Notes of a Meeting Held on 9 July 2007 Of




Cliff Brunt, Carey Bennet, Tracy Chapman (Chair), Carole Clift, Deborah Hollister, Jerry Glazier, Jeremy Gush, John Hunter, Joyce Woodham, Dave Wood, David Franklin, Keith Wood Christine Webster, Kim Eastman, Monica, Richard Thomas, Angela Savill

Present Cliff Brunt, Carey Bennet, Tracy Chapman (Chair), Carole Clift, Deborah Hollister, David Franklin, Jerry Glazier, Jeremy Gush, John Hunter, Steve Leverett, Clair Pyper, Joyce Woodham, Dave Wood, Keith Wood

Apologies Angela Saville, Christine Webster(?), John Durrant, Kim Eastman (?), Monica Dimmock (?), Richard Thomas (?), Ruth Brock (?)

1. Matters arising from the notes of the meeting held on 10 May 2007

Children and Young People’s Plan – Carey Bennet circulated the ‘Significant Changes to the Children and Young People’s Plan 2006 – 09 Year 2’ that have been made.

A specific meeting will be held in the autumn term to only discuss the issue of ‘schools causing concern’. Meeting date to be scheduled – SL Leverett.

2. Briefing on Joint Area Review (JAR)

Clair Pyper gave a brief overview of the JAR presentation. The idea JAR involves is to inspectinspection of the contribution of the public services to addressing children and young people priorities the outcomes of childrenchildren’s trust approach in Essexeach by local authority area.

The Performance and results of 2007/8 will be taken into consideration for the JAR evaluation. (However, in certain instances, e.g. GCSE, the 2007 figures will be available and considered.)

The review will consider 100 case files throughout the year (not necessarily the same ones identified at the beginning of the review). The review team will identify 200 files within the parameters: by area/under 10’s (primary)/over 10’s (secondary). Schools will be informed and involved in this process.

The base figures will be the national figures.

C PyperCP to will provide the monthly updated service scchoreol card which will include both static (end of year results) and changing data (exclusions/attendance). The APA figures will be included in the Agenda of future meetings for information.

The JAR inspectors will carry out interviews in September 2008 and the outcome will be known in November.

3. The Connexions Service

C Bennet and Clare Pyper expanded on the Briefing regarding paper “The future of the Connexions Service in Essex, Southend and Thurrock”.

The Connexions Service will be managed and delivered by the three Essex local authorities as from April 2008 Connexions will no longer be a viable company to offer these commissioned services.

The three local authorities and Connexions are working together to develop a project plan for the smooth transfer of functions.

The members agreed that discussion is to be held with Guy Naylor (ASHE/APC) and a representative group of four headteachers before the end of this school term.

The members also agreed that a set of questions for consultation are developed and prepared in time for the secondary heads meeting in the autumn term.

Jerrry Glazier to pass any ideas to C PyperCP. To utilise the Connexions Service themselves in the drawing up of the business proposals. This document will be posted on the website.

A briefing for the governors in late autumn will be presented to ESGA.

4. SEN Strategy

A draft of the “Essex Special Educational Needs Strategy 2008 – 2012” was circulated to members. Keith Woods explained that the objective is to make this document readable and accessible to the wider audience. Carey Bennet commented that resources capacity will be added ensured to keep the fast progress and momentum required.

A number of issues were raised:

§  Whether the County recent review has identified and dealt with SEN demand and supply requirement, management issues

§  Leadership in schools and local authorities

§  To include 2006 figures on pg 25

K WoodsKW reported that by the end of the week all the consultation will be finalised.

5. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services

Clare Clair Pyper outlined the report on “Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services in Essex”

The business process re-engineering undertakes Health and LA staff are currently working to streamline access to mental health services and ensure smooth handover from service to service. The main concern being the children’s mental health.

The members noted that

§  The instance incidence of need is increasing

§  It is necessary to ameliorate the analysis ofanalyse causes

§  It is important to try and avoid bottlenecks between tiers

§  Data on Tier 3 workload would remain open due to lack of support from e.g. parents opt out/client does not keep appointments

§  Lack of early intervention

§  Lack of research as to why incidents are on the increase and what the indicators are

§  From the primary perspective, Tier 2 has enough coverage

§  Training is required to ensure classroom teachers are aware of what services are available

§  There still exists a stigma regarding mental health

§  A culture change in respect of mental health is required. Emotional well-being will increase learning levels and increase good behaviour

Carey Bennet will share with members OFSTED data re attainment issues.

Clair Pyper will provide a fuller report on CAMHS after October 2007.

Two members will beagreed to attending the strategy review meeting in late autumn: J Woodham and ???? (sitting next to D HolisterDavid Franklin). CP Pyper to give them details.

6.  Support to Schools Governors

Olive Newland joined the meeting. She outlined the study (paper circulated with Agenda) carried out regarding “Support to School Governors”.

Possible issues re failing schools do not necessarily mean that the governors are not succeeding.

Procedures to assist in the smooth running

§  Memorandum of understanding between Headteacher and Governors

§  Nominations of experienced people to sit on Board of Governors

§  Monitoring of Chair of Board of Governors

§  Understanding the role of the Governor – testing and challenging the management of the school

§  Communication of the constant changes in the governor role

§  Being assisted by a pool of experience people (Clerk in system) paid by the local authority

OFSTED are visiting schools and compiling a database.

It would be useful to identify the failing schools which have carried out changes and are now successful. Explanation of the changes undertaken.

The organisation of a deputy headteacher workshop on “managing your governing body”.

7. Admissions arrangements to Primary Schools

Graham Ranby joined the meeting. A schedule of the project plan for April 2007 – May 2008 for admissions was tabled. G RanbyGR explained the various tasks and time allocations scheduled. It is hoped that more applications will be received directly on line and this will reduced the workload making it possible to distribute the data to schools earlier.

It is planned that final offers will be circulated by 1 April and the year after by mid-March.

The plans include the production of the Primary Education Essex booklets; adverts in all media; communication to all parents; communication re process to schools; primary schools to collect details of interested parents.

8. Future meeting arrangements

The Chair asked members whether the present arrangements of meetings held twice a term was satisfactory.

The Board agreed that the present arrangements will be kept.

The next meeting is scheduled for 2 October 9.00 – 11.00 a.m. in Committee Room 6.

Possible Agenda Items: Care Matters – looked after children’s of education

Updated list of members – review of members

Review of partnership board – what is it exactlyits role.