
Cllr Teresa Heritage / HCC & SADC / Keith Lunn / Harp Retail Ptnshp
Cllr David Williams / HCC & HTC / Larry Heyman / FCC
Cllr Mike Weaver / HTC & SADC / Tony McFarland / Your Local Media
Cllr Mick Ellis / HTC / Brian Saffery / BCAG
Cllr John Chambers / HTC / Alan Cox / Seniors Forum
Mjdassar Yasin / St Albans & Harpenden Taxis
Association / Robert Hill / St Albans & District Access Group

23 members of the public.


Apologies were received from the Town Mayor, Councillor Rosemary Farmer, the Police, Neil Middleton, APTU and Carol Stevens Community Transport CVS

2.CountyCouncillor Teresa Heritage welcomed everybody to the first public meeting of the Harpenden Local Highways and Transport Stakeholder Forum.

3.To Approve the Terms of Reference for the Forum

The terms of reference for the Forum, previously circulated were approved.

4.The Receipt of Petitions

There were none.

5.Questions from members of the public

Members were invited to ask questions relating to highway and transportation matters:

5.1Bob Gunning stated that the 321 service to LutonAirport was being terminated at Church Street, Luton as of 30 June 2013. Previously this service had continued to LutonAirport. He had been told that Arriva, who provided the 321 service, had lost the Greenline contract to the railway. He requested that this be investigated and to have the service reinstated.


Councillor Heritage would check the situation to establish the facts.

5.2Mark Empson requested that a traffic review of the Lower Luton Road be undertaken as a result of the new sheltered accommodation being built at Leacroft and with the potential increase in capacity at LutonAirport. He believed there would be increased traffic ramifications along the road. It was noted that 39 flats were being built at Leacroft with provision for 14 parking places. He commented that there was a considerable amount of infilling which was forcing more cars into back roads. There was insufficient parking along the Lower Luton road.

Councillor Heritage agreed there were issues that needed to be addressed. It was noted that both the Town and District Council had made strong representations to LutonAirport upon the infrastructure supporting the Airport and the pressures that were being placed upon it. It was anticipated that if the expansion plans for the airport were agreed there would be Section 106 funding to help with infrastructure improvements. It was stated that an urban strategy had identified hot spots for consideration.


Councillor David Williams will ask for a traffic survey to be undertaken along the Lower Luton Road and examine the provision of yellow lines at the junction of Common Lane and the Lower Luton Road.

5.3Donald Robertson commented that he was pleased that the bus timetable format had been rolled out and now was available in Harpenden. However, Arriva did not provide real time information.


Councillor Heritage will follow this up with Arriva.

5.4Richard Shepherd appealed about the quality of road repairs. The larger potholes were generated as a consequence of the smaller potholes not being repaired properly.

Councillor Heritage explained that a new highways contract had been entered into in October 2012. The County Council were trying to improve the quality of the repairs and recognised that standards had not been as expected. She encouraged the public to report any poor quality repairs or maintenance issues on the Herts Highways fault reporting line.

Mr Shepherd went on to comment that the Bedford trains appeared to be running empty during the day.

Larry Heyman, First Capital Connect, said that the trains were not running empty.

5.5Brian Saffrey was concerned that the section of Common Lane to the Lower Luton Road is 40mph and then from the roundabout towards Luton was 30mph. He requested that consideration be given to reducing the speed from 40mph to 30mph and the Lower Luton Road through Batford to 20mph. It was noted that in the area of the bend in Station Road (junction of Marquis Lane) there were too many cars parking in the road creating a hazard.


Councillor Williams agreed to include in the traffic survey the feasibility of reduced speed limits in Common Lane and along the Lower Luton Road. He noted the comments regarding parking in Station Road at the bend by Marquis Lane and stated this was being looked at by the District Council.

5.6Duncan Colder asked the following question regarding parking in the town centre. At present the section of Bowers Parade between Woosters and Ripples had double parking which only leaves a very narrow gap between vehicles and which is impassable if a wide or badly parked vehicle is parked in this section. It is also being made one way since Foresters was built but has no ‘No Entry’ signs at the north end.

The section between Galloways and Keech is some 5/6ft wider but at present is only single parking. If this were made double parking there would be plenty of room between the two rows of vehicles and would allow parking for a further 7 vehicles. If this suggestion were acceptable it is proposed that Woosters to Ripples section should be on the side nearest the pavement which would then only lose 4 parking places. Councillors’ observations were sought.


