Note: bold page numbers indicate discrete entry
A’Beckett 151
Aberdeen, Scotland24, 462
Aberdeen, Earl of 190
Abraham, (Dr)(Guards) 235, 239, 278
Adams, Alan Tamblyn(RAAF) 367
Adams, Allan George 367
ADAMS, Charles Goldsborough MBMS(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 5, 39, 47, 52, 60, 74, 98, 107-108, 110-111, 331-332, 335, 345, 367-368, 519
Adams, Daniel Charles 367
Adams, John Goldsborough(2nd AIF) 367
Adams, Stanley Roy 367
Adams, William Daniel 367
Addingham Medal432
Adelaide, South Australia 38-40, 43-45, 60, 64, 135, 137, 141, 232, 400, 406-407, 412, 451, 454, 472, 478, 500, 516, 520-521
Adelaide Amateur Football Association 183
Adelaide Amateur Sports Association 500
Adelaide Golf Club 500
Adelaide Hospital 62, 119, 407, 438, 472
Adelaide Parkside Hospital 478
Adelaide Queen Victoria Hospital 481
Adelaide Repatriation Hospital 454
Adelaide Children’s Hospital 62
Advisory Board of Modern Medicine in Australia 432
Albury, NSW173
Alcorn, Anthony 365
Alexander(Earl of Alamein)205, 237
Alexander, JB (AMC, OC) 414
Alford 332, 367
Alfred Hospital, Vic27, 84, 113, 120, 132, 146, 157, 176, 209, 253, 316, 377, 379, 396, 401-402, 429, 449, 467, 504
Allen (Col) (King’s Regt)134, 137, 160, 197, 322, 379-380, 382, 439, 503, 520
Allen, Harry Brooks (Prof)43, 46
Allenby (Gen)112, 264, 337-339
Amateur Athletic Association of NSW 489
American67, 129, 161, 208, 290, 296-297, 307, 413, 462, 478, 494, 500
American Academy of Ophthalmology 432
American College of Chest Physicians 467, 500
American Medical Association 432
American Red Cross 46
American Stock Exchange 23
Amersham, Buckinghamshire 147
Ammunition 18, 27, 34, 69, 71, 120, 137, 148-149, 156, 182, 188-189, 192, 210, 236, 254, 259, 316, 321, 381, 392, 416, 443, 449, 500, 503, 506, 523
Anderson, Annie Barbara 371
ANDERSON, Archibald Simpson CBE MBBS FRACS DOMS MACO(RAMC/AAMC) v, 1, 39-40, 46-47, 56-62, 64, 77, 82, 97, 110, 112-113, 176, 217, 331, 335-336, 346, 369-373, 382, 449, 456, 519
Anderson, Frances 369
Anderson, Ian William (AIF Signals) 371
Anderson, James 369
Anderson, James Fisher QCB LRCS Ed (Dr) 369
Anderson, John Hubback CMG CBE (Dr/LtCol/ADMS) 369
ANDERSON, John Thomson MBMS(RAMC/AN&MEF/AAMC) 1, 40, 47, 56, 59, 78, 82, 107, 135, 154-155, 371-373, 519
Anderson, Margaret 369
Anderson, Mary Gwendoline 382
Anderson Park, Neutral Bay NSW 371
Anderson, Ronald 371
Anderson, Samuel (Lt 2/21 Bn POW Ambon) 369
Anderson, WilliamThomas MC 370
Andrews (Capt) Osterley 60
Andrews, David WJ (Capt)139-140, 157, 161, 166-167, 177-179, 184-185, 195, 200, 208
Andrews (Maj) 98
Anglia, UK180, 245
Anthrax71, 193
Apperly, Frank (Dr)326, 329
Archer ‘Stoney’ (Col) 184
Archie Anderson Operating Suite 369
Arkins, Gail 402, 519, 521
Armadale, Vic 46, 294, 319, 462, 482
Armitage, Alfred 374
ARMITAGE Charles BA MBMS(RAMC) 1, 39, 45, 47, 60, 113, 138, 141, 156, 161, 177, 262, 374
Armitage, Clara 374
Armitage, Helen 374
Armitage, Henry 374
Armitage, Isaac (Rev) (Boxer Uprising) 374
Armitage, Jessie 374
Armitage, John 374
Armitage, Joshua 374
Armitage, Lily 374
Armitage, Rolf 374
Armitage, Walter 374
Armstrong, William McGee 190
Ararat, Vic394, 495, 515
Artillery 10, 80-81, 85, 87, 118, 120, 124-125, 134, 137, 139, 141, 148, 154-155, 157, 163, 166, 185, 197, 207, 209-211, 215-216, 225, 227, 229, 233, 245, 247-248, 254-256, 259, 266, 269, 271, 274, 279, 285, 289, 302, 314, 335, 355, 359, 367, 371, 374, 377, 381, 385-386, 389, 391-392, 395, 406, 410, 418-419, 423-424, 445, 448, 453, 462, 466, 475, 482-483, 485, 506, 516, 523, 550-551
Arthur, George (Sir) 222
Arthurs (Maj) 301
Arthurson, Lex 440
Ashbourne, Derbyshire 141
Ashley, Anthony 375
Ashley, Caroline 375
Ashley, Elizabeth 375
Ashley, Emily 375
Ashley, Ethelind 375
Ashley, Gillian 375
Ashley, Horatio 375
Ashley, James 375
Ashley, Joseph Denby (Dr) (3rd Essex) 375
Ashley, Lilian 375
Ashley, Ruscombe 375
ASHLEYThomas Ewart MRCS LRCP(RAMC/RN/AAMC) 1, 40, 45, 47, 55, 59, 117, 164, 375, 387, 519
Ashley Trade Mark 375
Ashley, William Dixon (Pte) (9th AIF) 375
Asquith, Herbert (PM)20, 23, 25
Asquith, Raymond 142
Atherton District Hospital469
Atherton, Eileen 469
Athletic136-137, 303, 489
Austin (Cpl) (18th Div) 281
Australia/Australian ii, v, 9, 11, 15-21, 24, 26-27, 30-31, 33, 39, 41, 43-44, 53-56, 59, 62-63, 66-69, 71, 77-78, 80-81, 87, 97-98, 100, 107, 113, 118, 120, 122, 128-129, 132-133, 141, 143, 146-147, 150-151, 158, 168, 172, 176, 177, 179, 184, 186, 190, 194, 197, 199-201, 210, 212-214, 219-221, 228-229, 244, 250, 253, 256, 265, 267-268, 282, 285, 289-290, 294, 301, 305-307, 313, 315-316, 319-320, 324, 326-328, 332, 337-340, 343, 359, 365, 368-371, 373-379, 380, 383, 386-387, 391-392, 394-395, 398, 400-401, 407-414, 418-421, 423, 425, 428-429, 432, 436, 440-441, 445, 449, 453-456, 471-473, 477-478, 480-481, 485, 502-504, 507, 509-510, 516, 519-521
Australia Hotel 53, 208
Australasian (newspaper/magazine) 310
Australasian College of Health Service Management 483
