In attendance: R. Aldous (Chair), A Duffy, A Etchells, M Hallam, Fr Higgins, F Reynolds, Francy Reynolds, M Robinson, B Thomson, A Warneford.

  1. Welcome and Opening Prayer

Fr Higgins gave the opening prayer

  1. Apologies

M O’Connor, M Swift, M Watson

  1. Minutes of the Pastoral Parish Council meeting held on 13 October 2005

Communications - The weatherproof box for the Bulletin and other information has not yet been purchased. A picture of a proposed weatherproof box was circulated for approval. With this amendment, the minutes were approved as an accurate record.

4. Matters Arising on the Minutes

Microphone – M Hallam had not yet checked the Loop System for ‘hot spots’, but this would be completed for the next meeting. Action –M Hallam.

Eucharistic Ministers – A meeting for the Eucharistic Ministers and Visiting Groups has not yet been re-organised. This would be arranged for after Christmas Action – Fr Higgins.

Eucharistic Ministers need to be organised for the Christmas Services. Action – M Robinson

Parish Action Plan

It was clarified that the Action Plan Form needed to be in larger format so that it would be easily read if placed at the back of the church, and in a format that could be readily updated.

Prior to being displayed, work needed to be carried out to bring the Plan up to date. It was agreed that time would be set aside at the next meeting to review the actions previously listed and would then feature as a regular agenda item at future PPC meetings.

Action – BT and RA to review the form.

5.Parish Group Reports

Group reports had been circulated by members prior to the meeting. Only items requiring discussion were raised at the meeting, but a summary of those reports is included in these minutes.

Adult Education

Following the meeting of PPC members to discuss their faith, it was agreed that this had been very worthwhile and that a further meeting should be arranged at the end of January. Action – It was agreed that M Hallam would contact the Adult Centre at Mackworth to check whether they had any subject matter for discussion at our next ‘Faith’ meeting. Fr Dennis to check with Fr Donald O’Leary.

Church Property

Listed Building – Information had been circulated regarding the regulations for Listed Buildings. The main benefit would be that VAT would be payable at only 5%, but this could not be claimed retrospectively. A drawback to having buildings listed was that tighter controls would be placed on what can be done with the property. It was agreed to ask A Payne, who has knowledge of building regulations, for his opinion. Action – A meeting to be held between A Etchells, A Payne and Robert Aldous.

Parish Centre – Alternative Lighting – The new lighting had been used at a recent social event and had proved very effective. Many thanks to the Social Committee for the funding.

Asbestos – The Asbestos Inspection Reports had been received. Asbestos had been found in all three buildings, although not in any significant amounts. Action – a meeting to be held between A Etchells, A Payne and R Aldous to discuss the action required.


Suggestion Box -

1)A request had been made for the 11.00 am Christmas Day Service to be more “upbeat” and child friendly.

The service on the 18th would include the Junior Liturgy presenting a Christmas Play and would be child orientated. It was difficult to do things with the children on Christmas Day as the Junior Liturgy leaders did not necessarily attend the 11.00 am service and needed to spend time with their own families.

2)A request had been received from a gentleman in Poole enquiring whether the church had a team of handymen to look after the older parishioners as his auntie, living in Buxton, was having difficult with her gas fired central heating boiler.

Enquiries had been made and the lady in question had already received some assistance but it was agreed that only people with a CORGI qualification would be allowed to work on the heating. Action – RA to respond to the e-mail.

3)A suggestion had been made that an artificial tree should be purchased in the January sales to save money on the purchase of a ‘live’ Christmas tree each year.

Although it was agreed that this would save money, the PPC agreed it was preferable to have a natural tree for the children.

Notice Board – A suitable notice board had been found which would cost approximately £295. Action – RA to check whether CMS would provide funding.

Adult Liturgy

Eucharistic Ministers – The Year of the Eucharist ended at the start of Advent, so there will not be any more Holy Hours and Exposition at present. Numbers for receiving the Eucharist at home remain steady.

Readers Group – Francie had supplied the names of five teenagers who would become Readers. R Gould to meet with them after school on Thursdays. She hopes that they will all read at Midnight Mass. If this is successful, they will be entered on the Readers’ Rota.

