Notes from the NGO Working Group meeting

Date: 23 March, 2006

Venue: SA Citadel, Vivian St, Wellington

Present: Gill Greer (Chair), Louise Carr, Jacki Richardson, Jo Fitzpatrick, Damian Zelas (MoH) and Belinda Price (MoH)

Proxy attendees:Brian Adams, Cathy Kern

Apologies:Joanne Hayes,Carole Maraku, Dahlia Naepi, Marion Blake Linda Simson, Kawshi De Silva, Jenny Prince

Absent:Donna Matahaere-Atariki, Ida Faiumu-Isa’ako

Secretariat: Alan Chapman (Minute Taker)


Belinda Price (MoH) who is providing interim cover for the NGO Desk was welcomed to the meeting as were those attending as proxies, who were thanked for making themselves available.

Previous minutes:Amendments:

Page 3 Item 3, last para: change to “Minister of Finance and Disability Issues.”

Page 7, Item 13.1-13.5:change to “Updates were provide on MSD’s Funding Project, Mental Health Information Technology scoping project, Health Practitioners’ Competency Assurance Act, the Health Workforce Information Strategy and Mental Health Workforce Strategy”

Page 9, 2006 Meeting dates:should be “Friday 29th September”

Minutes, with amendments, were confirmedLouise/Jacki

Opening discussions:

A discussion on the formal/legal status of the Working Group arose from considering our risks with media and discoverable information about Working Group members, following a recent media enquiry. Working Group is reminded that statements to the media by the Working Group are governed by our protocols which entail the involvement of the Chair and the Secretariat.

Additionally, our membership and election process needs to ensure that we only collect information necessary for the purpose and that the NGOs are registered appropriately.


A summary of Working Group meetings which cover major issues in bullet point will be posted on the website, asap. Full notes of meetings will be distributed to the Working Group for ratification and require a response from a quorum of those attending the meeting before being posted in abbreviated form on the website.

Matters arising from the previous meeting:

  1. Briefing to Incoming Minster

Now that the meeting with the Minster has occurred, the Briefing, highlighting sectorissues can go to the other Ministers, as agreed previously.

  1. Strategic Plan

The revised Plan from Gill was considered.

Given the changes in our strategic focus, the current Framework and Terms of Reference need to reflect the increased priority the Working Group wants to give the relationship with DHBNZ and DHBs, so that it is equal with the MoH relationship.

The strategic plan still needs prioritising within the resources available, or alternatively it will be necessary to increase the available resource, given increasing expectation for the Working Group to make policy/consultation contributions.

A funding bid for the coming year needs to be submitted

Communication with the NGO sector still needs to be enhanced. It would be useful to have Ministry feedback on both our regular and specific reports so that the sector can see what action results from our input. Strategically, it is important that we establish a relationship with the new Director-General asap and meantime keep engaged with the Deputy Directors General.

The ability of the Working Groupto respond to consultative requests requires attention.. This includes succession planning, exploring ways to involve more of the Working Groupin activities and to develop means to involve others in NGOs. This latter option may require some protocols to cover how others are selected and involved, including accountabilities.

  1. MoH’s Draft Instruction to MoH staff on NGO contracts (Lobbying/Advocacy)


In October 2003 an issue arose through questions in Parliament regarding a clause in NGO contracts concerning lobbying. This raised issues of the Ministry’s political neutrality. Discussions have continued both with the Ministry and other government departments and between government departments themselves.

The Working Group has developed a set of contracting principles for NGOscontracting with the Ministry.


Several days ago, a meeting between Gill and Dr Don Matheson (DDG Public Health) discussed the latest Ministry response. It was suggested that this was as close to a resolution as was possible and the Chair again reiterated the NGOs disquiet about the restrictions imposed by the Ministry’s political neutrality clauses, which will be included in contracts.

It was agreed that the clauses would be made available to NGOs when formally provided and that they would be presented more formally at the upcoming April forum.

The Working Group agreed that it was likely there would be NGO concern expressed at the Forum and it was agreed that Gill would advise Don and Karen to expect this.

It was also agreed to seek an opinion on the Ministry’s clauses from John Miller (Political Studies Dept, VUW).

  1. Meeting with the Minister of Health


Following the presentationof our briefing to the new Minister of Health, Hon Pete Hodgson, we have been offered a meeting with him on 14 March, 2006.


This meeting took place last week. This was an opportunity to promote the place of NGOs in the health sector and reinforce our belief in the sector’s ability to contribute to the Government’s health outcomes. The blocks which lead to NGO “invisibility” where detailed, with current examples, such as the development of PHOs and, more recently, pandemic planning processes, which have been largely exclusive of NGO involvement.