Australasian Finance Company 381
Australian Army
55, 110, 121, 142, 158, 164, 290, 329, 333, 336, 368-369, 372, 378, 384, 418, 516
52, 56-57, 59-60, 62, 66-67, 69, 74, 81, 98, 133, 137, 158, 172, 220, 290, 313, 316, 319, 335, 339, 365, 367, 369, 371, 373, 375, 379, 381, 383-384, 387, 389, 391, 394-395, 404, 410-412, 420-421, 423, 426, 428, 434, 436, 440, 443, 445-446, 448-449, 453-454, 456, 460-461, 465, 472-473, 477, 481-483, 487-489, 495, 512, 515, 517, 523
1 Battalion 389, 423
2/30 Battalion (WW2) 441
2/43 Battalion (WW2) 446
3 Australian Ambulance Train (WW2) 373
5 Battalion Volunteer Defence Corps 516
5 Pioneer Battalion 389
5 Training Battalion 473
5/7 Battalion 502
9 Battalion 118, 164, 384, 391
16 Battalion 423
17 Battalion 118
18 Battalion 392
20 Battalion 392
23 Battalion 418
30 Battalion 411
31 Battalion 517
32 Battalion 339
42 Battalion 506
53 Battalion 434
Ammunition Column
120, 137, 148-149, 182, 188, 210, 254, 316, 416, 443, 449, 500, 503, 506, 523
vii, 33-35, 67, 69, 228, 324-325, 362, 371, 379, 389, 391, 398, 418-419, 425, 434, 475, 477-478, 482, 520, 523, 547
Artillery 453
Australian Army Medical Corps (AAMC)
9, 57, 133, 146, 158, 165, 212, 294, 314, 324-325, 327, 331, 335, 369, 371, 373, 375, 377, 379, 380, 384, 387, 391, 400-401, 403, 410-411, 418, 423, 425, 429, 434, 436-437, 440, 445, 448-449, 456, 458, 460, 462, 465, 473, 477, 479, 482, 498, 500, 502-503, 506, 510-511
Australian Army Nursing Service (AANS)
110, 121, 142, 332, 389, 420, 424-425, 460, 469
Australian Army Service Corps (ASC) 177, 301-302, 316, 482
Australian Convalescent Depot 118, 164, 375
Australian Fd Amb (Fd Amb) 443
2/9 Fd Amb 437
2/15 Fd Amb 437
3 Fd Amb 391, 418
4 Fd Amb 418, 437
5 Fd Amb 232, 391-392, 418, 434, 436
6 Fd Amb 418
7 Fd Amb 193, 473
8 Fd Amb (WW2) 410
11 Fd Amb (WW2) 506
14 Fd Amb 434, 443
Australian Field Artillery Brigade (FAB)
4 FAB 419
5 FAB 392
14 FAB 381, 395
Australian General Hospital (AGH)
1 AGH 7, 62, 290, 414, 418, 423, 440, 473, 495
2 AGH 97, 335, 391, 423, 434, 510
2/2 AGH (WW2) 507
3 AGH 61, 419
5 AGH 133, 369, 401
10 AGH 202
11 AGH 503
13 AGH (WW2) 440, 465
14 AGH 331, 369, 408
16 AGH 477
113 AGH (WW2) 7, 440
117 AGH (WW2) 410
Australian Machine Gun School 434
Australian Naval & Military Expeditionary Force(AN&MEF) 158, 371, 418, 509
Automobile Corps 403
Cavalry 30
Commando 443
Dental 209, 385, 434, 477
Engineers 37, 168, 389
Essendon Rifles 98
First Australian Army (WW2) 387-388
Green Hornets 384
Infantry 18
Light Horse11, 18, 45, 137, 313, 338, 380, 410, 437, 451, 477, 481, 510, 523
Nurses71, 369, 425
Regiment 465
4th Reinforcements 57
Sea ambulance transport (WW2) 465
2nd Australian Division (WW1) 392
Second Australian Army (WW2) 392, 437, 473
Trench Mortar Battery 168
Australian Council for Civil Liberties 405
Australian Cricket Team 38
Australian Government19, 26, 340, 370, 388, 394, 409, 432, 449, 454
Australian Institute of Tropical Medicine 428
Australian Jewry Book of Honour, The Great War (Boas) 134, 381, 397-398, 433, 471, 501
Australasian Journal of Surgery 409
Australian Literature Society 405, 480
Australian Medical Association AMA v, 7, 133, 520
Australian Men of Mark 137
Australian National University (see universities)
Australian Nurses Christian Movement 369
Australian Paediatric Association 432
Australian Postgraduate Federation in Medicine 432
Australian Red Cross 460, 498
Australian Rules Football 316, 458
Australian Service Medal 350-351, 354
Australian Society of Ophthalmologists v, 519, 521
Australian Stockman’s Hall of Fame 150
Australian War Memorial(AWM) 21, 57, 64, 111-113, 318-319, 329, 332, 341, 370, 373, 383, 385, 388-390, 394, 401, 404, 420, 426, 432-433, 436, 451, 477, 485-486, 489, 519, 521, 549
Australian XI Cricket Team 136, 461
Australians Celebrating Australia “It’s an Honour” website 369, 391, 395, 409, 431, 467
Aviatik plane 310
Bader, DouglasRS CBE, DSO & Bar, DFC & Bar, FRAeS, DL (Group Capt, Sir) 496-497
Bain, (Capt) RAMC 230
Bairnsdale, Vic137, 503
Bairnsfather, Bruce (Capt) 191
Baker Medical Research Institute 467
Bakewell, George Victor (Maj) 174, 309-312
Bale, A (Sister) 486
Ball (Rev) 175, 181
Ballarat, Vic146, 294, 314, 323, 395
Ballina, NSW 517
Ballinglen, Wicklow, Ireland 138
Balmain, Sydney, NSW 244, 466
Banstead Mental Hospital, England 416
Barbour, (Maj) 137, 181, 188
Barkley, Thomas Yuille (Maj) 147, 149, 308
Barnett, Ben 161
Barrie, Ontario, Canada
Barron, D Cuthbert (Col) 245
Barton, Arnold 376
Barton, David Edmund ‘Toby’ (Dr) 376
Barton, Edmund (Judge) 376
Barton, Edmund (Sir) PM 16
Barton, Jean Alice 376
Barton, John Oswald DFC 376
Barton, Leila 376
BARTON, Oswald MBBS(RAMC) 1, 40, 47, 77, 95, 305, 376
Barton, Pamela 376
Barton, Wilfred KC (Sir) 376
Bathgate, Scotland 146
Battles / Attacks / Theatres of Warstart> (not sure how you will do this)
Abbeville95, 133, 181, 232, 244, 358, 419, 433
Acheux220, 227
Africa15, 27, 37, 130, 145, 147, 174, 244, 411, 511
