1.4.13 - 31.3.14INDEX


Introduction 3

Doctors’ details - Dr P M James 4

- Dr R Albardiaz 5

- Dr S Parnell 6

- Dr L P Waters 7

Practice staff 8

Premises 13

Practice Profile 14

Morbidity and Mortality 15

Patient contact 16

Consultation Rates 17

Minor operations 18

Histology Specimens 19

Practice meetings 20

Achievements 2013-2014 22

Plans and Targets 2014-15 23

Patient Participation Group Report 2014 24

Conclusion 27


The annual report is prepared each year incorporating data which used to be required by the Primary Care Trust and information we feel is useful to report. Last year’s figures appear in brackets. Thanks go to everyone who helped prepare the report and a special thanks to Sheila Winton for collating all the data.

This year the practice list size has grown with an increase of 50 patients mostly in the 65-74 year age group. In keeping with national trends we have also had a 9% increase in births from 35 to 41, while the number of deaths remains stable at 70.

Consultations rates have increased and total patient contacts are up nearly 500 compared to last year. In particular telephone rates have increased 870 from 2676 to 3546. The practice aims to see patients who request to be seen on the same day. Use of the telephone allows patient queries to be addressed on the same day and improves communication with relatives and other agencies.

We continued to carry out minor operations and corticosteroid injections. Two basal cell carcinomas were identified and referred on. The number of patients receiving cryotherapy treatment for sun damage had increased. We are very grateful to the Patient Participation Group (PPG) for purchasing a new cylinder for liquid nitrogen, allowing us to continue this service locally for our patients.

We scored well in the QOF gaining 890 out of 900 available points and are pleased to be offering new services this year. We can now carry out point of care testing for deep vein thromboses, dermatoscope analysis of skin lesions and have started vaccinating against shingles in specified age groups.

We always strive to provide an excellent service for our patients and have worked closely with the PPG, reflecting on the results of the patient survey. We value our excellent team of staff and have introduced a start of the day meeting to maintain a good working environment. This year we said good bye to our receptionist, Anne Dalleywater, one of our longest serving staff members after 25 years.

In the coming year we will continue to prepare for our Care Quality Commission inspection and aim to expand the services available to patients including cardiac event monitors, contraceptive implant insertion and on site memory assessment,


Name: Philip Margrave James

Age: 52

Qualifications: MBBS, MRCGP

Years in General Practice: 24 years

Clinical Interests: Elderly care

Minor surgery and joint injections



Appointments held: School Medical Officer at Frewen College

G.P. Trainer


Cardiology Update ½ day

Diabetic Update ½ day

Trainers Workshop 1 day

Palliative Care 1 day

GP update Course 1 day

Sexual Health 1 day

Safe guarding children training ½ day



Management of dispensary

Management of IT

Staff Management

Patient Participation Group


Name Richard Albardiaz

Age 37

Qualifications MA, MB BChir, DRCOG, MRCGP,

PG Cert Business Admin, PG Dip in Medical Education

Diploma in Development Management

Years in General Practice 9 years

Clinical Interests Holistic General Practice

Medical Education


Diabetes ½ day

Cardiology ½ day

Respiratory update ½ day

Safe guarding children training ½ day

E-learning modules Variety of learning modules done throughout the year


CQC lead

Child protection lead

Practice based commissioning


LMC member

I was pleased to have a letter published in Education for Primary Care, Humanism and linguistic skills.

I enjoyed being involved in this with the television programme ‘Health freaks’ and even had five seconds of fame!