The Minister demonstrated a keen awareness of the sector’s concerns and raised a number of questions about PHOs, including the “organisational conundrum” of how to involve NGOs. He requested that he have the opportunity to visit NGOs when he is doing regional tours of DHBs.

He invited the Working Group to relay to him examples of PHO-NGO co-operation that was successfully demonstrating best practice.

  1. Meeting with Karen Poutasi, Director-General of Health


Prior to Christmas, 2005 the Working Group wrote to Dr Poutasi to report back on an number of matters we had been involved with over recent months. Specifically the meetings with the Ministry’s directorates following the survey of NGO-Ministry relationships. As apart of the report we requested a meeting with Dr Poutasi. A meeting will take place on 22 February.


This meeting covered a range of current NGO sector concerns, particularly the media coverage of NGOs over recent weeks. This was also an opportunity to update Dr Poutasi on Working Group activities and the progress.

Matters discussed included the Ministry’s response to the political neutrality concerns, Nurses’ MECA impacts, NGO and PHO relationships and Pandemic Planning. Most aspects of these discussions were focused on the need for NGOs to be allowed to make a greater contribution to the health sector.

The Working Group was encouraged by the Dr Poutasi’s acknowledgment of the NGO concerns and pleased that our Quarterly Reports will now be sent to the Executive Team.

  1. DHBNZ


Since establishing a more routine connection with DHBNZ, we have been exploring ways that a closer relationship can be fostered and identifying which DHBNZ projects could appropriately include NGO participation.

Julian Inch (CE, DHBNZ) arranged for Gill to attend the meeting of DHB Chairs on6 March, 2006 to talk about the NGO H&D sector and raise our profile with the DHBs.


This meeting went well, with Gill providing the Chairs with an excellent view of the health and disability NGO world, its diversity, contribution to health outcomes and challenges, as well as a briefing on the NGO Forum and Working Group’s its origins and purpose. The presentation was generally well received and prompted some Chairs to consider the status of their DHB’s engagement with NGOs.

Carole and Alan accompanied Gill.

This presentation will be emailed to the Working Group.

  1. April 2006 Forum planning


The next Forum is being planned for April, will be opened by the Minister and will be held in South Auckland. The theme will be contracting.


Planning is continuing though the programme is changing to accommodate new priorities and the unavailability of planned government department speakers.

Still to confirm if a presentation on the Ministry’s Procurement Guidelines will eventuate. Damian is still exploring options for this.

Papers to be prepared for the Forum include:

  1. aWorking Group update/progress report
  2. the Working Group’s draft contracting guidelines
  3. Primary Health Care Strategy workplan

8.Workforce Planning Issues


As a follow up to the September Forum it was agreed at the previous Working Group meeting to engage a researcher to prepare a report on NGO sector workforce issues.


The research contractor selection process is almost complete. There was a very high level of interest, with some very experienced researchers submitting applications. The contract will now need to be extended beyond the original NGO Workforce project to include the Primary Health Care Strategy consultations, as noted below.

New Business

  1. Primary Health Care Strategy
  2. Roadshow

Consultations are underway on the Ministry’s Primary Health Care Strategy’s “Implementation Workplan”. A “Roadshow” is planned to gather this feedbackbut appears to be aimed at DHBs and PHOs. NGO involvement is being encouraged and the Working Group has agreed to seek NGO invitations to the Roadshow meetings. The paper describing means to engage the sector will be distributed to the NGO sector by the Working Group, once approval to do so has been obtained.

  1. Clinical Services

Gill and Alan reported on a meeting yesterday with Sarah Turner, (Manager, Primary Health Care Delivery, Clinical Services Directorate)and were invited to facilitate NGO contributions to more Primary Health Care projects:

  1. the Ministry’s forthcoming paper to the Minister on the place of NGOs in the Primary Care Sector.
  2. a paper on NGOs’ perspectives of PHO governance, and how this could better involve NGOs. (refer Report on the PHO Stocktake at : )

  1. Feedback on the Primary Care Strategy Implementation Workplan

Additionally, the Ministry of Health’s Clinical Services Directorate has offered a 2 month funded secondment for a NGO representative to assist with the Report on the place of NGOs (1. above). The Working Group will facilitate smaller regional forums on these issues in the next few months, which will be an opportunity for NGOs to contribute their perspectives.

NGO are to be informed and invited to indicate there willingness to contribute to these consultations. It was agreed that relevant parts of this feedback collection processes would be included in the researchers contract.