Ahmednuggur 119
Alamein 205, 443
Ailly le Haut Clochet219, 232
Albert 225, 227-228, 234, 242, 245, 293, 296, 495
Amiens 228, 241, 260, 289, 293, 419
Ancre141, 247, 262, 286, 290, 392
Armentieres126, 143, 155, 173, 449, 489-490
Arras 94, 145, 203, 245, 253, 255, 259, 263-264, 268-269, 282, 289, 294, 350, 354, 452, 489
Assaye (Battle of) 119
Athens305, 307
Avesnes les Bepaume391
Bailleul142, 144, 207, 213, 274
Balkansvii, 99, 113, 147, 305-322, 338, 376, 379, 381, 387, 488
Basra 176, 336
Bavelincourt 219
Bazentin 225, 228-229
Beaucourt145, 247, 411
Beaumont Hamel227, 247, 323, 452
Beersheba 337-338, 341, 348
Belgium 23, 25, 104, 133, 136, 150, 159, 234, 260, 268-269, 274, 287, 298, 343, 383, 392, 406, 410, 423, 428, 431, 438, 445, 511, 516
Bellewaarde Ridge 158, 163, 192
Berles145, 193
Berlin 24, 71, 94, 298, 334, 501
Bernafay228, 230, 238, 243, 295
Bertram Court220, 227
Bethune120, 151, 153, 163-164, 168, 186, 294
Bienvillers 229
Bluff 189, 230
Bois Grenier150, 155, 163, 187
Bollezeele 254
Borneo 443, 460, 486
Brandhoek118, 159, 192, 232, 274
Broodseinde 392
Bulgaria310, 315, 319, 321
Bullecourt411, 418
Cambrai282, 296-297, 354, 489
Camiers 97
Canadian Orchard 91
Cape Helles 69, 323, 324-325, 498
Carnoy228, 230, 235
Changi7, 421, 440-441
Charleroi 269
Chateau 262
Chateau Beacourt 232, 234
Chateau Beidert 495
Chateau Bleosy 200
Chateau Boseinghe 273
Chateau Laverting 228
Chateau Mouelle 144
Chateau Rosenthal 189
Chateau Thiepval 178,
Cherisy 260
Citadel 238, 244
Combles 240, 249, 253
Corbie 235, 241-242
Croix Barbee 185
Dardanelles 7, 26, 41, 56, 63, 66, 74, 104, 113, 139, 215, 313, 321, 324-325, 477, 480, 501, 512
Delville Wood228, 236, 244, 265
Dernancourt 219, 291
Divion 191, 219
Doiran 147, 161, 305, 309-310, 314, 316, 319
Ebernezer Farm 196
Egypt 15, 19-21, 23, 45, 55-58, 60, 62, 95, 98-99, 112, 137, 164, 194, 220, 314, 316, 322, 325, 331-335, 338, 340-341, 369, 382, 391, 403, 408, 414, 423-424, 448, 465, 480, 495, 498, 502, 512
Estaires 142, 144, 183, 187, 191, 198, 200, 204, 210, 453
Etaples 95, 97, 319
Festubert140, 322, 452
Flers-Courcelette 236
Fresnicourt 229
Fricourt 225, 232, 234
Fromelles 339, 434
Fromentel 392
Fouquieres 98, 209
Gallipoli vii, 9, 18, 26, 45, 58, 65-69, 95, 118, 137, 141-142, 164, 172, 220-221, 244, 305-306, 312-314, 324-325, 328-329, 340-341, 375, 379, 384, 389, 391-392, 421, 426, 434, 437, 448, 460, 466, 477, 482, 498, 502, 505, 510, 512, 521, 547
Gaza 337-338
Germany 16, 18, 20-21, 23-27, 35, 71, 99, 141, 222, 228, 257, 259, 289, 298, 357, 412, 445, 447, 462, 471, 516
Gibraltar 63, 306
Ginchy225, 233-234, 236
Givenchy 176, 452
Godewaersvelde 274
Gommecourt 260
Gordon Alley Reserve Trench 216
Graincourt 293
Greece85, 307-308, 315, 321, 325, 379, 387-388, 420, 439, 448
Green Barn 200, 334
Green Mill 273
Gueudecourt 244
Guillemont 208, 235, 246, 249
Hawthorn Crater 452
Hawthorne Ridge Redoubt 227
Hazebrouck 127-128, 160, 169, 274, 453
Hellfire Corner 173, 204
Holland 21, 23-24, 31, 298
Hill 60173, 191, 228, 254, 313, 325, 392
Hill 70165, 168
Hindenburg Line253, 257, 266, 268, 282, 296, 298, 418
Hinge 198, 285
Hohenzollern Redoubt 163, 216, 444
Hooge 158-159, 192, 254
Houthulst Forest 265, 277
Hullock 165
Iraq (see Mesopotamia)
Italyvii, 23, 25, 117, 208, 219, 255, 285-287, 324, 339, 345, 382, 391, 407, 410, 457, 462, 475, 478
Izel-lez-hameau 245
Jaffa Gate 339
Jolimetz 269, 350
Kandahar Farm
Kantara 331-333
Kosturino 305-306, 313
Kranji 441
KutalAmara 324, 331, 335-336, 369
La Bassee 152, 166, 174, 424-425
La Corniche 63
La Couchie 145
Lagnicourt 293
La Gorgue 183, 196
La Louard 196
La Portel 174
Les Boeufs236-237, 244
Le Touret 255-256
Le Transloy 228
Le Treport 81, 97-98, 101
Lillegate 159
Lillers 132, 144, 157, 163, 165-166, 168, 177, 219
Lone Pine 512
Longpre 219, 232
Longueval 225, 230, 244, 295
Loos 93, 118, 136, 141, 144, 150-156, 158, 161, 163, 165, 167-169, 171, 175, 203, 213, 216, 228, 319, 424
Lys 286, 289
Macedonia98, 316, 319-320, 376, 400, 405, 427, 437, 465
Maison de Bulgare 280
Makina 367
Malta 18, 20, 24, 99, 134, 144, 147, 306, 314, 324, 326-328, 337, 389, 391, 459, 478, 480
Mametz 145, 218-219, 225, 229, 233-234, 242, 359, 411
Marguerite Farm 271
Marne27, 71, 260, 293
Marseilles iii, 24, 58, 63, 95, 99, 146, 149, 182, 214, 306, 333, 509
Mediterranean vii, 18, 20-21, 24-25, 63, 65, 78, 113, 128, 214, 314, 323-329, 331, 338, 340, 448, 480, 501
Meerut 163, 170, 176-177, 179, 335, 467, 471
Mericourt 219, 232
Merville 141, 163, 167, 180, 196
Mesopotamia 98, 147, 170, 176, 194,322, 325, 331, 335-336, 369, 410, 510
Messines 147, 170, 176, 268, 322, 325, 331, 335-337, 410, 510
Millencourt 232
Moislains 289
Monchy Le Preux 263-264, 283
Mont-Villiers 217
Moulle 144
Mudros 99, 313, 325, 328-329, 340, 501
Neuve Chapelle91, 114, 167, 176, 184, 196, 198, 200, 256
Neux les Mines164
Nordausques 175
Ouderdom 189, 290
Ostend 297
Padua 285-286
Palestine15, 98-100, 112, 306, 319, 332, 337-338, 375, 388, 408, 458-459, 495
