Eastern WashingtonUniversity
Application Checklist
Note: Make a copy of all paperwork for your records before submitting.
Please submit all application paperwork including this checklist as a complete package.
Member name: ______Major: ______
Program: (please circle preference): 300 450 900
How to Apply?
- Go to the SIS website to learn more about the program. Go through the pre-service orientation here: the last section of instructions on slide 25)
- Complete and read through application packet
- Print and bring these documents to Showalter 114 by August 15, 2010 or October 15, 2010. Documents will only be accepted in-person or via mail.
- Those students selected must attend the In-Person Orientation/Re-Orientation – this is a compulsory meeting for returning students and new students, a chance to build community and go over guidelines for service. Students must attend one of the following orientations, please select preference:
- Cheney campus
- Riverpoint campus
Required Paperwork
□Read Students in Service Information Form
□Application Form(applicant signature required)
□ Pre-Service Reflection Questionnaire(not the online version)
□EWUContract of Member Agreements: Office(applicant signature required)
Evaluation Rubric
- Prefer service that extends beyond the Eastern community
- Federal Students in Service is committed to a focus on service with at-risk and vulnerable youth. Special attention is given to these applicants
- Will take into consideration quality of service demonstrated in previous AmeriCorps participation, if any
- Service related goals will be taken into consideration during application review
- For your Files-
Students in Service Information Form
2010 – 2011
What is Students in Service?
The Students in Service program is a part-time AmeriCorps program that encourages and supports college and university students to enroll as part-time AmeriCorps members who provide valuable service in their communities. Student members serve in partnership with schools and community-based organizations in the areas of education, human services, the environment, public safety, and community development.
What are the benefits?
- Education award that can be used for Education Expenses or Loan Payments upon completion of term
- Improve workforce skills
- Develop civic skills, attitudes, and habits
- Make a difference in your community
- Be part of the AmeriCorps national service network that improves lives and strengthens communities throughout the United States
Who is eligible?
- Any student enrolled at EasternWashingtonUniversity who is a U.S. citizen
- Students with legitimate service sites whose service is for the public good and with the public (see contract)
- Students committed to successfully completing a full term of service
How many slots are available?
We have a limited number of slots available to begin in winter and spring quarters. Applications are competitive and considered on an on-going basis.
What term can I sign up for?
The Students in Service program offers each student member the opportunity to choose one of three terms of service (essentially, the number of hours s/he agrees to serve). The Education Award amount varies, depending on the term of service:
- 300 Hour Term of Service = $ 1,132 Education Award (scholarship) 1 yr to complete
- 450 Hour Term of Service = $ 1,415 Education Award (scholarship) 1 yr to complete
- 900 Hour Term of Service = $ 2,675 Education Award (scholarship) 2 yrs to complet
Deadline for fall admissions: October 15, 2010
EWU Career Services
Students in Service
114 Showalter Hall
Cheney, WA 99004-2431
Eastern WashingtonUniversityStudents in Service
2010 – 2011 Application Form
EWU ID Number: Phone #:
Permanent Address:
Email Address:
Intended/Declaredacademic interest(s) or department of study:
I am a student at EasternWashingtonUniversity: Yes No
Have you volunteered with this program or any AmeriCorps program before? Yes No
If yes, please provide the dates you served
Area of focus in regards to your intended Service with the SIS program
Environment Public Safety Education Health Children and Youth Human Services
Community Development Other
Proposed service site (you do not need to commit to this site at this time)
How did you hear about the SIS Program?
Guidance councilor/teacher Parent/relative Current/former AmeriCorps member Friend Internet AmeriCorps recruiter/representative AmeriCorps Program Poster/flyer Other ______
Program: (please circle term preference): 300 hour term 450 hour term 900 hour term
Applicant Certification
I certify the information provided in this application packetis true and accurate. I further understand that my application may be randomly selected for verification and false information may result in disqualification.
Applicant Signature Date
Eastern WashingtonUniversity
Pre-Service Questionnaire
Student: ______College/University:______
What motivates you to pursue a term of service with the Students in Service program?
How does your participation in the Students in Service program relate to your professional/personal goals?
In what ways do your professional/personal goals support lifelong involvement in your community?
Can you make the commitment to completing either the 300, 450, or 900 hour term of service?
How do you plan to balance out your time between school, work, family, social and service related activities?
Explain what you have done to make your community a better place to live. Give examples of specific projects in which you have been involved over time.
Articulate the goals you have established for yourself and your efforts to accomplish these. Give at least one specific example that demonstrates your work ethic/diligence.
