Notes for Chapter 9: Middle Ages

Medieval Times (Middle Ages)- between 500-1500 AD, time period between ancient times and modern times

  1. Feudalism:

-begins with collapse of Roman Empire, needed a way to protect themselves from the Vikings of the North

-developed a way of living, power belonged to those who owned land, way to protect towns and kingdoms

-royalty, nobles, knights, peasants

-landowner called a lord, man who was loyal to the lord was a vassal(main duty of each was to protect the other)

-lady of the household managed the household, supervised serfs, was lord in absence of husband

-Peasants- hard lives, lot of work, small homes, little or no money, simple food (bread), also serfs (peasants who belonged to the land, but not quite slaves)


-lord ruled over a manor (large estate that included a village and farmland)

-manor was self-sufficient, peasants farmers, carpenter, shoemaker, blacksmith, herbalist, butcher, tailor


2. Rise of Cities:

-religion was in every part of life, Roman Catholic Church ruled all areas (villages, towns, kingdoms)

-the church was powerful, acted as the gov't (collected taxes, courts)

-by about 1000 A.D., populations grew, manors became crowded (communities, towns, cities- not self-sufficient, used money)

-peasants leave manor (getting crowded) life improves (rise of middle class -merchants, traders)

-guilds(work in a trade) form, which included women and apprentices

-cities very crowded and a lot of disease ("The Black Death" or bubonic plague killed 1/3 of Europe's pop. in 4 years)

-universities and colleges began to grow

  1. Medieval Knights:

-only boys of noble families

-began around age 7 (page), age 14 (a squire), then a knight

-knights had to follow the code of Chivalry- the noble qualities of a knight

-today being knighted is a reward for service to your country

  1. The Crusades:

-the Church launched 4 wars to recapture Palestine from the Turks

-Reasons: wanted the holy sites, but also key trade routes, and to protect pilgrims

-1st Crusade consisted of peasants led by Peter the Hermit, once knight got there 1st Crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099 A.D., killed 10,000 Muslim and Jewish people

-Results: the Crusades changed Europe, increased trade and made the use of money more common, helped trade grow in Middle Ages, feudalism weakened and towns, cities grew

  1. Power of Kings:

-nations begin to be built (feudalism declines, growth of trade and towns inc, kings power increases, nations begin)

-kings and popes struggled for power

-Magna Carta was signed, limiting the powers of a king and helping to lead to the beginning of a new gov't (Parliament)

Hundred Years’ War:

- England and France fought, fought over control of land, trading

-French peasant, Joan of Arc, defeated the English at the battle of Orleans

-She was taken prisoner by England, accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake

6. The Religion of Islam

- basic beliefs are known as the 5 Pillars of Islam

1. Faith- belief in God and prophet Muhammad

  1. Prayer- pray 5 times a day
  2. Sharing- give to poor and sick if you can
  3. Fasting- only occurs during special month (Ramadan)- sunrise to sunset every day
  4. Haji (Pilgrimage)- a sacred journey to Mecca, at least once in your life

- rules of Islam written in Quran

- Islam regards Noah, Adam, Moses as important people in Islam, but Muhammad was the last of the prophets, all are monotheistic

- Muhammad insisted all people are equal, men and women, but as Islam spread they adopted attitude toward women of conquered land