  1. Pandemic Planning

Gill was asked to make a presentation to the Pandemic Influenza Reference Committee, following earlier representations on behalf of NGOs about their exclusion from planning. Subsequently, other invites to speak to groups involved in the pandemic response have followed.

There are still significant issues to resolve, including the impact on contractual obligations in the light of pandemic forced service delivery stoppages.

It was agreed to include a presentation at the April forum on pandemic preparations.

Gill’s presentations also to be emailed to the Working Group.

  1. Presentation: Community Support Services ITO

Gill Genet (Corporate Services SupportManager, CSSITO) asked to speak to theWorking Group after hearing of our intention to prepare a report on NGO workforce issue.

Brief notes:

  • CSSITO mainly involved in strategic work, looking at systems using project management model
  • currently has leadership role in H&D sector to increase coverage of their involvements
  • tasks to facilitate the setting of standards for the sector as recommended by the sector (ie H&D), includes Level I, III and IV and national diplomas which support career pathways
  • also targeting workplace training
  • current involvement is with Home based support , personal care services –a Career Pathway Qualification is due for release in June
  • Leadership activities incl strategic workforce planning which has a collaborative approach and an action outcome
  • Aiming to connect the stakeholders
  • researching the demographics of workforce
  • wanting to connect with HWAC
  • CSSITO will be working with DHBs and DHBNZ

Benefits of co-operation with the Working Group include using the Working Group’s networks, quicker access to existing NGO knowledge

Outcome of our meeting was for the Working Group to get back to CSSITO with ideas and synergy perspective.

  1. MoH Analyst’s Training

Gill and Alan presented to a training session for new analysts on the NGO sector, the Forum and the Working Group. Feedback indicated the presentation was well received.

Next meeting is: Friday 5 May

2006 Meeting dates:Friday 30th June

Friday 29th September

Thursday 30th November.

DRAFT Action PointsAppendix I

NGO Working Group meeting 2 February, 2006

Item / Task / Responsibility / Timeframe / Progress
1 / Email information to WG:
  • Presentation to DHBNZ Chairs
  • Presentation to PIRC
/ Alan / ASAP / Done
2 / Review WG Representation paper / Jo/Alan / ASAP
3 / Redesign meeting minutes and notes
Amend previous minutes / Alan
Alan / ASAP
ASAP / Ongoing
4 / PEB
Send to other Ministers / Alan / Immediate
5 / Strategic Plan and Annual Workplan prioritising / WG / Ongoing
6 / Framework/ToR
  • Review to reflect DHBNZ/DHB relationships
/ ?Project Group / ASAP
7 / 2006-07 WG Funding- prepare a bid / Alan / Immediate / Done
8 / WG capacity: prepare protocols / Gill/Alan / Ongoing
9 / Lobbying/Advocacy
  • Send out MoH clause, when received
  • “Headsup” to MoH of NGO concern
  • Seek expert opinion
/ Alan
Gill / ASAP
Immediate / Done
10 / April 06 Forum:
  • Finalise programme
  • Distribute paper
  • Include MoH contributions (PHCS and Pandemic Planning)
/ Alan
Alan / Immediate
Immediate / Done
11 / Meeting with Min of Health
  • Project to keep Minister informed of PHO –NGO successes
  • Enable Minister to visit NGOs
/ WG
Damian/Alan/WG / Ongoing
12 / DHBNZ:
  • 3 priority issues, d/w DHBNZ
/ Alan/Gill / Ongoing / Pending
13 / NGO Workforce issues:
  • Finalise Researcher JD
  • Seek contractor
/ Marion, Louise, Alan
Alan / ASAP
ASAP / Done
14 / PHCS Roadshow:
  • Ensure NGOs are aware of meetings
  • Distribute Workplan paper
/ Alan
Alan / Immediate
When approved / Done
15 / PHCS consultations:
  • Inform NGOs
  • Distribute information
  • Seek Reponses
/ Alan
Gill/Alan / At Forum
Ongoing / Done
In progress
16 / Meeting with CS Directorates re: PHOs, 6 March (needs to be re-scheduled) / Gill/Louise/Alan
Alan / Ongoing
17 / Researchcontract:
  • Finalise contract
  • Rewrite contract to include new PHCS projects
/ Gill/Alan
Alan / Immediate
Immediate / Done
18 / CSSITO:
  • Decide on co-operative ventures
/ Alan/Researcher / Ongoing / Current
19 / WG Expenses:
  • Send travel invoices for refunds
/ Alan / Ongoing
NEXT WG Meeting / WG / 5 May


Notes from the NGO Working Group 03-06 v1