Paris 24, 27, 120, 139, 188, 190, 244, 291, 316, 365, 392, 400, 434, 445, 448, 481, 492-493, 501
Passchendaele172, 215, 219, 264, 269, 271, 274, 277, 282, 392, 434, 445
Peake Wood233
Philosophe 155
Piave River 285
Pietre 163
Polygon Wood 423
Pont-de-Nieppe 207
Poperinghe 118, 153, 159, 192, 204, 211-212, 226, 228, 268
Port Said 66, 333
Pozieres Ridge 141
Prussia 190, 263
Quadrilateral 234, 237
Remy Siding 289
Reninghelst 175, 189
Revelon Farm 286
Rhine 23, 25, 71
Roubaix 274
Rouen 95, 97-98, 122, 174, 181, 202, 212, 217, 282, 290, 418, 434, 445, 473
Salonika 78, 98, 106, 188, 219, 250, 305-309, 312-314, 316-317, 319-322, 337, 376, 458, 470-471, 480, 500
Sanctuary Wood 159, 191
Serbia 23, 46, 181, 305, 313-314, 324, 345, 355, 448, 480
Singapore 7, 19, 64, 69, 84, 113, 133-134, 251, 368, 437, 440-442, 465, 519
Somme 64, 69, 84, 89, 92, 94, 106, 113, 125, 141-142, 203, 216, 219-220, 225, 227-230, 232-233, 236, 241-244, 247, 251, 260, 262, 265-266, 272, 289, 295, 323, 329, 349, 385, 418-419, 434, 440, 442, 519
South Africa 37, 174
Steenwerck 219, 232, 425
St Francis of Assisi 376
St Jude’s 173
St Julien 220, 242, 269, 277
St Omer 131, 167
St Quentin 296-297, 319, 453
St Vaast 89, 297
St Venant 163, 167, 177
Sucrerie 247
Suez 56, 60, 66, 324-325, 336, 403
Suvla 323-325
Syria 98, 307, 319, 337, 387-388
Tanzania 145
Tel el Sheria 339
Thiepval178, 225, 241, 246-247, 357, 360, 451, 520
Tobruk 387, 460
Trafalgar (Battle of) 209, 454
Trones Wood 230, 234-235, 295
Turkey 18, 26, 57, 98, 188, 322, 512
Ulster 25
Vadencourt 245
Varennes 248, 251
Vauchelles 334
Verdun 243, 275
Vermelles 151, 153, 216, 358
Verquin 164
Vielles Chapelle
Villers Bretonneux118, 172, 392, 434, 473, 477
Vimy Ridge229, 255, 257, 263, 267, 349, 457
Vlamertinghe 232, 254
Wardrecques 210
Waterloo (Battle of) 134, 209, 339, 453
Wijdendrift 278
Wimereaux 97, 335
Wippenhoek 203
Wormhoudt 254
Wytschaete 31
Ypres 27, 31, 71, 94, 118, 125, 129-130, 136, 142, 152, 154, 159, 168, 173, 175, 189, 191, 195, 204-205, 210-211, 218, 226-228, 230, 232-233, 241, 255, 260, 263, 265, 271-272, 277, 286, 319, 390-392, 419, 452, 481, 487
Yser 211, 271
end of battles/theaters of war
Battye, Cyril 123-124, 126, 160
Bavarian 71, 76
Baylor University 21, 519
Baynes, Catherine Millington 323, 498
Bazett (Capt) 159-160
Beale (Maj) 4 KLR 195
Bean,Charles (Anzac) 228, 291, 328-329, 394
Bedford, England147, 189, 256, 275, 493
Bedfordshire 137, 151, 274, 428
Beechworth Hospital 417
Bell, Norah Gertrude37, 148, 228, 232, 244, 325, 465, 494-495, 504
Bell, Victor RAF
Benalla, Vic 209
Bendigo, Vic39-40, 190, 319, 329, 397, 400, 500
Bennetts 135, 382
Benson, WA DSO (Col) 173
Berrima, NSW 376, 434
Bethnal Green, England98, 127, 218, 268, 424, 475
Billet 107, 129, 166-167, 179, 193, 196, 228, 241, 282
Billing, Noel Pemberton 464
Billinghurst (Lt) ASC 177
Billington (Maj) ASC
Bindley (Maj) RAMC 301
Birdwood, William Riddell (Gen) 21, 65, 69, 222, 425, 482
Birmingham, UK iii, 40, 95, 220, 283, 406, 431, 521
Birks, Fred 483
BIRNIE,George Alexander MC, MBBS DPH MD FRACP(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 39, 41, 45-47, 59, 77, 84, 95, 98, 110, 113, 173, 182, 186, 207, 253-254, 260, 274-275, 280-282, 285, 345, 377-378, 519
Birnie, Barbara 377
Birnie, Jack 377
Birnie, Norman Campbell (Dr) 377
Birnie, Norman Eric Stewart (Dr) (RAN) 377
Birnie, Norman Leumah 377-379
BIRNIE, Robert Kenneth MC, MBBS(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 39, 41, 46-47, 60, 77, 253-254, 316, 345, 379, 519
Birnie, Rachel 377
Birrell, (Lt Col) (10 Div) 307, 309
Birrell, Albert Veit 380
Birrell, Anne Winter 380
Birrell, Edwin Thomas Fairweather (Col)147
Birrell, Herbert Albert 380
Birrell, John Lane (RAAF) 380
Birrell, Peter Matheson (Dr) (RAAF) 380
BIRRELL,William Alexander Hamilton MBBS(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 39, 46-47, 58, 60-61, 78, 138-140, 156, 165, 177-178, 184, 194-195, 198-200, 217, 253,380, 519
Birt, (Col) ADMS 301
Blackburn, Charles Bickerton (Col)310, 331
Blackheath, NSW 488
Blashki, Aaron 381
BLASHKI Eric Phillip MC MBMS(RAMC) 1, 40, 45, 47, 52, 56, 59, 77, 82, 97, 134, 331, 338-339, 345, 348, 381, 390, 519
Blashki, Roy Hector(Capt) (AIF) 381
Blashki, Viva Doreen 381
Bliss, GW (Col) 151, 183
Blood Transfusion 250, 489
Bloom, Henrietta Alma 63, 471
Booth, Bramwell (Gen) 23
Bosbury, (10 Div) 311
Bosche, Professor 247
Bourke, (Col) (Lancs Fus) 243-244
Bowlby, AA (Gen/Sir) 307, 322
Bowles, Alan John (Capt) 160
Bowles, FAR RN (Capt)
Bowman, Arthur 382
Bowman, Jean 382
Bowman, Muriel 382
BOWMAN,William Arthur MBBS FRCS(RAMC) iii, 1, 40, 46-47, 58, 60-61, 99, 117, 134-135, 142, 150, 214, 217, 219-220, 271, 382, 483, 519
Box Hill, Vic 39, 459
Boyce, (L/Cpl) 174, 180
Boyup Brook, WA 502
Boy Scouts 458
Bradford Royal Infirmary 417
Bradman, Donald (Sir) 457
Braham, Edith 417
Braim, Bessie 403-404
Bramhall, (Maj) RAMC 180, 301
Bramley, Leeds, England 294
