Course Name: 10th Grade Fitness Course Number: HPE361 Length of Course: Year Long

Grading Period / CONTENT / SKILLS
Students will be able to: /
First Nine Weeks / ·  Introduction/ Orientation to the Fitness
Ø  Rule & Regulations
Ø  Equipment Usage & Safety
·  Mountain Biking
·  Norwin Fitness Assessments
·  Aerobic Games / Demonstrate an understanding of and develop knowledge of:
·  Pre-Class Stretching Routine
·  Orientation of the Fitness Center
·  Knights Training Ground Rules and Regulations
·  Cardiovascular Equipment Usage and Set-Up
·  Baseline Testing
·  Weight Lifting Form/Adjustments
·  Cardiovascular Endurance Training
·  Fitness Testing on the Track (1mile walk, ½ mile run.
·  Use of Pedometers
·  Aerobic Games
Introduction to Mountain Bikes
·  Pre-Test
·  Bike Safety (Checklist)
·  Understanding the parts of the bike
·  Benefits of riding
·  Knowledge of Gears and Braking
·  Practice on trails and roadways
·  Strength Assessment (Vertical Jump)
·  Heart Rate and BMI Awareness
Second Nine Weeks / ·  Baseline Testing
·  Various Workout Methods:
·  Circuit Training
·  Fitness Testing
·  Aerobic Games / ·  Perform Baseline Assessment and equipment adjustments (modular and selectorized machines)
·  Cardiovascular Endurance
·  Muscular Endurance
·  Muscular Strength
·  Use of Insta-Pulse
·  Fitness Tests (Push-Ups, Sit-ups, Sit and Reach, Shuttle Run, Pacer Test
·  Learn and perform various Circuit Training Programs.
·  Student will develop their own circuit training program
·  Benefits of Circuit Training
·  Goal Setting
Third Nine Weeks / ·  Pulse
·  Heart Rate Monitors
·  Individualized Weight Training Programs
·  Aerobic Games
/ Students will demonstrate an understanding of:
Heart Rate Monitors:
·  Take pulse (carotid and Radial)
·  Target Heart Rate
·  Predicted Maximum Heart Rate
·  Weight Management Zone
·  Aerobic Zone
·  Efficiency of their Hearts
·  Recovery Heart Rate
·  Calculations/Formulas to find zones
Individualized Weight Training Programs:
·  Goal Setting
·  Weight Lifting Terminology
·  Basic Human Anatomy/ Skeletal Muscle
·  Students will learn how to set up a program to
Their specific needs.
·  Muscle Endurance
·  Lean Muscle Development
·  Explosive Power
·  Strength and Hypertrophy
·  Volume of Exercise (Sets/Reps)
·  Intensity
·  Rest Time Between Sets
·  Training Frequency
·  Develop an individual program
·  Understand the action of each muscle group
Fourth Nine Weeks / ·  Aerobic Games
·  Lifetime Activities
·  Fitness Testing Post Assessments
·  Orienteering / ·  Walking/ Running Unit
·  Select and perform weight training exercises to meet their individual weight training and cardiovascular needs.
·  Self monitor and assess their physical progress.
·  Learn and understand the major muscle groups and the equipment that trains them.
·  Monitor and assess their cardiovascular health and wellness.
·  Select and perform weight training exercises to meet their individual weight training and cardiovascular needs.
·  Self monitor and assess their physical progress.
·  Learn and understand the major muscle groups and the equipment that trains them.
·  Monitor and assess their cardiovascular health and wellness.
·  Select and perform weight training exercises to meet their individual weight training and cardiovascular needs.
·  Self monitor and assess their physical progress.
·  Learn and understand the major muscle groups and the equipment that trains them.
·  Monitor and assess their cardiovascular health and wellness.
·  Scavenger Hunt
·  Teamwork