Risk Assessment – General Public/Schools access to Park / v4
Area: / Park-wide / Date: / 18.11.16
Who does this risk assessment focus on? / Public, including schools / Number / Varies
Any Vulnerable Persons Affected by Activity: / Disabled people, minors / Number / Varies
Potential Hazards / Assessment of Risk
Ref. / Low / Med / High
1 / Animal contact / X
2 / Zoonotics etc / X
3 / Moving vehicles / X
4 / Fire / X
5 / Slips, trips and falls / X
6 / Electrical hazards / X
7 / Hot wire contact / X
8 / Public misdemeanour / X
9 / Falls from height / X
10 / Severe weather / X
11 / Deep water / X
12 / Asbestos / X
13 / Low light levels / X
Initial Assessment of Overall Risk / Low-Medium
Control Measures
1.  Public separated from all category 1 and 2 animals by physical barriers. Park staff/volunteers well versed in emergency procedures. Park staff carry 2-way radios for constant contact with rest of zoo.
2. (i) In areas where public physically contact animals, hand-washing facilities’ location and purpose indicated by signage. Sanitary gel provided. On days >100 cars, volunteers present in Walk thru enclosures giving advice.
(ii)  Animal health control measures in place, eg faecal screening program, Keeper training, Animal husbandry etc. Public not permitted into animal houses unaccomplanied.
3.  Vehicle activity kept to a minimum within opening hours, especially reversing. All deliveries stop at main gate to receive permission to enter site and receive instruction to keep speeds to minimum. Drive speed limits signed.
4.  Public Buildings (Restaurant, D&L Centre, Wedding Room) have professionally maintained L2 Fire Systems, and compliance on other fire measures. 2x fire assembly points clearly marked.
5.  All-access routes signed. Path repair/renovation undertaken regularly. 25+ staff trained in First Aid.
6.  Electrical systems RCD protected and externally verified. PAT compliance maintained.
7.  All hotwire clearly signed, and out of easy reach.
8.  Zero tolerance towards physical aggression from public towards staff, animals, or other members of public. Management only to deal. Perpetrators evicted from Park. Guest-facing staff receive training on managing difficult customers.
9.  All ladders kept out of reach of public. Tower steps removed to prevent access.
10. Park is closed when Met Office forecast states heavy snow, winds gusting >50mph. Cat 1 animals secured when winds gust >45mph or heavy snow.
11. No deep water is accessible to general public
12. Asbestos is surveyed and logged, and labelled as such. No asbestos is accessible to general public.
13. Winter closing time of 4pm ensures no public are at risk in failing light. After-dark activities to be individually assessed for light levels prior to event.
Pre-booked groups to provide their own risk assessment prior to visit. DZP can provide guidance. Schools etc to provide their own supervision as follows: (Supervisors:Charges)
Under 5 years – 1:4 max. 5-17 years – 1:6.
Special needs - ratio set at organisation’s discretion
Residual Assessment of Overall Risk / Low / X / Medium / High

Note: Re-assessment required if overall residual risk is High

The Royal Bank of Scotland Mentor Services

Additional Control Measures - (If Applicable) / Person Responsible for implementation / Completion Date
Electrical fixed systems check to be undertaken / Tim Steward / End Q2 2017
Residual Assessment of Overall Risk / Low / X / Medium / High

Note: Re-assessment required if overall residual risk is High

Rating / SEVERITY of injury/disease / LIKELIHOOD of occurrence
HIGH / Fatality; major injury or illness causing long term disability / Certain or near certain to occur
MEDIUM / Injury or illness causing short term disability / Reasonably likely to occur
LOW / Other injury or illness / Unlikely to occur
Additional Information:
(Notes, comments, further details, outline procedures, safe systems of work, standards, drawings, etc.)
Emergency contact information:
Zoo Switchboard 01752 837645
Mike Downman (Firearms) 07887 985722
Tim Steward (H&S) 07540 948552,
Emergency Services 999 or 112
Risk Assessment Circulation list (tick box)
Employees / Management / X / Contractors
Other – Specify: / Visiting organisations, on request.
Signature of responsible person: / Date:
Assessor: / T.J. Steward / Signature:
Date of original assessment: / 07.07.09 / Review Frequency: / Annual, minimum

Reviewed: 04.01.10

Reviewed: 10.01.11

Reviewed: 07.02.12

Reviewed: 01.08.13

Reviewed: 10.02.15

Reviewed: 18.11.16

General Public/Schools Park Access RA v4 Tim Steward