Children’s Liturgy

The Children’s liturgy is now held in the Parish Centre when possible. This is a more practical for extended activities, especially craft, drama and games. The return to church needs rationalising in order to get the children back in church in time for communion, but this was being dealt with.

More copies of the Liturgy Book have been purchased.

£60 has been donated for the purchase of more books for the children from the Diocesan Centre. This is money raised at the recent Christingle Celebration.

Musical instruments have also been bought from Brownie Funds, which will be shared by the Children’s Liturgy Group.

A Nativity Play is planned by the children for 18th December.


The Presentation Associates - The Associates have been hosting Coffee Mornings on the 1st and 2nd Wednesdays of each month; these have proved very popular with members of the community. A special Christmas Coffee Morning will be held on 14th December after the morning service.

The Associates are continuing their programme ‘Minding Our Planet Earth’ at their meetings on the 3rd and 4th Wednesdays of the month.

They will be distributing tins of biscuits and Christmas Cards to the housebound parishioners. Biscuits have been donated by Mr Dinardo and the cards by Mr Aldous.

There was nothing to report from the Visiting or Welcoming Groups.


St Anne’s School- The children attended Mass in Church on 30th October, quite a lot of parents joined them. The Head teacher was very positive about the visit and will be bringing another class after Christmas.

A group of children are linking up with Sr Teresa in the Devonshire Campus next week to perform a play with the group she is running there.

The school held a coffee morning after mass on Sunday with the remains of their Christmas Fair, inviting parishioners to join them, and helping them to raise £2,500 for the school.

St ThomasMoreSchool– The Bishop came to their presentation evening. He was given a warm welcome and spoke to them about the importance of being representatives of their school wherever they go.

A number of pupils attended the Parish Hoe Down and all enjoyed themselves.

They will be singing carols and providing mince pies and coffee after mass on the 11th December, this is primarily a fundraiser but it brings the youth together to get involved in the parish.

They will be holding a Concert at the school on 17th December to raise money for Cancer Research.

Five Readers from the School are to meet to prepare for reading at Midnight Mass.

SocialCommittee - In the absence of Marie O’Connor the success of recent events were reported - the Parish Hoe Down where over 60 people attended; The Christingle Event; and the Concert at the University of Derby. Future events are the Senior Citizens Party on the 10th; the Coffee Morning and Carols on the 11th; and the St Thomas More Concert on the 17th.


Fr Dennis reported that by the end of the next Financial Year, all debts should be cleared and he suggested that it would be a good time to have a Parish Financial Secretary to look after day-to-day finances. It was suggested that a job description should be drafted, as there may be someone in the Parish with financial skills who would be able to carry out this work on a voluntary basis for a few hours each week.

  1. Feedback from the Parish Assembly

The Parish Assembly, held on 16th October, had been successful although attendance was down on previous meetings. It was agreed that future Assemblies should be held in the Parish Centre, as this would be more comfortable and less restrictive.

Margaret Smidowicz, the Diocesan Pastoral Plan Implementation Officer, had attended the meeting and spoke about her work within the Diocese. She had been impressed with the progress that had been made by our Parish.

  1. Parish Action Plan

This had been discussed under Matters Arising (Item 4). No further discussion was required.

8.Any Other Business

B Thomson had circulated Christmas card Appeal - Information regarding Gift Aid for the Kaoma Orphans, who are not a registered charity. It was suggested that as the Presentation Sisters were a registered charity and the Kaoma Orphans were run by the Presentation Sisters the donation to the Orphans could be Gift Aided. Action – BT to organise with Angela Sexton.

The Christmas tree has been erected ready for the Christmas Card Appeal to commence this weekend – 10/11th December.

Action - Gift Aid Envelopes, forms and notice board to be organised by B Thomson.

Disaster Boxes Fund – Bruce Thomson reported that following the latest appeal a number of Disaster Boxes had been delivered to ManchesterAirport where they are stored. At the time,the new boxes were delivered only two pallets remained in the warehouse following the recent disasters. Other churches are being requested to be involved with this appeal.

Church Census Report– Following the national Census taken earlier this year a full copy of the report should be received later in 2006.

Following the Diocese Census in September – Father Dennis reported that, averaged on the three weeks, number were slightly down.

12. Date of Next Meeting

The next meeting was agreed as Thursday, 9th February 2006.