Division of Corrections & Sentencing-- American Society of Criminology (ASC)
2014 Practitioner Research Award (for agency research completed during CY 2012- 2013)
Deadline: August 1, 2014
PURPOSE: The Division of Corrections and Sentencing (DCS) is pleased to sponsor an annual award to recognize an outstanding research effort that informs public policy by a researcher or group of researchers who work for a government agency. Given the focus of the Division, the research must relate to sentencing/ court policy or operations or correctional policy or operations, either institutional or community. Much of the research conducted in these agencies has significant impact on public policy, but because publication in normal refereed journals is not a priority in most agencies, these works of quality often go unrecognized. This award is intended to provide a venue to bring some of these excellent efforts to broader recognition.
STANDARDS: A committee of members of DCS will review agency research reports forwarded to them. For the 2014 award, research completed during 2012 or 2013 will be considered. It must have been completed by a government employee or a long-term contract employee who works on multiple projects and not just a single topic. The award can go to a group of employees who worked on the project jointly. As noted, the research should have a focus on policy or operations for the courts, the judiciary, community corrections, or institutional corrections.
Line government research can make a big difference in policy even if it doesn’t look very conventional or “pretty.” Thus there are no requirements as to how the research document should look. While it would normally be a formal report of some sort, some research can be summarized in formats as simple as a memo or e-mail. However, the quality of the presentation will be a factor in the scoring of proposals. Finally, if more than two pieces of research are nominated from a particular agency, that agency will be asked to select the two it would like to be considered.
Expected scoring: (100 points possible)
Soundness of Research/ Analysis (up to 40 points)—design, methods, effective analysis, scope/ innovation
Policy Impact/ Implications (up to 40 points) – connection of findings to conclusions/ recommendations, potential influence/ actual impact, comprehensive review for future use
Presentation (up to 20 points)—organization, clarity, conciseness, visuals, innovative.
AWARD: The 2014 DCS Practitioner Research Award will be announced by the end of September, 2014, with the award presented at the DCS business session during the ASC annual meeting in November, 2014, in San Francisco. DCS will encourage the researcher(s) to present the research and findings at the 2014 or 2015 annual meeting of ASC. That effort will be supported by DCS with up to $500 to be used for registration, travel to the meeting, or housing during the meeting.
HOW TO APPLY: An agency, a person in an agency, or any other person may nominate a particular piece of research. The form “Nomination for DCS Practitioner Researcher Award” is at http://www.asc41.com/DCS/ASCDCS/Home.html. It asks for information identifying the nominator and the nominee. The research document must be attached. Finally, since “good” agency research makes a difference, the nomination should also discuss the policy impact of the research, or its likely policy impact. This material should be sent to Steve Van Dine, DCS committee chair for the Practitioner Research Award, at . He will also answer questions about the award or process at that address or by phone at 614-752-1269.