Name: Sally Parnell

Age: 35

Qualifications: MA BM BCh MRCP DRCOG MRCGP


Years in General Practice: 7 years

Joined Northiam surgery October 2010

Clinical interests: Holistic General Practice


Minor Surgery


Respiratory update ½ day

Cardiology update ½ day

Basic life support 1 hour

Primary Care Forum Updates ½ day

Diabetes Update ½ day

Safe guarding children training ½ day

Contraceptive implant Training 4 hours


Compilation of Annual Report

Clinical Commissioning Group lead

Prescribing lead


Introduction of contraceptive implant service

Name: Lelly Penrose Waters

Age: 52

Qualifications: MBBS

Years in General Practice: 23 years

Joined Northiam Surgery in November 2003

Clinical Interests: Family medicine

Minor surgery



Cardiology Update ½ day

Diabetes Update ½ day

GP Refresher Course 2 day

Dermatoscope Training ½ day

Ophthalmology workshop 1 day

Child protection update 4 hours

Prostate Cancer Update 1 day

PRACTICE STAFF (as at 31.3.2013)

Name: Mrs Jayne Avann

Title: Dispenser/Receptionist

Hours worked: 40.25

Length of service: 14 years

Qualifications: Customer Services Manager – Nationwide Building Society

Training: In-house training (Reception and Dispensing)

Medical Terminology

BTEC Diploma in Dispensing

Computer Networking & Troubleshooting

Name: Mrs Bobbie Boud

Title: Phlebotomist/Healthcare Assistant

Hours worked: 9

Length of service: 14 years

Qualifications: Venepuncture training

NVQ in Care – Level 3

Name: Angela Carter

Title: Medical Secretary/Receptionist

Hours worked: 22

Length of service: 2 years

Qualifications: Previous secretarial & administrative roles in general practice & Hospitals

Information Governance training

Name: Mrs Helen Clarkson

Title: Dispensary Assistant

Hours worked: 28

Length of service: 7.5 years

Training: In-house training in Dispensary procedures

Repeat Prescribing Module – Buttercups Training

Name: Mrs Christine Cooper

Title: Dispenser

Hours worked: 22

Length of service: 3 years

Qualifications: HNC in Business Studies

Training: In-house training

NVQ Level 2 Dispensing Diploma

Name: Mrs Linda Cox

Title: Practice Manager

Hours worked: 39

Length of service: 32 years

Qualifications: M.A.

AMSPAR Diploma in Practice Management

RSA III Typing RSA II Shorthand

LCC Commercial French & German

Training: First Line Management Course

PMD Course

Communication Skills

Excel Spreadsheet/Word training

Computer Networking & Troubleshooting

Name: Mrs Anne Dalleywater

Title: Receptionist

Hours worked: 16.75

Length of service: 25 years – retired March 2014

Qualifications: RSA Typing

Training: PRP I/PRP II

Practice Computer Training

Reception Skills

Name: Mrs Anita Davie

Title: Receptionist/Dispenser

Hours worked: 20.75

Length of service: 9 years

Qualifications: NVQ in Child Care

RSA Secretarial Diploma

Training: In-house training in Reception work and Dispensing

B-Tec Dispensing Diploma

Name: Jane Halliday

Title: Dispensary Assistant

Hours worked: 21

Length of service: 4 years

Qualifications: Previous GP surgery experience

Training: In-house dispensary training

Name: Flic Hayward

Title: Dispenser

Hours worked: 14

Length of service: 6 years

Qualifications: RSA Typing and shorthand

IPD Training & Development Award in Supervisory Management

Assessor Awards

Customer Care

Health & Safety in the workplace

Training: NVQ Level 2 in Pharmacy Services

Name: Emily Heard

Title: Dispensary Assistant

Hours worked: 28

Length of service: 4 years

Qualifications: Secretarial training

NVQ – Level 2 Dispensing Doctors Assistant course

Training: In-house dispensary/reception training

Name: Mrs Aimee Howell

Title: Healthcare Assistant

Hours worked: 12

Length of service: 9 months

Qualifications: NVQ Level 2 and NVQ Level 3 in

Health & Social Care


Training: ECG


NHS Health checks

Name: Mrs Jenny Ilsley

Title: Receptionist

Hours worked: 30.5

Length of service: 7 years

Qualifications: B.A.

