Notes from Tech and e-Learning Affinity Group

The topics for this group were originated by group members. Topics included:


  1. How will each of the e-Learning modules be created? For example:
  2. Is curricula developed by SMEs?
  3. Will there be an expectation to use the same course authoring software?
  4. Will there be a branded look and feel?
  5. How will we be able to control versioning, especially for counties with county mandated systems?
  6. What would be the process for delivering finished/unfinished content to county mandated LMSs? Unfinished/unpublished courses would allow regions to make finish modules for their systems
  7. Who will be charged with making changes to the original content?
  8. How will changes be made to narrated portions of modules?
  9. What are the recommendations for course authoring software knowing that it is not backwards compatibility?


  1. Someone(s) has to create each user profile to include email assignment. This is particularly vexing for PCWTA because new staff don’t get an email account until two weeks after employment.
  2. Someone(s) had to register staff for training
  3. Someone(s) had to set triggers (course completion, follow-up emails, etc.)
  4. Need extra/additional personnel to manage help desk!!!


  1. Some users experience difficulty finding the start button and will call the help desk, distracting help desk staff from working on more serious technical issues.
  2. Some users are unable to locate and sign up for courses.
  3. There are issues with versions of Flash
  4. There is/had been spotty Internet connection. At times, it has been reported that staff thought they had completed courses but they were unaware that they did not have Internet connection, and therefore, did not receive credit for courses.
  5. There can be issues with accessing courses using specific Internet browsers and versioning of browsers
  6. Pop-up blockers can be temporary or permanent barriers to accessing courses
  7. Low bandwidth can slow down the process of taking a course
  8. Some counties don’t have dedicated IT staff


  1. There should be a state funded integrated LMS that includes the ability to effectively track training, one that includes an evaluation platform
  2. CalSWEC create an eLearning template that includes a branded look and feel
  3. CalSWEC (Colby) work together with PCWTA to design a CC3.0 template OR there could be a contest or game to design a template. Stock photos can be included.
  4. County IT personnel need to be prepped about potential caseload issues related to CC3.0 (what is needed (checklist)? Who can help troubleshoot, etc.)
  5. Some counties may need to hire/borrow IT tech support
  6. RTAs and counties work together to submit tickets via the county ticket submission process.
  7. Create a Welcome to Core eLearning module (YouTube, for example) for new staff
  8. Create FAQs for field requirements and activities

Other Discussion: What are your favorite engaging activities for use in e-learning modules?

  1. Video content
  2. Matching
  3. Drop-n-drop (some engagement activities are not portable, (i.e., are not supported on tablets, and therefore not tracked on a learning management system)).
  4. Scenarios
  5. Audio
  6. Text-based activities
  7. Click to reveal activities
  8. Imagery
  9. Game templates
  10. Elearning Brothers ( provides sound effects, images, layout templates, interactions and quizzes, scenario templates, game templates, cutout people images and video, etc. The subscriptions are annual and are per designer.
  11. Articulate Community ( provides 12 free e-Learning games for Articulate Storyline