Councillor Heritage said that the County Council had already been looking at issues relating to the section between Woosters and Ripples. It was interesting to note the other observations regarding parking in this area and that she would be looking into these options with Officers at the County Council.

6.Update on Highway Maintenance/projects proposed for 2013/14

Councillors Heritage and Williams provided an update on highway maintenance projects that had been agreed.

6.1It was questioned why St John’s Road had been excluded from the maintenance programme.

Action; Councillor Heritage would look into this.

6.2Road repairs regarding Piggottshill Lane were also raised.

Action; Councillor Heritage would explore proposals in this vicinity.

6.3Road repairs in Shakespeare Road to Spencer/Milton Road needs to be included.

Action; Councillor Heritage.

6.4Station Approach needed resurfacing.

Action; Network Rail and First Capital Connect.

6.5Churchfields, there was a problem with cars parking in this area.

Action; Councillor Heritage will pass this back to the District Council to explore.

7.Update on Highway Locality Budgets for 2013/14

Both CountyCouncillors explained their programme of expenditure. It was requested that members considered reducing the speed limit along Southdown Road to 20mph between fixed hours. It was considered this could be done as part of the review of the speed management strategy.

Action; Councillor Heritage.

8.Community Transport

CVS had been invited along to present the scheme but unfortunately had had to send their apologies. It was proposed to raise the profile of community transport. It was noted that the Seniors Forum had proposed a shopping bus. Councillor Williams asked if anyone had any particular proposals, ideas, concepts or wish to volunteer then please let CVS or himself know. The purpose was to improve the community transport infrastructure.

9.First Capital Connect and Railway Operations

9.1Larry Heyman, the Integration and Partnership Manager for First Capital Connect gave a presentation on FCC’s performance and how they communicated to their passengers. FCC had worked hard to improve the safety of their stations, engender a community spirit and endeavoured to contribute to the community that they served. There were a number of questions:-

9.2Improvements to Station Approach – these would be done before winter 2013.

9.3Fares – Larry informed members of the public present that peak fares were inflated in line with Government policy. Off peak fares were determined by First Capital Connect and he suggested that they represented value for money.

9.4Bob Gunning – it was noted that there were lots of things happening in the future but what exactly was happening post franchise? Larry explained that FCC were working with the DfT to extend the franchise and working hard to deliver a first class service.

9.5Robert Hill – he considered that there was lack of information – trains should be clean, with better signage and driver announcements particularly late at night. He also asked about the lift usage at Harpenden station.

9.6Larry noted the comments about better signage and driver announcements. Currently FCC was looking at the position of station notices so that they were more easily readable. With regard to the lift usage at Harpenden station the lift would be locked out at night – people wishing to use the lift would have to use the help button which goes through to a CCTV centre. They would operate the lift remotely to ensure that it is not abused.

10.Bus Operations

Unfortunately no one from Arriva or Unibus was in attendance.

11.Taxi Operators

11.1SAHTA (St Albans and Harpenden Taxi Association) informed the meeting that there were problems in Harpenden as it was difficult to park. There was a lack of ranking. They were worried about parking in the town.

11.2Larry Heyman gave a reassurance that they would be looking to work with SAHTA and ensure that there was a taxi service from the station. Not reducing the number of parking spaces for taxis but enforcing the no parking outside of allocated areas.

11.3The District Council Licensing were looking at a number of locations for additional taxi ranks which included the Chef Peking after 6pm and Station Road outside of Pizza Express all day.

11.4It was noted that in Station Approach it was necessary to undertake a figure of 8 to provide parking. Larry Heyman said that this would change with the new improvement planned for Station Approach.


12.1Councillor Williams provided an update on LutonAirport. He reported that all Councils had submitted responses which were available to view on their respective websites. All responses requested that the planning application be called in and not considered by Luton Borough Council. LBC had appointed consultants to establish the physical capacity of the airport if the operator’s plans are implemented. There were periodic checks on the timescales relating to the planning application. The Secretary of State had indicated the application could only be called in after it had gone forward to LBC’s planning committee..

12.2There had been a trial on the new GPS navigation system taking flights going west along a tighter flight path and planes further away from Harpenden and Redbourn. The results seem to have been very encouraging. There was a question relating to the car park charges. Councillor Williams said that none of the Councils had leverage over charging policy.