Basic Information Technology Skills

Previous experience in customer services

Training: In-house Reception training

Name: Mrs Paula Johnson

Title: Healthcare Assistant

Hours worked: 12

Length of service: 5 years – retired December 2013

Qualifications: Community Nursing Auxiliary B Grade

Training: In-house training in phlebotomy, ECGs, audiometry

NVQ Level 3 Healthcare

Name: Mrs Molly Leggo

Title: Receptionist

Hours worked: 15

Length of service: Started April 2014

Qualifications: Previous Receptionist training

Training: Medical Terminology

In-house training

Name: Mrs Liz McNaughton

Title: Receptionist

Hours worked: 14

Length of service: 3.5 years

Training: In-house Receptionist training

Reception Procedures

Name: Mrs Jan Morris

Title: Dispenser/Dispensary Manager

Hours worked: 30

Length of service: 34 years

Qualifications: Dispensing Diploma

Training: PRP II

BTEC Dispensing Diploma

Communication Skills

Name: Mrs Michelle Murrell

Title: Healthcare Assistant

Hours worked: 12

Length of service: 3 months

Qualifications: Phlebotomy training

NHS Health checks

Training: ECG

Suture removal

INR testing

In-house training for Spirometry

Name: Mrs Gay Quearney

Title: Practice Nurse

Hours worked: 27

Length of service: 15 years

Qualifications: SRN

Training: Practice Nurse Induction Course

Cervical Smear Course

Travel Medicine Course

Practice Nursing update courses

Name: Mrs Anita Robins

Title: Dispensary Assistant

Hours worked : 21.5

Length of service: Started 3rd March 2014

Qualifications: NVQ Level 2 in Health & Social Care for the Elderly

Training: In-house dispensary training

Medical Terminology

Name: Mrs Joanna Rowe

Title: Receptionist/Dispenser

Hours worked: 20.75

Length of service: 9 years

Training: In-house training in Reception work and Dispensing

NVQ – Level 2 Dispensing Doctors Assistant course

Name: Cedric Utley

Title: Clinical IT Manager

Hours worked: 10

Length of service: 9 years

Qualifications: Finance & Administration Manager

Training: In-house training in medical computing

Name: Karen Wall

Title: Dispensary Assistant

Hours worked: 20.5

Length of service: 3 years – resigned January 2014

Qualifications: Previous office experience

Training: In-house dispensary/reception training

NVQ – Level 2 Dispensing Doctors Assistant course

Name: Mrs Sheila Winton

Title: Clinical Manager

Hours worked: 18.25

Length of service: 17 years

Qualifications: Basic Book-keeping AAT Foundation

Training: Receptionist in-house training

Medical Terminology

Computer networking and troubleshooting

Name: Mrs Dawn Young

Title: Practice Nurse

Hours worked: 27

Length of service: 4 years

Qualifications: Registered Nurse

Registered Midwife

Training: Travel Medicine


Cervical Cytology

Basic Life Support

Regular Practice Nursing updates


Address: The Surgery, Main Street, Northiam

Facilities: 4 Consulting rooms

1 Treatment room

1 Diagnostic room

1 Healthcare Assistant’s room

1 Dispensary

1 Dispensary Reception

1 Reception area

1 Practice Manager’s room

1 Waiting room

1 Common room

1 Attached staff room

1 First floor office area

Branch: The Surgery, Reedswood Road, Broad Oak.

Facilities: 2 Consulting rooms

1 Treatment room

1 Dispensary

1 Administration area

1 Waiting room



We are a rural Practice with surgeries in Northiam and Broad Oak. The breakdown of our Practice list on 31.3.14 was as follows:-


Total No. Under

Registered 5 5 – 64 65 – 74 75+

Dr P James 1944 (1983) 56 ( 67) 1277 (1311) 334 (328) 277 (277)

Dr S Parnell 1973 (1875) 89 ( 75) 1299 (1249) 319 (289) 266 (262)

Dr L Waters 723 ( 750) 20 ( 26) 514 ( 535) 123 (124) 66 ( 65)

Total Northiam 4640 (4608) 165 (168) 3090 (3095) 776 (741) 609 (604)

