Notebook Grading Criteria 2015-16 Arts and Humanities
Each time the notebook is evaluated it will constitute a test grade. Notebook checks are unannounced and can occur at any random time during the school year.
In order to earn a good grade on each notebook check the following should be observed:
A. Initial Set Up
1. The notebook should have been set up following the directions given by MrsBurkhart in class (a copy of
these can be found on her website).
2. The table of contents must be updated regularly and will be checked during each notebook check.
3. Any missing or incomplete part of these directions will cause a deduction in the overall evaluation
mark each time the notebook is evaluated
B. Right Sides
1. Should be completely done.
2. Should clearly have both the title of the assignment at the top and the date located in the upper right
hand corner of the page and the page should be numbered in the bottom right corner.
3. All assignments should be in chronological order by the times they were assigned.
4. All right side assignments should be done only on right sides unless other instructed by Mrs. Burkhart.
5. Each fully completed and correct right side assignment earns4 points. Any missing part (date, title,
incomplete, etc.) will cause 1 point to be deduced for each missing item from the points possible for that
particular right side page.
C. Left Sides
1. There should be a left side activity attempted for each right side page used.
2. It should have a purpose and show application of any concept from the right side.
3. If there is any copied picture, text, or other that has not been originally created by the student, it should
have citation beneath the picture or text or other.
4. For each unit, there should be no more than (2) two of the same kind of application activities.
5. For any copied picture or text, it must be processed. This means that the student must
mark/highlight/underline a part of the text and then write a brief summary of how this part relates to
information located on the right side. For a picture, it will need a student created caption of original writing
relating (explaining significance) the picture to any content from the right side.
D. Deductions for Lateness and Lack of Chronological Order
1. If a student has forgotten to bring their notebook for that particular class when a notebook check is announced, they may bring it by the very next calendar day, but 30% will be deducted from their notebook score for that check; If the notebook is brought the next time class meets (two calendar days later), 50% will be deducted from the overall score for that check. After two calendar days, no points can be earned for that notebook check.
2. Any right side assignment that is found to be out of chronological order will cause a reduction in the overall score of a notebook evaluation.
Student Signature ______Date ______
My signature shows that I have read, understand, and will abide by these grading criteria.