The M2012Advocates' Corner is an interactive, participatory area where delegates representing community, advocacy, and civil society can come to dialogue, exchange ideas, network, build solidarity, relax and socialize. The Advocates’ Corner is also hosting a program of activities during the M2012including tea break and lunchtime discussions with advocates and researchers on a variety of scientific and community issues.
(9.00-10.00am) / No Advocates' Corner sessions, conference attendees encouraged to attend official conference sessions
Tea/Coffee Break
10.30–11.00 / FREE / Demonstration of an
HIV prevention research
literacy field guide
(facilitated by NHVMAS) / AVAC Advocacy Fellowship ProgramInformation Session
(facilitated by AVAC)
(11.00-12.30pm) / No Advocates' Corner sessions, conference attendees encouraged to attend official conference sessions
Lunch 12.30–14.00
Please grab your lunch and join us in the Advocates’ Corner! / In Women’s Hands: Key Issues in Access
(facilitated by GCM) / Put a ring on it! Discussion of new microbicide delivery mechanisms
(facilitated by AVAC) / How is adherence the responsibility of advocates?
(facilitated by IRMA)
(14.00–15.30) / No Advocates' Corner sessions, conference attendees encouraged to attend official conference sessions
Tea/Coffee Break3:30– 4:00pm / Where’s the Gel? Update on tenofovir gel
(facilitated by AVAC) / Continuing the discussion: Women and PrEP
(facilitated by AVAC) / Project ARM Networking
(facilitated by IRMA & NHVMAS)
Abstract sessions
(16.00–17.30) / No Advocates' Corner sessions, conference attendees encouraged to attend official conference sessions
Post-Conference (17.30 onward) /
/ Reception – ARM Report Launch &Honoring Falobi Award recipients
(Conference dinner
at 19.00) / CLOSED
M2012 Advocates’ Corner Session Descriptions
In Women’s Hands: Key Issues in Access(Facilitated by GCM)
Access to microbicides for women will be affected by cultural, economic and gender dynamics. This session will focus on defining and understanding some of the structural, behavioral and social factors that may promote or impede women’s access to microbicides.
Where’s the Gel? (Facilitated by AVAC and featuring Leila Mansoor, CAPRISA; Henry Gabelnick, CONRAD; Deb Baron, WRHI; Jim Picket, IRMA;andJeanne Marazzo, MTN)
Do you want to know what’s happening with tenofovir gel? What research is still in the field on vaginal 1% tenofovir gel? Is it the same gel which is being studied as a rectal microbicide? What is the update on the regulatory process and the manufacturing plan? Join us for a conversation with representatives from CAPRISA, CONRAD, FACTS, IRMA and MTN to ask your burning questions…
Tuesday, 17April
Demonstration of an HIV prevention researchliteracy field guide(Facilitated by NHVMAS)
Demonstration of a HIV prevention research literacy field guide: A low literacy field guide that helps communities to understand about HIV prevention research and the reasons CSOs and community members need to engage with HIV prevention research will be demonstrated.
Put a ring on it! Discussion of new microbicide delivery mechanisms(Facilitated by AVAC and featuringThomas Zydowsky, PopCouncil; Ian McGowan, MTN; TheslaPalanee, WRHI and MTN; Gustavo Doncel, CONRAD; Joseph Romano, NWJ group; and Zeda Rosenberg, IPM
The microbicides field is moving beyond just gels and is expanding to rings, tablets, injectables and films.Do you know about the large dapivirine ring trials that are about to start? What do you want to know about these new mechanisms? How will you communicate these new delivery mechanisms to the communities you work with? Come join us for a conversation with researchers at the heart of this research to hear more and ask your questions.
Continuing the Discussion: Women and PrEP(Facilitated by AVAC)
Join advocates and researchers to continue the discussion about PrEPresearch and womenincluding how US women’s groups are engaging in the FDA review of a potential Truvadalabel change for HIV prevention; plans for discussion at AIDS2012, and what concerns or questions remain.
Reception Honoring Omololu Falobi Award 2010 Recipients & IRMA ARMReport Launch (AMAG and IRMA)
Besides enjoying delicious wine and cheese, we will collectively honor the 2010 recipient of the Omololu Falobi Award for Excellence in HIV Prevention Research and Community Advocacy, and will also officially launch IRMA's brand new Project ARM (Africa for Rectal Microbicides) report and advocacy strategy: "On the Map: Ensuring Africa’s Place in Rectal Microbicide Research and Advocacy". We hope you will stop by for this fun event on your way to the conference dinner!
Wednesday, 18April
Information Session: Learn about the AVAC HIV Prevention Research Advocacy Fellowship(Facilitated by AVAC)
The AVAC HIV Prevention Research Advocacy Fellowship program pairs emerging and interested advocates with existing host organizations to develop and execute creative, context-specific projects focused on HIV prevention research advocacy. Come learn about this exciting program, how to apply for the next round, and meet the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Fellows!
How is adherence the responsibility of advocates?(Facilitated by IRMA)
Adherence –no one can seem to figure it out, and it can mean never being able to answer the question of whether something works or not. Scientists have the responsibility to design trials that encourage and adequately measure adherence. Trial participants have the responsibility to follow the study protocol they consented to and adhere to the regimen called for – and to be honest when they are unable. So where do advocates fit in? How can community advocates help inform and improve adherence from both these perspectives – so have fully engaged trial participants and studies that are able to answer their central question – DID IT WORK? Join us for an informal discussion on these topics to help mobilize better adherence all around!
Project ARM Networking(Facilitated by IRMA & NHVMAS)
This will be an opportunity for all people interested in IRMA's Project ARM to meet and learn about our brand new report "On The Map: Ensuring Africa's Place in Rectal Microbicide Research and Advocacy". We will discuss priority actions from the report and share plans for moving forward the rectal microbicide advocacy agenda in Africa. We hope you will join us.
Aspecial thanks to the “M2012 Advocates’ Corner Supporters” for their invaluable help in staffing the Advocates’ Corner!