Broad Oak

Total No. Under

Registered 5 5 – 64 65 – 74 75+

Dr R Albardiaz 1348 (1325) 52 ( 37) 859 ( 848) 268 (266) 169 (174)


PRACTICE: 5988 (5933) 217 (205) 3949 (3943) 1044 (1007) 778 (778)

General Practice Statistics

% of people over 65 30.4% (30% )

% of children under 5 years 3.6% ( 3.4% )

Number of births 41 ( 35 )

Number of deaths 70 ( 73 )

Number of temporary residents 225 ( 257 )

Eligible women 25-64 who have had a

cervical smear in last 5 years 93.7% (94%)

Children under 7 with up-to-date


Children 1 – 2 Primary course 93% ( 98%)

Children Primary MMR 90% ( 92%)

Children 4 - 5 Pre-school booster 98% ( 90%)

Last year’s figures in brackets



We keep a number of computerised disease registers at the practice in order to help us with audit. The largest ones as at 31.3.14 are:

Numbers % of practice


Hypertension 871 (918) 14.5 (15.5)

Cancers 204 (193) 3.4 ( 3.2)

Asthma 472 (465) 7.9 ( 7.8)

Ischaemic Heart Disease 262 (260) 4.4 ( 4.4)

Diabetes mellitus 301 (290) 5.0 ( 4.9)

Anti-coagulant patients 184 (183) 3.1 ( 3.1)


We also put the cause of death for all practice patients who die:

Cancers 17 (30)

Pneumonia 10 (10)

Ischaemic Heart Disease 9 ( 5)

Heart failure 3 ( 5)

Old age 3 ( 4)

Cerebro-vascular accident 7 ( 2)

Pulmonary embolus 1 ( -)

Infection 1 ( 2)

Dementia 2 ( 1)

Liver Disease - ( 1)

Other causes 5 ( 6)

Aneurysm - ( 1)

Renal Failure 3 ( -)

Myocardial Infarction 2 ( 2)

Intracerebral Haemorrhage - ( 1)

COPD 1 ( 3)

Sepsis 3 ( -)

Ischaemic Bowel 1 ( -)

Pulmonary Fibrosis 2 ( -)

Total 70 (73)

Last year’s figures in brackets


All the practice consultation figures are now entered on the computer.

Turnover Rate of Patients

Patients who

New Patients have left Turnover Rate

Dr P M James 123 (122) 166 (164) 4.8% (4.8%)

Dr S Parnell 229 (249) 127 (125) 5.9% (6.3%)

Dr R Albardiaz 142 (132) 116 (112) 4.3% (4.1%)

Dr L Waters 31 ( 14) 61 ( 64) 1.5% (1.3%)

Practice total 525 (517) 470 (465) 16.6% (16.5%)

Consultation rates: No. of patient consultations/No. of patients on list

Dr James 3.26 (3.1)

Dr Parnell 3.75 (1.4)

Dr Albardiaz 3.35 (3.4)

Dr Waters 3.96 (3.7)

Practice Nurse Consultation rates: No. of patient contacts/No. of patients on list

Practice Nurse &

Phlebotomist/Healthcare Assistant 1.95 (2.0)


Annual Total 2013/2014

Dr James / Dr Parnell / Dr Albardiaz / Dr Waters / GP Registrar / GP Registrar / GP Registrar
Surgery / 5366 (5295) / 5749 (2100) / 3875 (4010) / 2470 (2508) / 2015 (2344) / 3913 (3537) / 3537 (2737)
Visits / 130 (110) / 233 (100) / 105 (119) / 45 (53) / 50 ( 34) / 53 ( 37) / 37 (39)
Telephone / 845 (787) / 1435 ( 472) / 540 (402) / 353 ( 251) / 149 (253) / 330 (267) / 267 (142)

Locum Practice Phlebotomist/ Nurse HealthcareAssistant

Surgery 1609 (5117) 6350 (6941) 5304 (4880)

Visits 54 ( 139)

Telephone 224 (511) 66 (64)

Annual Total 2013/2014

All Doctors Practice Nurse/Phlebotomist/Healthcare Assistant