Ms. Morrissey’s Policies and Procedures /
2012-2013 School Year /
Email: Class Wiki: /

Entering and Leaving the Classroom

Arriving to class on time:

●“On time” means in your desk when the bell has stopped ringing

●Please enter the classroom in a non-disruptive manner and check board for:

○Instructions on turning in homework

○Opening activities

●Place bookbag/backpack/purse/etc. COMPLETELY under your seat.

Prior to leaving:

●Iwill dismiss the class.

●the clock or the bell does not dismiss the class

●DO NOT pack up until directed to

●Push in your chair

●Throw garbage/recycling out as you leave class

On arriving late to class:

●Please enter class in a non-disruptive manner

●Sign in on the bathroom/late arrival sign-in sheet

●Hand late pass to me

○If class is working in groups, I will assign you to one at this time

●If it is not clear what you to do, take the following steps until you understand what you should be doing :

○Consult agenda

○Observe class activity

○Quietly ask a classmate for direction

○Sit in your seat and raise hand. I will be with you shortly.

Bathroom Privileges:

●After permission is granted, please sign out and take the pass

●Leave and return quietly

●One student may use the restroom at a time

●Students may not use the bathroom during presentations or testing

●Students may not use the bathroom in the first or last ten minutes of class

●Abuse of bathroom privileges will be dealt with on a case by case basis

“Either you run the day or the day runs you.”

Jim Rohn, entrepreneur

Coming to Attention

When I need the class’s attention:

  • When I need the entire class’s attention I will say:
  • “1… 2… 3… attention, please.”
  • When you hear this, please:
  • Stop talking
  • Stop any work/activity
  • Turn and face me
  • Be ready for instruction OR important information

When you need my attention:

  • When you would like to answer a question I have asked of the class, or you have a question related to the lesson:
  • Raise your hand
  • If you would like permission to use the bathroom:
  • Raise your pointer finger
  • Responses from me:
  • Thumbs up means yes
  • Thumbs down means no
  • Please refer to section on bathroom privileges for more information
  • If you need help:
  • Raise two fingers (peace sign)
  • I will acknowledge you
  • If I tap my wrist (as if I’m tapping a wristwatch), it means you will have to wait (I may be helping someone else at that moment)
  • Keep working… help is on the way!
  • If you need to leave your seat during a lesson or quiet seat work:
  • Try to keep this to a minimum – it’s very distracting!
  • Keep an extra pen with you
  • Have tissues available if you need them
  • Save trips to the garbage for when you leave the classroom
  • If it’s necessary: raise your hand.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

Robert Collier, author



  • All homework will be graded

How to turn in homework the day it is due:

●Check board when you enter class for directions, you will either:

○Place homework in your class’s folder in the homework box before sitting


○Place completed homework on your desk for me to check

○If no directions are on the board:

■Place homework in homework box

Homework should be:

●Handwritten homework MUST be legible (or it will be given a zero)

●Handwritten homework MUST be completed in pen

●To receive credit, assignments must follow the given instructions.

○Example, if an assignment needs to be typed, it must be typed to receive


●Homework should be neat and uncrumpled

○Frilled edges from spiral notebooks must be removed prior to turning in

●Please include your student number.

●Please use the appropriate heading on all homework (including handouts).

○Homework submitted without the appropriate heading will get ½ grade

taken off.

○Appropriate heading:

■Student number

■Your first and last name

■English 10 [class name]

■Assignment name

■Due date

●If you are unable to complete homework because of difficulty with the assignment, and you wish to get credit for trying to complete your work:

○Turn in incomplete assignment

○You MUST include note with the assignment explaining what you didn’t understand

Turning in homework after being absent:

●Place homework in homework box.

How to know what is for homework:

  • Homework is posted in the same place everyday
  • Long term assignments are posted on the class wiki

Completing homework when you have been absent:

  • Any and all homework that was due the 1st day you were absent is due THE DAY YOU RETURN.
  • If you are absent for 1 or 2 days, homework is due the day after you return to school (for days missed AND the day that you return).
  • To make things easier for yourself, check the wiki and complete as much homework as possible while you are out.
  • Email me if you need a handout or have a question.
  • Family and friends can bring you materials that you may have left in school.
  • Tip: the more work you can complete while you are out, the easier it will be when you return to school.
  • If you are absent for more than 2 days, we will arrange a schedule for you complete the work you missed.

Turning in late work:

  • Every day that homework is turned in late, the grade will be reduced by 1 full grade.

Turning in plagiarized homework/assignments/papers:

●Copying homework from your classmates is not allowed at any time.

○All students involved receive a zero

○Parents notified of behavior

●Plagiarizing is not allowed.

○Plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment

○Parents will be notified of behavior

Test taking

General procedure:

●Talking is not allowed during testing, and may result in a zero grade for the test/quiz

●Seats may be assigned differently than normal class seats

●If you have a question regarding test material, please raise your hand and wait quietly until the teacher addresses the question.


●Cheating includes (but is not limited to):

○Copying from another student’s test while test is in progress

○Using a cheat sheet

○Use of electronic devices during test taking

●Consequence for cheating is as follows:

○The person cheating receives a zero grade.

○Parents notified of behavior

Marking Period Grades

Grades for each marking period are calculated using the following breakdown:

  • 25% homework
  • 25% tests and quizzes
  • 25% essays/papers/projects
  • 25% class participation and teamwork

And also…

Consequences for behavior that disrupts teaching and learning:

  • Refreshed every week
  • 1st offence
  • Name on board
  • 2nd and 3rd offence
  • Check next to name
  • 4th offence
  • D next to name
  • detention on designated day
  • Call home
  • 5th offence
  • + next to name
  • detention on designated day
  • Call home
  • Referral to vice principal

Spreading negativity:

  • Teasing, putting other people down, bullying, etc. are unacceptable behaviors that will not be tolerated.
  • Consequences include (but are not limited to):
  • Phone calls home
  • Referrals to vice-principal


  • Please do not groom yourself in class. Grooming includes:
  • Fixing makeup
  • Doing your hair
  • Filing your nails
  • Etc.

Gum chewing/eating/drinking:

  • Unless it is something we are doing as a class, please do not eat, drink or chew gum in class.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves.

The process never ends until we die.

And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.”
Eleanor Roosevelt,

First Lady and civil rights advocate