Brautman, (Dr) dentist 309
Bretherton, Affra Maude 383
BRETHERTON,Albert Wilbur MBBS(RAMC) 1, 40, 46-47, 60-61, 150, 175, 383, 519
Bretherton, Alice Muriel 383
Bretherton, Allan Clifford 383
Bretherton, Arnold Romsey (KIA) 383
Bretherton, Bruce MBE, DFC (RAAF) 383
Bretherton, Edith Marie 383
Bretherton, Harold George (AIF) 383
Bretherton, James 383
Bretherton, Kenneth Wilbur (Dr) (AAMC) 383
Bretherton, Norman Donald 383
Bretherton, Percival James 383
Bretherton, Raymond Cyril 383
Bretherton, Reginald Victor 383
Bretherton, Richard John (AIF) 383
Bretherton, Rodney Claude (Dr) (MUR) 383
Bretherton, Rupert Hodgson 383
Briand, Prime Minister 243
Bridge, Patten 480
Bridges, William Throsby KCB, CMG (Maj-Gen)
Bridgford, Nottinghamshire, England 186
Bridgman, Alfred Lewis 184
Bridgman, Ellen 384
Bridgman, Francis Harvey (AIF) 384
Bridgman, George 384
Bridgman, Henry Ernest 384
Bridgman, John 384
Bridgman, Maxwell 384
BRIDGMAN,Roger Orme MRCS LRCP(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 39, 47, 60, 150-152, 161, 244, 384, 519
Bright, Vic 386, 470
Brighton, England 170-171, 379, 406-407, 416
Brighton, Vic120,138,189,382,386,397,467,501,515-516,
Brisbane, Qld3, 20, 57, 118, 152, 212, 314, 332, 375, 397-398, 403, 424-425, 434, 449, 469, 473, 485
Brisbane Children’s Hospital 316
Brisbane Clinic 469
Brisbane General Hospital 426
Bristol, England117-118, 160, 309, 371, 375
Britannica Australia Award 432
British Army
vii, 7, 9, 15, 17-18, 25, 44, 71, 77-84, 87, 98-99, 112-113, 133, 137, 145-146, 152, 158, 160-161, 163, 167, 172, 182, 188, 257, 289, 316, 318, 322, 325, 329, 335, 355, 368, 371, 377-380, 382, 385, 391, 405-408, 412, 418, 440, 453, 455-456, 459-460, 466-471, 477, 483, 502, 504, 547
British Army Administration
Assistant Director of Medical Services (ADMS) 112, 118, 121, 140, 150, 155, 164, 184, 189, 193, 199, 218, 235, 240, 248, 254, 259, 286, 290, 294, 301, 369, 418, 434, 436, 447, 465
Assistant Provost Marshal (APM) 164
Deputy Assistant Director of Medical Services (DADMS) 429, 431
Deputy Director of Medical Services (DDMS) 506
Director of Medical Services (DMS) 128, 334, 392, 473, 496
Director General Army Medical Services (DGMS) 7, 44, 71-72, 103
Director of Military Training 244
General Officer Commanding (GOC) 185, 194, 196
Quartermaster 129, 139, 148, 166, 170, 174-175, 194, 307, 339, 420, 449, 523
British Army Divisions 86-89, 95, 106, 113
1st Division 117, 163-165, 233, 294
1/1st Lothians Division 305
1/1st Surrey Yeomanry 305
2nd Division 163, 186, 230, 247
3rd Division 118, 157-159, 143, 163, 259, 298
4th Division 119, 220, 227-228, 241-244, 250, 263-265, 282-283
5th Division 214-215, 255, 285-287, 462
7th Division 119-120, 225, 253
8th Division 121-126, 155-156, 163, 187
9th Division 127-131, 163, 169-172, 207, 213, 228, 257, 263, 274, 277, 286, 289, 445
10th Division 305-314, 337, 449, 480
11th Division 209, 254
12th Division 209, 225, 244-245
13th Division 325
14th Division 163, 449
15th Division 132-134, 154-155, 163, 166, 215-216, 233, 268, 433
16th Division 487
17th Division 134-138, 189-190, 209, 217-219, 230-232, 279, 290-291, 467, 506
18th Division 86, 245-246, 260-262, 274-275, 280-282, 295-296
19th Division 138-141, 156-157, 165-168, 177-180, 184-185, 194-200, 217, 251, 262, 301, 439, 467
20th Division 142, 211
21st Division 146-150, 163, 174-175
22nd Division 142, 305, 316-319
23rd Division 142-144, 150, 187, 190, 219, 232-234, 254, 319
24th Division 150-154, 163, 175, 191-193, 255, 282, 314-315
26th Division 250, 305
27th Division 305, 437
28th Division 163, 305, 310, 316
29th Division 141, 227, 323, 325
30th Division 334
31st Division 294
34th Division 193
37th Division 80-81, 144-146, 169, 188, 193, 206, 229, 247, 255-257, 259-260, 268, 277, 293, 447, 487
39th Division 505
41st Division 246, 439
42nd Division 340
46th Division 216
47th Division 163
48th Division 168
49th Division 392
50th Division 173, 182, 186, 203, 246, 428
51st Division 247, 452-453, 460
55th Division 203
60th Division 305, 338-339
63rd (Royal Naval) Division 247
75th Division 324
Guards Division 163, 182-183, 195, 204-206, 211-212, 226, 234-241, 249, 253, 265-266, 271-273, 277-279, 286, 291, 293, 386, 477, 492
Indian Cavalry Base Depot 214
Kut Relief Force 369
Lahore Division 198, 467
Meerut Division 163, 170, 176,335-336
Salonika Force 320-321
Welsh Division 198
1st Canadian Division 323
2nd Canadian Division 149
Bearer Division 86, 89, 237, 240, 273
Cavalry Division 86
Enteric Fever Division 98
Tent Division 86
British Army Regiments
Ambulance (see British Field Ambulance)
Ammunition Column 120, 137, 148-149, 182, 210, 254, 316, 416, 443, 449, 500, 503, 506
Army Service Corps (ASC)86, 98, 177, 195, 209, 316, 465, 523
Artillery 10, 85, 87, 118, 120, 126, 148, 155, 163, 166, 185, 197, 211, 215-216, 225, 227, 247, 255, 259, 266, 271, 274, 285, 289, 302, 314, 355, 551
Artillery Brigade (see British Field Artillery Brigade)
