Future meeting will commence at 7.00pm on the following dates:-

  • 16th August
  • 20th September
  • 18th October
  • 15th November
  • 20th December (TBC)

The meeting closed at 9.00pm