Notes from PWPB 2010 Workshop on University Ped/Bike Education

We had about 20 people show up at the workshop, and it was an interested and lively audience. The feedback was really in the form of questions and suggestions about next steps. Following were the suggestions for moving forward:

  1. Work with the professional organizations to get the tests changed:
  2. PE Exam
  3. AICP Exam
  4. Driver’s licensing exams (a bit tangential, but still important)
  5. Encourage APBP to take a leadership role
  6. Cover ped/bike engineering in all courses
  7. Encourage students to do ped/bike capstone project
  8. Teach the course in summer school
  9. Consider outside certification for individuals
  10. Consider collaborating with the League of American Bicyclists to create a new certification, e.g., the Bike/Ped Professional
  11. Consider working the topic into a different type of transportation course, e.g., “Transportation and the Environment”
  12. Add a question to the “Bike Friendly University” application about whether or not the class is taught