12.3It was questioned whether St Albans taxis could apply for licences to operate from LutonAirport. It was noted that this was unlikely.

12.4It was questioned whether a ticket could be made available from St Pancras combining both train and bus to the airport. It was noted that an integrated transport plan to elevate congestion on the roads was being considered. This would be something that would be welcomed.

13.Car Parking in Harpenden

13.1Councillor Heritage referred to displays in the room of proposals for parking restrictions on Crabtree Lane/Queens Road and access to the station car park from Aysgarth Close. In noting the parking restrictions it was noted there would be displacement which could impact on Piggottshill Lane.


Councillor Heritage would monitor the situation and try to get someone from the District Council to come along to discuss parking.

13.2Concerns were expressed regarding the proposals for a CPZ at Manland Avenue. It was questioned whether this was because of commuters. If so, it was asked if it would be more appropriate to measure the effect of the additional parking being provided at the station before making a decision now.

Councillor Williams agreed that County wanted to respond to residents’ concerns. However, as on street and most off street parking was managed by the District Council in the Town it was agreed that an invitation would be extended to the District Council to come along to a future meeting.


Councillor Heritage.

13.3Disabled parking in the High Street

It was noted that this was being reviewed in order to protect and provide better disabled parking facilities whilst having a limited impact on general parking.

13.4Avenues Parking

It was noted that the Environment Compliance Officer – Parking was contacting each road in this area to seek their views and these were being put to the Leader of the District Council.


Councillor Heritage would ask for a Town Centre Forum to discuss with the Leader of the Council and the portfolio holder the proposals for parking in this area.

13.5Parking Enforcement

It was reported that parking enforcement would be improved in the town. New double yellow lines were being provided which would assist problems associated with parking in Harpenden.

14Pedestrian and Cycles Safety Schemes

14.1Councillor Heritage reported that they were looking to put a proper scheme in place at the bottom of Piggottshill Lane.

14.2Councillor Heritage reported that improvements were planed for Walkers Road not just at the junction near Queens Road but also at the bottom of Walkers Road in Southdown.

14.3Councillor Williams reported that the Lea Valley Walk cycle crossing at Westfield was going ahead. This would see the introduction of a chicane at this particular location. There were a number of actions associated with the Nickey Line improvements. This included Holly Bush Lane and Fiveways. It was anticipated that the steps at Park Hill would be improved; access from Ambrose Lane to the Nickey Line would also be included along with surfacing works to the Nickey Line. A variety of groups were supportive of the proposals and these were now being considered by the portfolio holder and Leader of the District Council.

14.4Safer Route to Schools

Councillor Heritage commented upon proposals to provide safer access across the Southdown Road to St Dominic’s.

15The FreeSchool Application and it affect on the Town Centre’s roads

15.1Councillor Heritage reported that the planning committee considering the application had deferred their decision due to parking and how to cross Victoria Road. The planning application would be received at the next Plans North Committee where proposals for a zebra crossing at Davenport House were being presented. Officers from the County Council had withdrawn their objections.

15.2Asked whether Councillor Heritage supported Free Schools she stated that the DfE approved Free Schools. In future there would only be either Academies or FreeSchools. Schools operate on urban sites. If the children attending the FreeSchool came from central Harpenden there should not be a problem. Councillor Heritage stated she wanted children to be educated and wanted children to go to the FreeSchool.

15.3Cllr Heritage was asked whether highway issues such as turning right from Station Road into the Lower High Street were matters that needed to be taken into consideration as the pedestrianisation of this section of the Lower High Street had been withdrawn.

15.4Councillor Heritage responded that the right turn at the bottom of Station Road into the Lower High Street was not relevant and that it had no bearing on the FreeSchool application.

16.Matters for Discussion at the next meeting

Members of the public were invited to suggest items for discussion at the next meeting where it was proposed the following items be raised:

  • Busses
  • County priorities in respect of the Harpenden Urban Transport Plan.
  • Meeting with the Portfolio Holder to discuss accountability.
  • Capacity of the A1081 to take more traffic. What is planned for the future?

17.Date of Next Meeting

The date of the next meeting is the 14 November 2013 at 7pm Park Hall.

Notes/Harpenden Local Highways and Transport Stakeholder Forum 20 June 2013