Northwood PTSA Meeting

May 17, 2016

Meeting was opened at 7:40 by Mrs. Robyn Watts, PTSA Vice-President

Approximately 18 parents and 3 staff members were in attendance.

PTSA Business:

Approval of minutes from April meeting.

Go Fund Me Campaign

Begun to raise money ($2,000) for 4, $500 PTSA scholarships. A link will be added to the NHS Facebook page and a message sent out on the PTSA list serve. Suggestion was made to forward to alumni, and it was also put on the NHS private distribution.

Over 20 applications were received; 7 finalists. Very hard to narrow it down to 4 recipients.

After Prom

This Saturday night (actually Sunday) from 12-5am at the Rockville Bowlmore. Have plenty of helpers. Ticket sales have been slow.

Staff Appreciation Luncheon

Ms. Maureen Gunnison is in charge. Planning on serving 190+people. Needs help with set-up, serving, and clean-up. Passed around a sign-up sheet for volunteers. Will also be soliciting donations of prizes, gift cards, and desserts.

PTSA Executive Board Elections:

The following slate of candidates were nominated and subsequently unanimously voted into office by a voice vote:

President: Robyn Watts

Vice-President: PrasantSar

Treasurer: Cathy Shrestha

Secretary: Andrea Verbrugge

Principal’s Report (Ms. Charley-Greene):

Ms. Charley-Greene referenced a News 7 story that aired earlier in the day concerning an alleged sexual assault at Northwood. (Consensus was that it was a slow news day and the reporter was looking for a story.) The incident in question had been reported to the police and the Montgomery County OSSI office as required by the NHS Administration. This incident is being investigated by the authorities. NHS Administration is cooperating and continues to protect the identity of those involved.

Ms. Charley-Greene reported that the number of incidents that occur at Northwood in the course of a school year is average for the county. If the rate were to increase, then Northwood would be given additional security. (Currently 1651 students and 6 security staff.)

Have taken steps to install large mirrors to cover corners that the security cameras may miss, especially in the stairwells.

What can parents do to make sure students stay safe? Need to advocate more for the social and economic concerns that often underlie incidents. Think of ways to show students their value. Also need to empower students to speak up when they see something wrong and notify security.

Ms. Beverly Russ (ESOL Instructor) shared that the papers to form a foundation were officially filed today. Initial goals include raising funds for an electronic marquee and promethium boards in every classroom. Ms. Russ passed around a sign-up sheet for those interested in learning more about the foundation.

Ms. Brandy Reazer (SGA Representative and Senior Advisor) thanked the PTSA for its support of the SGA and activities it has sponsored.

Adjournment: Meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:42 pm

Minutes respectfully submitted by Andrea Verbrugge, PTSA Secretary