Bakery unit 306
Bearer77, 86-87, 89-90, 106, 112, 118, 125, 133, 140, 150-151, 153, 159, 168, 179, 189-190, 192, 197, 200, 206, 218-219, 226, 228, 230, 232-233, 235-240, 243, 245, 248-249, 253, 257, 259, 261, 263-266, 272-274, 273, 277-278, 281, 282, 286, 298, 336, 343, 347, 354, 379, 391, 419, 425, 433
Bedfordshire 137, 151, 274
Berkshire 121-122, 153, 160, 188, 201, 245, 274, 295, 359, 466, 469, 495
Black Watch155, 176, 485, 485
Borderers 137, 257, 289, 316, 500, 506
Buckinghamshire 308
Buffs 245, 274, 466
Cavalry 30, 79, 85-87, 163, 166, 171, 183, 204, 214, 228-229, 264, 281, 302, 338, 355, 377, 382, 483
Cheshires141, 231, 262, 301, 374, 375, 380, 487
Dental 87
Devons 119, 150, 225, 253, 429, 225, 429
Divisional Train 155, 182, 443, 467, 485
Dorsets210, 290, 332, 367, 416
Dressing Station (DS)89-93, 106, 140, 150-151, 168, 189, 191, 200, 204, 206, 212, 231, 240, 244, 263-264, 336, 339, 419
Engineers 15, 198, 210, 222, 247, 263, 272, 285, 306, 386, 416, 462
Fusiliers 132, 193, 438
Gloucesters 141, 219, 271, 382, 417
Grenade School 210
Guards 24, 71, 147, 163, 182-183, 190, 194-196, 204-205, 211, 222, 226, 234-236, 241-242, 249, 251, 253, 265, 268,271-273, 275, 277, 286, 291, 293, 297, 301-302, 312, 325, 339, 386, 412, 424-425, 449, 477, 492
Argyll 213, 277, 445, 452
Camerons 133, 155, 221, 349, 449, 485, 401, 485
Gordons 7, 119, 132, 253, 401, 429
Light Infantry 175, 371
Scots 132-133, 158-159, 216, 265, 268, 274, 289-290, 418, 421, 433, 444-445, 485
Seaforths 289, 369, 444
Hampshires (Hants)227, 306-307
Indian units 95, 99, 141, 170, 176, 198, 214, 329, 449, 467, 494
Infantry 85, 87, 118, 135-136, 142, 150, 153, 155, 158, 163-164, 175, 195, 216, 227, 231, 236, 239, 244, 247, 256, 266, 272, 285, 290, 294, 298, 321, 322, 354, 369, 371, 381, 392, 424-425, 460
Irish units 339, 190, 204-205, 226, 274, 293, 312, 397
Kents 210, 274, 466, 475
Kings Liverpools 195, 376, 467
Kings Own Royal Lancaster 259, 380, 447, 467
Kings Royal Rifles 294, 494
Lancashire East 380
Lancashire Fusiliers7, 68, 141, 157, 189, 210, 227, 241-243, 250, 263-265, 282, 354, 440, 487, 516, 520
Lancashire West 203
Lancers 69, 85, 141, 185, 198, 214, 216, 220, 467
Leicestershire172, 398
Lincolnshire 386
London Scottish 274
Loyal North Lancashire 138,141, 145, 185, 188, 203, 232, 246, 255, 411, 428, 467, 516
Manchester 189, 210, 218, 340, 386, 512
Middlesex 274
Norfolks 119, 225-226, 360, 451, 471, 360, 451
Northumberland 173, 186, 316, 319, 399, 427, 465, 487
Occupation Army 141, 357, 412, 516
Oxfords 308
Rifle Brigade 269, 485
Sherwood Foresters150, 189, 191, 382, 416, 462, 485
Shropshire 298
Signalers 233
Somerset 142, 227, 411-412, 460
Staffords 89, 175, 186, 189, 193, 274, 428, 438, 489
Surrey 215, 245, 260-262, 269, 274, 280-282, 305, 348, 377, 416, 447, 477
Sussex 7, 191-192, 208, 269, 440
Training Battalion 391, 436, 473
Warwicks 191, 232, 301
Welsh 179, 183-184, 196, 226, 316, 379, 434, 449
Wiltshire 71, 77, 137, 140, 380
Worcester 130, 144, 168, 172, 187, 319, 232, 400, 481
Yeomanry77, 137, 305, 367
York & Lancaster 98, 190, 254, 397, 416, 456, 482
Yorkshire 134, 142, 219, 290, 294, 381-382, 386, 392, 431, 457, 494
British Field Ambulance (Fd Amb) 79-81, 85, 86-88, 92, 96, 100, 103, 106, 109, 122, 136, 153, 166, 227, 264, 266, 290
Ambulance train 104, 130, 168, 170,
1/1 West Riding Fd Amb 391-392
2 Fd Amb 164, 294, 494
2/2 Northumbrian Fd Amb 173, 182, 375, 377, 443
3 Fd Amb 183, 204, 286, 377
4 Fd Amb 183, 273
5 London Fd Amb 157, 186, 230, 232, 247, 391, 489
6 London Fd Amb 191, 229
7 Fd Amb 158, 391, 418
8 Fd Amb 103, 118, 157, 159, 259, 298, 421
9 Fd Amb 101, 158, 182, 204, 206, 211-212, 226, 234-241, 249, 253, 259, 271-273, 278-279, 286, 293, 297, 320, 395, 405, 412, 418
11 Fd Amb 119, 429
13 Fd Amb 285
14 Fd Amb 285
15 Fd Amb 285-286, 462
16 Fd Amb 226
19 Fd Amb 335, 369
23 Fd Amb 119-120, 150, 253, 383, 429
27 Fd Amb 207, 213, 228, 257, 263, 274, 286, 289-290, 445
28 Fd Amb 155, 207, 371, 449
30 Fd Amb 423
31 Fd Amb 310, 423
36 Fd Amb 98, 209, 245, 466, 482
39 Fd Amb 325, 348, 477
45 Fd Amb 155, 485
46 Fd Amb 132-133, 164, 375, 401, 429, 463, 471
48 Fd Amb 193, 206, 229, 248, 487
49 Fd Amb 144, 146, 256, 325, 470, 487, 496, 509
52 Fd Amb 134-137, 189, 219, 381, 386, 416, 431
53 Fd Amb 134, 137, 189, 210, 386, 410, 416, 506
54 Fd Amb 134, 137, 245, 447, 461
56 Fd Amb 90, 295, 495
57 Fd Amb 138, 185, 331, 408
58 Fd Amb 138-140, 177-179, 184, 194-199, 217, 251, 380, 467, 483
59 Fd Amb 89, 138, 140-141, 168, 179, 185, 374, 434, 480
60 Fd Amb 460
61 Fd Amb 142, 514
66 Fd Amb 316, 379
67 Fd Amb 316, 319, 379, 427, 437, 439, 465, 500
68 Fd Amb 317, 439
69 Fd Amb 142, 150, 255, 319, 382, 400
70 Fd Amb 142-143, 146, 254, 455, 456, 490, 509
71 Fd Amb 142, 144, 191, 232, 234, 254, 462
72 Fd Amb 150-151, 175, 192-193, 282, 314, 381, 383, 438, 488
73 Fd Amb 150-151, 384, 515
74 Fd Amb 78, 82, 154, 440
78 Fd Amb 250, 321, 387, 470
82 Fd Amb 312
88 Fd Amb 141, 516
