Minutes 11/15/06

Present: Megan, Alex, Jill, Anna, Brett

Exit form for graduating students:

-Anna mentioned that Carnegie has an alumni database on filemaker. She’s going to look in to this. It seems like this may be the best way for Mudd to go.

-Jill and Anna are working with the office on this. Jill is going to get the database finished so we’ll be able to use it as a tool for our alternate careers project

Progress Reports

-Newer sheets seem to be getting filled out more thoroughly

-Anna is going to ask Lori if Andrew made the changes to her talk that we suggested (bigger speaker, smaller slides)


-Megan is going to make a list of things she doesn’t know but needs for the application for post doc seminar courses.

-Megan is going to give the post docs the unfinished application to see if they have any input, and then pass it on to Beverly

-Brett is going to talk to KB and Audrey about the fact that there are only 14 spots in the writing class and all 20 2nd years have been strongly encouraged to take it


-People really enjoyed this. Anna is working on getting the pictures we have framed and hung around Mudd hall

Alternate Careers project

-Alex’s labmate Ann Marie spoke to someone about an alternate career website at their school at a meeting. Alex is going to talk to Ann Marie further about this, and then pass the website info on to Fred Tan. The website has a link that helps people get groups about alternate careers going at their schools

-All contacts we made seemed enthusiastic about coming for a seminar series like this. We’re going to start with science writing, and then get more local people to see what participation is like before we branch out to inviting people that aren’t local and require travel funds.

-Jill and Alex are working with the career center to get a seminar by them here and booklets and just to get things going in general

-Megan is going to contact science writer Audrey Huang to see what her availability is in late January early February, and book Mudd 23 and Mudd 100 for the event

-Brett is going to ask Evan how much money he gets for the BSS, and see if we can work out a similar deal for the alternate careers

Other random tidbits:

-Megan is going to email the 1st years about picking a rep