1.Particularsoforganization, functionsandduties:

At Divisional level Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer /Power/Bikaner is the over all in-charge of Mechanical Loco department assistant by Assistant Divisional Mechanical Engineer /Power .There are 5 Lobbies and 4 R/Rooms & 3 RDIs in BKN division. BKN & CUR lobbies are headed by Chief Loco Inspector and Loco supervisor respectively and rest of lobbies are headed by Crew Controller In-charge. The crew activities are watched and controlled by Power control organization headed by Chief Power Controller. The Loco Inspectors are entrusted to monitor the performance of Loco Pilots and RDIs.


The objective of the Mechanical (Power) Department is to provide crew (Driver & Assistant) for the train operation and also management of loco lobbies, running rooms & RDIs for the smooth and safe train operation.


S.No. / Designation / Duties
01 / Sr.DME (P) / Overallin-chargeofmechanical (P)departmentat divisionallevel.Overallmanagementandco-ordination ofallactivitiesPertainingtoLocodepartment,decision making,dealingofDAcases,exercisingoffinancialpowersforprocurement ofvitalitems,engaging contractors forworksandannualmaintenance contracts operatedunderLocodepartment, coordination withHQandotherdepartmentinthe division.
02 / ADME(P) / Management of Loco department activities at field units,co-ordination withDivisionalheadquarterfor smooth functioning of field units, dealing of DA cases,Trade testactivities,testcheckingof contractualworks,monitoring workofRunningRoom, RDI’s,CrewLobbies.
03 / CPCR / NotifieddailyupdationofcautionorderonCMS.Daily monitoringofsparerunningofcrew.Dailymonitoring ofoutstationdetention ofcrew. NightFootplate deficiencycompliance. DailyupdationonFTP. MonitoringofJointinspection byLIs.Conferencing for crewbalancingwithPCR.Preparation ofHQpositions timely.MonitoringofcircularbulletinuploadedonCMS.EnsuringtimelyfeedbackbyLPs.
04 / CLIs / Locomotive foot plate inspection, monitoring performance of loco crew, inspection of crew booking office, check on fuel installation, safety/punctuality drive, check of locomotive & conducting of disciplinary enquiry.
05 / CLI/HQ / Compliance ofInspectionnotes, repliestounion’s letters/Matters,remarks onPNMitems.Monitoringof promotion/transfer relatedfiles.Monthlyanalysisof sparerunning ofcrew of the division Monitoring analysisofOT,TA, NDAandotherheads ofexpenditure (locoshedwise).Dailypositionof runningroom,complaints &issuesrelatedtorunning room.
06 / CLI/Fuel / Tripration-6monthlyup-dation.MonthlycheckofbestworstSFCperformer Locopilotfootplatewith them.Monthlymonitoringofcorrect debitgenerationoffuelissued tosheds.Monthlyoncestockverification atRDIs.Dailymonitoring offuelpositionofRDIs. Daily monitoring ofissuesofRDIspertainingtoRlys/IOCL. BudgetmonitoringofHSDoil.
07 / SSE(Loco)CCCR
/In-charge / Dailychecking ofcomplaintsofrunningstaffand compliance. Monitoring of staff ineffective of RDI, lobby, Runningroom.Monitoring ofPCDOstatements.Breathalyzer testand to monitorCMS equipments.Monitoringofstoresinventory. Monitoringof pending DAR cases. Timely sending of periodical reporttodiv./HQ.Monitoring ofoutsourcingactivities various.Monitoring oflobby,RDIrunningroom. Monitoring of timely recoupment of imprest.
08 / Crew controller / Monitoringofineffectiveofrunning staff. Monitoringof updatingofnonrun.Monitoringofunusualfeedback bycrew.Monitoring ofworkingofCMSequipments breathalyzer, computeretc.MonitoringofCMS connectivity failure.Monitoringoffeedingofcaution orders, safetycircular,andbulletin onCMSbyCPCR. Monitoring ofjointtesting ofVHFsetswithS&Tstaff. Monitoringof replacement of effective VHF sets to running staff. Sending periodical position viz. Periodicalrest,Sandersworkinginlocoetc.toDiv. HQ.



Theactivitiesatthefieldunitlevelaresupervised bytherespective supervisors indifferent grades.InMechanicalpowerwing,thereare03levelof supervisionviz.SSE(Loco),CLI’s(Runningsupervisors)andCCR’swho managethedepotRunningactivitiesandtakeminordecisionsfordaytoday disposalofworks.Theextraordinary caseswheredecisionsattheselevelsare notpossible,theissueisreferredtothehigherauthority’s i.eAsst.Divl. MechanicalEngineer(P).

Majordecisions likepolicydecisions, staffwelfare,creationofposts, additional assets,creation offacilitiesetc.aretakenbythebranchofficeri.eSr. Divl.MechanicalEngineer(P).Thedecisionwhichare beyondthecompetencyof theSr.Divl.MechanicalEngineer(P)isreferredtoAddl.Divl.RailwayManager orDivl.Railway Managerorthe caseissenttozonalHQforfurtherdisposalat higherlevel.


Differenttargetsare beingset bythezonalofficeforeachdivisiontofollow duringaparticular financialyear.Thedivisionalunitandthefieldunitsareacting asperthetargetsetbythezonalHQ.AtRly.Boardlevel,somemissionitems aresetwhicharebeingfollowed bythedifferent divisional unitandfieldunits underthesupervision andguidanceofzonalHQ.ForProperLocoLink maintenance, Punctualityfailureproofworkingtherearecertaintargets Besides,there are targetsfor safety performancelike no. of inspectionsat differentlevelsdone,no.ofsafetydrivesatdifferentlevelundertaken, no.of accident/derailmentcaseson Locoaccount.

5. Rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records

held by it or under itscontrolorusedbyitsemployeesfor













v)GeneralandSubsidiary rule



viii)Varioustechnicalpamphletsandinstructionsissuedby RDSOfromtimeto time.

ix)Variousinstructionsissuedby RailwayBoardfromtimetotime.


6.Statementofthecategoriesofdocumentsthatareheldbyit orunderitscontrol:

Codes,Manuals,Specification, Drawing,maintenancerelateddocuments, Records,filespertainingto inspectionsatvariouslevelsandremedialaction.The policyguidelinesandinstructionsfromboard,correctionsslipstovariousCodes &manuals.Internalcorrespondence tocarryoutofficialjobs,whicharenot relevanttopublicatlarge.

7.Particularsofanyarrangementthatexistforconsultation withorrepresentativeby themembers ofthe public in relation to the formulation ofitspolicy or implementationthereof

For internal matters,there are arrangementsfor holdinginformal meetings,PNMetc.withtherecognizedtradeunionsatsuitableintervalsin which the various issues regarding establishment,operational aspects, staff welfares etc.arediscussedandresolvedaccordingly.Forpublicrelatedmatters, thebranchofficerofthedivisiondoesnothasanypowertoholdanymeeting with the public representatives’, however, Divisional Railway Manager periodically holdsmeetingwiththeDivisionalRailwayUsersConsultative Committee (DRUCC)andmayholdpressconference fordealingpublicissues. Besides,thereispublicrelationorganization ineverydivisionalofficethrough whichrepresentation isbeingaccepted.

8.Statementoftheboard,council,committeesandother bodies consistingof twoormore persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, committees and other bodies are open to thepublic,ortheminutesof suchmeetingareaccessibletopublic:



S.N. / Name / Designation / RlyPhone
(STD-097) / BSNLPhone / FaxNo / MobileNo
1 / ShriBalbir Singh / Sr.DME(Power) / 44502 / 0151 / 2201921 / 9001197401
2 / “D.P.Sharma / ADME/Power / 44508 / - / - / 9001197403
3 / Sh.ShyamLal / CCR-Incharge/HSR / 43-369 / 01662-283339 / - / 09729595403
4 / Sh.Kalu Ram / CCR In-charge/SOG / 48-369 / 01509-222757 / - / 9001197443
5 / Sh.MohanLal / CCR In-charge/HMH / 42-369 / 01552-268099 / - / 9001197442
6 / Sh.S.K. Malviya / SSE/L/ In-charge CUR / 41-369 / 01562-252425 / - / 9001197440
7 / Sh.Rais Ali / SSE/L/ In- charge / RDI / BKN / 44534 & 44525 / 0151-2540888 / - / 9001197430
8 / Sh. Ajay Shankar Panday / CPCR / 44510, 44511 &44524 / 0151-2202499 / - / 9001197447
9 / Sh. Mahafooz Ali / CLI/BKN / - / - / - / 9001197431
10 / Sh. PradeepSaxena / CLI/BKN / - / - / - / 9001032630
11 / Sh. Mewa Ram / CLI/BKN / - / - / - / 9001197427
12 / Sh. KulbhushanKukreja / CLI/Staff/BKN / 44536 / - / - / 9001197429
13 / Sh.Azam Ali / CLI/Safety/BKN / - / - / - / 9001197919
14 / Sh. MaganLalMeena / CLI/SOG / - / - / - / 9001197438
15 / Sh. BhanwarLalMeena / CLI/HMH / - / - / - / 9001197435
16 / Sh. GirdhariLal / CLI/RDI/HMH / - / - / - / 9001197432
17 / Sh. BirbalMeena / CLI/RDI/CUR / - / - / - / 9001197436
18 / Sh. NareshMeena / CLI/CUR / - / - / 9001197441
19 / Sh. Nathu Ram / CLI/HSR / - / - / 09729595399
20 / Sh. Veer Singh / CLI/HSR / - / - / 09729595398
21 / Sh. HarkeshMeena / CLI/HSR / - / - / 09729595397
22 / Sh. Ramesh Kr. / CLI/RE / 09729595402
23 / Sh. Ashok Kr. / CLI/RE / 09729595400

10.Monthlyremunerationreceivedbyeach of


No / Name / Designation / GradePay / Scale / MobileNo
1 / ShriBalbir Singh / Sr.DME(Power) / 6600/- / 15600-39100 / 9001197401
2 / “D.P. Sharma / ADME/Power / 4800/- / 9300-34800 / 9001197403
3 / Sh.ShyamLal / CCR-Incharge/HSR / 4600/- / 9300-34800 / 09729595403
4 / Sh.Kalu Ram / CCR In-charge/SOG / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197443
5 / Sh.MohanLal / CCR In-charge / HMH / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197442
6 / Sh.S.K. Malviya / SSE/L/ In-charge CUR / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197440
7 / Sh.Rais Ali / SSE/L/ In- charge / RDI / BKN / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197430
8 / Sh. KulbhushanKukreja / CLI/Staff/BKN / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197429
9 / Sh.Azam Ali / CLI/Safety/BKN / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197919
10 / Sh. GirdhariLal / CLI/RDI/HMH / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197432
11 / Sh. BirbalMeena / CLI/RDI/CUR / 4600/ / 9300-34800 / 9001197436
12 / Sh. Ajay Shankar Panday / CPRC / 4200/- / 9300-34800 / 9001197447

11. Budget allocated to each of itsagency, indicating the particulars of all plansproposedexpendituresand reportsondisbursementsmade

S.No / Demand No. / Original Budget Grant
1 / 8-200 / 101105
2 / 10-200 / 881029
3 / 8-200 PU 27 / 2627
4 / 8-200 PU 32 / 4500
5 / 10-200 PU 27 / 768010