Used with permission of OregonStateUniversity. OSU Insight Resume copyrighted, trademark pending. July 2007.
EWU Contract of Member Agreements: Student
All students enrolled in the EWU Students in Service Program
must adhere to the following requirements.
General Requirements
- Must turn in application, enrollment paperwork and exit paperwork in-person Showalter Hall, Room 114
- All members must attend an In-Person Orientation
- Members are strongly encouraged to attend quarterly SIS meetings throughout the academic year
- Complete time logs must be turned in by the 10th of the following month If members miss two months in time logs, they will receive a warning
- Be in good communication with the SIS Coordinator and provide updated contact information
- Record honest and genuine service hours
Service Requirements (what qualifies as service)
- Non-paid academic internships with a service focus
- Practicum hours such as nursing, firefighter, counseling, EMT, many others
- Student teaching hours spent teaching at a Title 1 institution, Special Education, ESL/Bilingual Education, or Math and Science Education
- Academic and co-curricular service learning
- Any community service in the areas of education, the environment, human services, public safety, and community development
- Federal or state funded community service work study positions with a service focus (the only eligible paid positions)
- Most volunteer work including mentoring, tutoring, stream restoration, volunteer recruitment, etc.
- Any service done for a non-profit organization or government agency whose mission is to serve their community
Additional Requirements
New participants will have a compulsory service and reflection requirement – we will not consider them exited and successfully completing the program until these requirements have been met.
- Participate in one Students in Service group community service project of your choice during your term of service(outside of service site)
- Examples:
- Make a Difference Day (October 25)
- Represent your agency at the Winter Service Fair on campus (early January)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 5)
- Poster Session (Spring)
- NE Youth Center- “Kids-Helping-Kids” Fundraisers
- Clothing Drives (Winter and Spring)
- Serve a meal at the homeless shelter
- Assist with SIS recruitment and classroom presentations
- Complete onereflection activityof your choice during your term of service
- Reflection meeting
- Reflection journal
- Reflection project: make something that represents their term of service and showcase that project at a reflection meeting (poster, slide show, poem, essay, video)
- Submit an online SIS “Great Story” at the end of their term
By signing below you are agreeing to meet all of the requirements above as a Students in Service Member at EasternWashingtonUniversity
Applicant signature Date
EWU Contract of Member Agreements: Office
All students enrolled in the EWU Students in Service Program
must adhere to the following requirements.
General Requirements
- Must turn in application, enrollment paperwork and exit paperwork in-person Showalter Hall, Room 114
- All members must attend an In-Person Orientation
- Members are strongly encouraged to attend quarterly SIS meetings throughout the academic year
- Complete time logs must be turned in by the 10th of the following month If members miss two months in time logs, they will receive a warning
- Be in good communication with the SIS Coordinator and provide updated contact information
- Record honest and genuine service hours
Service Requirements (what qualifies as service)
- Non-paid academic internships with a service focus
- Practicum hours such as nursing, firefighter, counseling, EMT, many others
- Student teaching hours spent teaching at a Title 1 institution, Special Education, ESL/Bilingual Education, or Math and Science Education
- Academic and co-curricular service learning
- Any community service in the areas of education, the environment, human services, public safety, and community development
- Federal or state funded community service work study positions with a service focus (the only eligible paid positions)
- Most volunteer work including mentoring, tutoring, stream restoration, volunteer recruitment, etc.
- Any service done for a non-profit organization or government agency whose mission is to serve their community
Additional Requirements
New participants will have a compulsory service and reflection requirement – we will not consider them exited and successfully completing the program until these requirements have been met.
- Participate in one Students in Service group community service project of your choice during your term of service(outside of service site)
- Examples:
- Make a Difference Day (October 25)
- Represent your agency at the Winter Service Fair on campus (early January)
- Martin Luther King Jr. Day (January 5)
- Poster Session (Spring)
- NE Youth Center- “Kids-Helping-Kids” Fundraisers
- Clothing Drives (Winter and Spring)
- Serve a meal at the homeless shelter
- Assist with SIS recruitment and classroom presentations
- Complete onereflection activityof your choice during your term of service
- Reflection meeting
- Reflection journal
- Reflection project: make something that represents their term of service and showcase that project at a reflection meeting (poster, slide show, poem, essay, video)
- Submit an online SIS “Great Story” at the end of their term
By signing below you are agreeing to meet all of the requirements above as a Students in Service Member at EasternWashingtonUniversity
Applicant signature Date
Students in Service Application 08-09’