89 Fd Amb 273, 325, 466
90 Fd Amb 143, 455
93 Fd Amb 333-334, 423, 505
94 Fd Amb 333, 502
95 Fd Amb 294, 494
97 Fd Amb 333
102 Fd Amb 193, 495
123 Fd Amb 505
133 Fd Amb 254
137 Combined Fd Amb 335, 367
146 Fd Amb 331, 408
Indian Fd Amb 336, 367
Motor/horse ambulance vehicles 61, 94, 103-106, 109, 133, 144, 244, 259, 309, 314, 318, 325, 332
Motor Ambulance Convoy106, 177, 179, 316, 322
Sea hospital transport 326-329, 340
British Field Artillery Brigade (FAB) 137
1 Welsh (Howitzer) 406
3 FAB 377
4 FAB 423
15 FAB 462
23 FAB 418
42 FAB 157
50 FAB 274, 391
52 FAB 386
53 FAB 207, 445
56 FAB 141, 269, 485, 516
62 FAB 209, 245, 466, 482
71 FAB 155, 371,
73 FAB 154-155, 233, 259, 385
74 FAB 386
76 FAB 424
78 FAB 137, 210, 279, 475, 506
80 FAB 134, 137, 410
86 FAB 483
88 FAB 139
123 FAB 80, 229, 248, 256, 268, 389
147 FAB 448
23 Div FAB 254
230 & 259 Batteries 374
Collecting Post/Station 92, 254, 274
Indian Mountain FAB 335, 367
British General Hospital (GH) 95-99, 212, 320, 325
2 GH 473
3 GH 209, 335, 482
4 GH 309, 337, 417, 449, 459
5 GH 96, 445
8 GH 434
10 GH 381, 414, 469
12 GH 217, 509
13 GH 174
14 GH 120, 132, 503
15 GH 513
16 GH 98, 101, 118, 369, 481
18 GH 183, 279, 405, 412
20 GH 193, 400
24 GH 31-400,
25 GH 471, 495
28 GH 317
32 GH 334-335, 510
36 GH 320, 405
47 GH 377
General Hospital Macedonia 320
Lahore Indian Hospital 214, 494
Meerut General Hospital 471
Nazireh General Hospital 335
Palestine POW Hospital 337
Rawal Pindi Hospital 119, 429
Casualty Clearing Station (CCS)
87, 94-95, 105-106, 143-144, 171, 227, 232, 390, 549, 551
2 Canadian CCS 148-149, 290
4 CCS 119, 429
6 CCS 467
12 CCS 127, 169, 406
13 CCS 163
20 CCS 449
27 CCS 147, 174, 180-182, 306-313, 337, 458
28 CCS 149, 310, 319, 387, 427
29 CCS 454
30 CCS 454
31 CCS 149, 314, 317, 488
33 CCS 149
39 CCS 467
53 CCS 495
63 CCS 445
74 CCS 319, 400
78 CCS 87
Meerut CCS 179, 467
Stationary Hospitals
7, 95, 97, 107-108, 148-149, 175, 184, 186, 207, 220, 232, 246, 305, 308, 311, 324, 331, 335, 340, 367, 376-377, 387, 391, 408, 440, 445, 449, 494, 501, 509, 512
British Army Training depots
Aldershot73, 77-78, 127, 148, 150, 244, 321, 323, 340, 433
Aylesbury98, 328, 501
Bulford78, 82, 467
Cholderton 78, 80
Crookham 73, 77-80, 207, 340
Eastbourne 77, 82, 98, 137, 147, 245, 305, 340, 376, 458, 461
Hurdcott 434, 465
Hurley 98, 259, 395
Parkhouse 434, 473
Perham 391
Salisbury 15, 78, 80, 82, 391
Tidworth 78, 80-81, 434
Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC)
ii, 7, 9, 44-46, 53-54, 57, 72-74, 81-82, 85-112, 118, 120, 128, 132, 134, 136, 139-141, 146, 151, 156-157, 164, 170, 173, 177, 179, 183, 190, 193, 206-207, 209, 211-212, 220, 225, 232, 256, 294, 302, 324, 326, 331-332, 334, 337, 347-349, 357-360
British Journal of Ophthalmology 370, 398
British Journal of Surgery 409
British Medical Association146, 267, 400-401, 481, 510
British Medical Journal 35, 112, 269, 275, 283, 299, 341, 416, 430, 446, 459, 477, 487, 497, 505, 510, 513,
Broadbent, Elsie477
Broadbent, John 477
Broadmeadows, Vic 30, 84
Broderick, (British Secretary of State) 16
Broken Hill, NSW31, 64, 135, 137, 160, 173, 381, 414, 442
Brook, Elizabeth 502
Brooks, Marjorie Florence 186, 489
Brooks, William MLC (Hon) 186, 489
Broome Park, England 21, 224
Broughton, Eric 385
Broughton, Ethel Ruby 385
Broughton, Francis Albert 385
Broughton, Francis William Walford (AAMC) 385
BROUGHTON, Normal WalfordDSO MBMS (RAMC)1, 40, 45, 47, 56, 59, 135, 154-155, 215, 233-234, 345, 357, 359, 385, 493
Brown, Annie 501
Brown, John Hone 214
Brown (Sgt) 8 East Surreys 275, 281
Brown, Margaret 490
Brown, Mary Alice 465
Brown, Mary Jane 502
Brown, Thirza Hanna 214
Browne, (Rev) Guards201, 236, 417
Bryant and May Matches 424-425
Bryant, FCB (Col) 424-425
Buchanan, August Lyle317, 391-392
Buchanan, James MLC 317
Buckingham Palace18, 23, 26, 282, 297-299, 316, 347
Buderim, Qld 121, 469
Burnie, Tas365, 448, 456-457
Burra, South Australia 183, 412
Burrard, Charles (Maj) 179
Burrunjuck Dam, NSW 427
Burton, R DeH (Col) Newfoundland 151, 323
Burwood Council, NSW 136, 431, 511
Bury, Florence 386
Bury, Francis Thomas 386
BURY, George Chadwell MBBS(RAMC) 1, 39, 46, 100, 139, 189, 217-218, 290-291, 361, 386
Bury, Laura 386
Bush Children’s Hostel Association 442
Busselton, Western Australia 502
Butler,DSO(Col) 180, 341, 420, 427
Butler, Mary Jane 427
Butt, Fred (2/30 Bn) 441
Butt, Clara 131
Cabonne Shire Council v
Cadbury Schweppes 143
Caddell, ED MB (Capt) 199
Cairns, Qld 333, 365, 423, 428, 443, 461, 466-467
Callan Park Mental Hospital, Sydney 387
Camberwell, Victoria 267, 325, 401, 449
Camberwell Hospital, England
Cambridge, England24, 31, 119, 321, 409, 417
Camden House, Camden, NSW 334
Campbell, Dorothy Elizabeth
Campbell, Kate (Dame) 110, 120, 285, 318, 377, 432-433, 439, 499, 506
Camperdown, NSW 465, 484
Canada18-19, 37, 117, 139, 152, 182, 190, 259, 268, 275, 302, 305, 329, 486-487, 496-497
Canadian Airforce (Royal) 496
Canadian Army Medical Service (Royal) 496-497
