Norwich Youth Advisory Board (YAB)
Minutes of meeting:
City College, NorwichTuesday 4th July 2017
In Attendance:
Maria – Chair and Young Commissioner
Mel Wheeler – Matthew Project
Lisa Harper –NHS
Jock Downie – City College
Dave Marshall – Norwich Police
Emma Corlett –Norfolk County Council
Kate Price – Norwich City Council
Nat Davies –Inspired Youth
Charlotte - Young Commissioner
Danielle – Young Commissioner
Amado – Young Commissioner
Thomas – Young Commissioner
Jordan – Young Commissioner
Ryan – Young Commissioner
Alfie – Young Commissioner
Caitlin -Young Commissioner
Josh - Young Commissioner
Sharlie – Young Commissioner
Robin Konieczny – Norfolk County Council
Colin Dutton– MAPSenior Youth & Community Worker MAP
Jess Barnard – Youth and Community Worker MAP
Trudi Halls–MAP (Minutes)
1. Welcome and Introductions1.1Maria welcomed the board members to the meeting
1.2Apologies were received from Neil Cully. / Action
2. Minutes of the previous meetingand matters arising
2.1 Board members had been invited to tweet or “like” facebook status updates on the Norwich YAB pages. Maria reiterated to the board members to support the YAB by liking or retweeting YAB photos or information on social media.
2.2Colin to invite board members to attend some of the YAG meetings to get more insight into the work of the YAG’s. Colin will send out invites to the board members for meetings of the YAGS during the summer.
2.3 Updates from Board members;
Mel is currently working with services users in getting a film together to show the work of theMatthew Project. She asked if any Young Commissioners wanted to help out, then to please contact her via the board.
Dave - Police officers will be in attendance at the Norwich Pride Event. There is currently a lot of working being done with the Police cadets, Dave asked any Young Commissioners, if interested in being a cadet to contact him. The Police are also currently working on Project Gravity. This project is looking at how young people are being exploited by drugs gangs, who are usually from London, who get Norwich Young People involved with drugs.
Robin said the Council had been looking at the new direction Youth Advisory boards work. The YABS have now been recommissioned and Young People decided who should be awarded the work. MAP won six of the seven contracts, with MTM winning the seventh contract. Workers within the YABs would have the option of transferring over to MAP should they wish to.
The Council had carried out a new member induction day, last week at County Hall. The Young Commissioners are currently helping give feedback regarding playing fields.
Nat – Is working to connect business and education. She is helping to launch multiple new projects which are tailored to the students. One project is to try and get careers events into Junior schools, so that younger young people can find out about possible careers.
Emma – spoke about her involvement in the Children’s Services Committee. One of the areas of concern was the high number of school exclusions in Norfolk. Emma said that the Committee can be visited by anyone, but the time of 10am is not always easy for young people to attend. Emma will however, send through her dates of the Children services committee to the board.
Kate –Spoke about the progress that is being made regarding creating a digital sharing platform. This is a program that will show what equipment exists in Norfolk, so that it may be loaned out. It is hoped that the Young Commissioners could look at the platform to see what works and what may need tweaking. Kate said that there was also a new idea to get projects completed by looking at Crowd funding, so that new projects looking for cash could get up to 50% match funding. Kate will forward details to the board.
Jockspoke about a project he is working on looking at why Young People from working class backgrounds often do not go on to University education. They are looking at possible barriers such as Mental Health, Finance and LGBT.
Lisa spoke about her work with “Chat Health” Lisa will e mail out poster regarding the service to Trudi, so that she may circulate the information to the board.
Jess spoke about the upcoming summer programme of activities with the young Commissioners. She also spoke about her work with MORR (make our rights a reality). She said that if the board know of any young people who may benefit from this course, then to forward their details to her.
Dave said he thought it would be a good ideaif young people were made better aware of how the Police operate. Jess to arrange a possible visit to Police. / EC
3. Commissioning Plan 2017 - 18
3.1 Colin said that he had e mailed out the full commissioning plan to the board. The focus was now on the budget and looking at the outcomes and outputs.
3.2 Colin circulated a document to the board members and the young people at the meeting so that they could discuss in groups the issues.They discussed Physical health and Youth crime, looking at the outcomes and amending the form if necessary.Colin then collected the forms so that he could amend if required.
4. Small Grants 2016 – 17 Fund and Application
4.1Colin explained he had received a new application from a young person who is currently doing their Duke of Edinburgh award and is seeking funding for their equipment. They are asking for £300.
There followed some discussion about whether this grant of money should be awarded. Some members felt that there should be some conditions added to the funding such as the equipment should be then given to the Princes Trust, or another organisation. Another point of view wasthis finance being given to a low income family?
In the end a vote was taken and it was decided to fund the £300 of equipment. Colin to research the Group called “Gift Your Gear” so that it may be possible for the equipment to be used again.
5. Any Other Business
5.1 Jess said she will be carrying training sessions throughout the summer and will be inviting board members to come along and attend the sessions.
5.2Colin advised the board that he needed a group to discuss the YAB SLA. Robin, Jock and Dave agreed to do this.
5.3 Robin said he was carrying out an event in August and needed 4 young people to assist. Please contact him if you are able to help.
6. Dates for Future Meetings;
Tuesday 19th September – Q&A reports, progress on YL programme
Tuesday 7th November – plan and dates for 2018
(all at 4pm at City College)
Maria thanked all in attendance and closed the meeting at 6pm