Tuesday 20 October 2015
Who was here:
Ian Penfold / Florence Garland (admin)Marcia Lawman / Marita Amoros
Leon Major / Nikki Mulligan
Zoe Taphouse / Sandrine Charrier
Ann Barker / Helga Firth-Bernard
Linzi Holt / Alison Cooper
Apologies: Christine Fisher, Amanda from Basingstoke Disability Forum, Bernard Pearcey, Janet Chierchia, Lee Dausha, Simon Cartland/Laura Timms, Dave and Ian Purves
Notes of the last meeting and matters arising
T17 transformation to 2017:
£19 million should be saved (not £9 million) for LD. The savings for adult services is £43 million (total). The savings for the whole of the Council is £98 million.
Transformation phase 2 – Sandrine Charrier
Sandrine said that the contracts were advertised in July and will close in September. It is working progress but there will be more time in between contracts being agreed and the change over (when there is a change over between providers).
At the end of November, HCC will inform the providers who have won and lost contracts. There will be a 2 to 3 weeks delay between information the provider and then informing the service user.
There will be four months to get ready from when the contract starts (April 2016).
Employees will have access to TUPE as per legal requirements.
Services available:
- supported services “community support” for more independent people
- some Launchpad contracts (shared support in activities) – extended service and also 1 to 1 service
Direct payment and individual budgets: the sooner we know someone wants to change to this, the better and it gives more time to do everything on time.
Providers should be given enough time to know how to support the client.
Minimum wage: there is room for uplift but issue has been raised with the LD team to a higher level. Organisations who have sent in bids should allow for the minimum wage which will be come to force in April next year.
Marcia was wondering if the new framework is going to affect her. Sandrine will check.
Communication to service users/parents-carers etc: no communication as yet as if it is too early, people get anxious and providers for some service users might not change. Communication will arrive in time.
Ann Barker asked about the monitoring of providers and the recruitment of carers. There is a lot more monitoring than before with Key Performance Monitoring (KPI) and workbook.
Some people are very happy with the new service. There are still some issues with staff but not everywhere.
ECM (electronic care monitoring): mean of measuring. Easier and cheaper process. Hampshire is a very flexible model.
Hampshire LD Partnership Board
T17 or transformation to 2017: HCC need to save £43 million (that central government will not be sending anymore)
More independent setting.Several options:
- Residential home
- Supported living
- Extra care type model (to fit in community and needs to take account of people’s needs)
If some services are good, people might stay where they are. If there are not that good, it is a good opportunity to do something better.
Presentation from Jess Hutchinson on website (sent also by email)
My Life My Way or integrated personal commissioning (IPC) presentation from Alison Froude at the Board (see link to email and also on website)
Linzi Holt would like to know more about SEN reforms, transition and schools. Flo has emailed Linzi separately.
Service user representation:
Leon and Marcia are working on relationships and family for the Board.
Have good support (transport issues)
Not enough funding available even with volunteers
Not enough groups in some part of the counties (Basingstoke is very busy though)
A lot of change happening
Health to do ref: relationships and information and more access to health information, women/men clinics
Health: where do we go for advice? A lot of things can be provided by the LD team
Advocacy is good.
Police: PCSOs pop in to see service users. Relationship is good, and there is good awareness. Maybe we ought to consider a North disability police road show (members to decide)
Transport: the forums have gone.
Other things:
Mo said that the local issue from last month has now been resolved. This is partly due to CQC getting involved.
Thanks Mo
We ran out of time
Dates for your diaries
The next meeting will be on 1st December 15Elizabeth Hall, Hook, 10.30 am to 12.30 pm latest
1st December (none in November as we are meeting early December)Then 2016
19 January
16 February
15 March
12 April
10 May
14 June
12 July
None in August
13 September
18 October
15 November
13 December
Elizabeth Hall, Raven Road, Hook RG27 9HH (room 4).
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
free parking