Canadian Army 136, 142, 136, 147-149,168,179-180,245,290,308,310,314,323,332,
Canadian government 24
Canadian Medical Association 496
Canadian Mounties 117
Canadian Navy (Royal) 497
Canadian nurses 101
Canberra, Australia190, 466, 478
Cancer 331, 395, 420, 438, 475, 481
Canterbury, England24, 40, 134, 209, 485, 519
Carlton, Vic33, 135, 142, 148, 186, 190, 316, 460
Carlton Hotel, London 148
Carlyon, Les 281
Carroll, Kate 424
Carruthers, Ada 387
CARRUTHERS,Bruce Maitland OBE, MB FRSI(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 39, 45, 47, 52, 60, 95, 320-321, 346, 387-388, 456
Carruthers, Charlotte 387
Carruthers, Dorothy Edna 387
Carruthers, Edward Ashley 387
Carruthers, Ethelwin 387
Carruthers, Harold Angwin 387
Carruthers, James Edward DD (Rev) 387
Carruthers, James Prince 387
Carruthers, Joseph 387
Carruthers, Kenneth Norman 387
Carruthers, Mabel Eveline 387
Carruthers, Ruby Australia 387
Carruthers, Winifred Anderson MBE 387
Carson, Haidee431
Carter, Beatrice Frances 389
Carter, Edward Moore (AIF) 144, 389
Carter, Herbert Gordon DSO (AIF) 389
Carter, Herbert James
Carter, Peter Geoffrey (Dr)(RAAF) 389
CARTER, Robert Burnside MC, MBBS(RAMC) 1, 40, 47, 56, 59, 63-64, 72, 78-82, 113, 135, 144-145, 169, 193, 229, 233, 247-248, 255-256, 260, 268, 277, 293, 297, 345, 347, 387, 389-390, 520
Carter, DSO (Maj) (2nd Div) 186
Carter, Robin 389
Carter, Ursula May (AANS) 389
Castle, (Lt)(24 Div) 191
Castlemount, England98, 469
Catalina Squadron(RAAF) 368
Cates, Harry Arthur (Capt) 148-149, 175, 182, 309, 311
Cato, Frederick 190, 462
Catholic 135-136, 207, 212, 474
Caulfield (Matron) 220
Caulfield Hospital220, 397, 457
Caulfield, Vic 359,490-491,503,515
Cessnock, NSW 489
Ceylon 62, 136
Chadwick, CF (Rev) 228
Chandler, Dorothy Newton 400
Chapman, Charlotte Jane 489
Charles Sturt University 547
Chateau 144, 178, 189, 200, 228, 232, 234, 262, 273, 495
Chatswood NSW
Chauvel, Harry (Gen) 338
CHECCHI, Cyril CBE MBE, MBBS(RAMC/AAMC) 1, 10, 39, 44, 47, 49, 58, 60, 81, 84, 95, 99, 110, 113, 324, 329, 346, 355, 391-394, 519
Checchi, David Alwyn (RAAF) 391
Checchi, Ettore 391
Checchi, Leo (Dr) (AIF) 391
Checchi, Norman
Checchi, Pauline 391
Chelmsford, (Lady) 136
Chelmsford, Essex 251
Cheltenham, Vic 151, 380, 498, 515
Cheshire, England 487
Chevalier, Maurice 445
Cheyne, Watson (Sir) 302-303
Chichester, England 120, 503
Children’s Hospital 142, 314, 316, 417, 484, 498
Children’s Medical Research Foundation 432
Chile, South America 409
Chinese 188, 215, 233, 397
Chipps, Ron 441
Cholera309, 331-332, 335, 440
Christie, AL (Capt) RAMC 120
Christmas17, 31, 71, 110, 112, 132, 185, 188, 190, 250, 285-286, 291, 316, 336, 392, 397, 402, 418-419, 434
Churchill, Winston9, 20, 25-26, 347, 424, 426
Church of England40, 151-152, 156, 410, 423, 428, 440, 461, 511, 520
Civil War USA 285
Clampet, BEF 195, 197
Clapham, London 93, 251, 483
Clarke, Barbara Mary (RN) 395
Clarke, Denis Morley (Dr) (RAAF) 395
Clarke, Joseph 395
Clarke, Maurice Vivian CBA MD BS MRACP FRCP FRACP (RAAF) 395
Clarke, Olive 395
CLARKE Reginald Morley MBBS(RAMC) 1, 40, 45, 47, 59, 98, 110, 157, 251, 259, 357, 395-396, 519
Clarke, Vivian Roy 395
Clunies-Ross, Ian(Dr) 440
Clutterbuck (Lt) 180-181
Coad (Capt) 59
Coates, Albert (Sir) 402
Cobham Hall, Kent, England 434
Cobbold, Ralph Patteson (Col) 254
Cocos Islands 33-34, 340
Cohen, Abraham 190
Cohen, Basil Charles (Dr) (WW2) 397
COHEN, Basil Walter MBBS(RAMC) 1, 40, 47, 60-61, 77, 98, 134-138, 190, 397
Cohen, Bettine 398
Cohen, Brian Keith QC 376, 398
COHEN, Cedric Keith MBMS (RAMC) v, 1, 40, 47, 59, 80, 172, 398
Cohen, Charles 397
Cohen, Colyn Adrian Keith LLB (Lt AIF) 186, 398
Cohen, Dorothy 397
Cohen, Esther 190
Cohen, Francis 397
Cohen, Harriett 397
Cohen, Harry 172
Cohen, John MLA (Judge) 172
Cohen & Kirby 190
Cohen, Pamela Ramsay (RN) (WW2) 397
Cohen, Rosetta 172
Cohen, Samuel 172
Cohen, Simeon 190
Colac, Vic 466
Colkirk, Norfolk, England 119
Collaroy, NSW 365, 483
Collier, Adela Margaret 34, 146, 509
Collings, Louisa Mary 406
Collins, Herbert (cricketer) 137
Colquhoun, Archibald (Dr) 319, 400
Colquhoun, Archibald Norman 400
Colquhoun, Enid Maud 400
Colquhoun, Esther McNeil 449
COLQUHOUN, Keith Gemmell MBBS MD FRACP(RAMC/AAMC/RAAF) 1, 39, 45-47, 59, 97, 319, 400, 449
Colquhoun, Leslie Marguerite 400
Colville, Alice 401
Colville, Elaine 401
Colville, Ethel 401
COLVILLE, Henry Cecil Kt, MBBS MS FRACS (Sir)(RAMC/AAMC) v, 1, 7, 39, 45, 47, 49, 59, 101, 110, 132, 154, 340, 346, 401-402, 519, 521
Colville, Russell 401
Colville, John William 401
Colville, Margaret 401
Colvin, Jane 367
Commonwealth War Graves Commission 225, 444
Concord Hospital, NSW
Conlon, V (Capt)
Conway, (Nurse) 61
Cook, Ethel Adelaide421
James Cook Medal 432
Cook, Joseph (Defence Minister) 17
Cootamundra, NSW338, 369
Coraki, NSW389, 512-513
Corinda Childrens Home 485
Cornish, Beatrice May 428
Cornish, Charles502
Cornish, Cyril 427
Cornish, EB 150
Cornish, Eileen 502