Northfield Arts Guild Board of Directors Meeting ("Community Based, Member Driven")

September 18, 2015

Board Attendees: Muir, Collman, Ewald, Flory, Placko, Fox, Carlson, Sheldon
Staff: Alyssa Herzog Melby, Heather Lawrenz, Rachel Haider

Call to order at 6:08 p.m., meeting at the Guild.

Ken welcomed members and did an agenda overview.

Minutes Approval

October 25, 2014. No discussion on minutes, Steve Lawler motioned to approve the minutes, Wendy Placko seconded, motion carried.

April 20, 2015. No discussion on minutes, Steve Lawler motioned to approve the minutes, Richard Collman seconded, motion carried.

Introduction of executive board members and staff

2014-2015 Annual Report

Past-president Ken Ewald discussed challenges from last year including departure of Ann Mosey and debt management issues, as well as search for new leader. 14 candidates, and Alyssa started at the end of January. Fundraising committee led by Richard Collman were able to raise $40,000+, enabling us to pay back the line of credit. Terra and staff worked hard to keep the doors open.

Restructuring of staff includes full-time staff Rachel Haider and Heather Lawrenz. Increased membership by 25% since last year. Thank you to members for all of your support!

Increase in the Arts Board grant, still no word from McKnight. Mardag foundation grant is going towards funding infrastructure (including ticketing system, strategic planning).

Performing Arts Coordinator Rachel Haider reported on successes from the past year. All theater performances met their budgets, the theater building exterior was regraded and painted. New lighting and online ticketing.

Visual Arts Coordinator Heather Lawrenz reported on successes from the past year. Added a new gallery exhibition space in F-Town Brewery where members can exhibit. Gift shop is transitioning to selling members-only wares, and 87 members are contributing to the inventory. 140-150 people have been attending gallery openings and sales have increased. Clay studio has been cleaned up and repaired.

Conductor of the Cannon Valley Regional Orchestra Paul Niemisto discussed the success of the 35th season. Collaboration with professors from Carleton, Handel’s Messiah sing-along (which will be repeated), Molly Mason and Jay Ungar fiddling performance, and gala concert. Upcoming season will feature classical music with solo violinist Phil Stoltzfus, Messiah, children’s concert, and Hollywood concert. Alyssa also mentioned 411 Concert Series had a good year, and the Gypsy Jazz Series was a huge success we’d like to repeat.

Education: YPTW 25th anniversary celebration and ice cream social this past summer, Purple Door Theater program was a great success in its first year (fosters the technical as well as the performance side of learning). This year’s production is Robin Hood. A+ Arts Club performed the musical Buzz was a great success, and they will be reprising the performance in October.

Looking Ahead to 2015-2016

Incoming Executive Board President Sian Muir talked about the creation of the strategic plan with the support of participants and members. Thank you to Bret Reese, Jennifer Sawyer, and Meleah Follen for fostering that process. Please see the strategic plan documentation on the website for the mission & vision statements.

Some goals for the coming years include financial strengthening, increasing awareness, infrastructure updates, maximizing the use of the facilities. Board members are happy to discuss it further if you have questions.

We have aggressive goals for the coming years. Members, please tell 3 people about how much you value the guild. Consider joining the board – we are looking to fill three board member positions.

Volunteers of the Year

Tori Lauseng has been active in the theater for over two years and helped reorganize the theater shop to make it safer and usable.

Jennifer Sawyer volunteered much time and effort toward restructuring the organization and fostering the strategic plan.

Clark Ohnesorge tirelessly leads the CVRO council and has put much time and effort into working with Alyssa.

Thank you to our volunteers!

Thank you to Outgoing Board Members

Anna Lisa Rustad, Tim Madigan and Ken Ewald will be leaving the board. We thank them for their service!

Meeting Adjourned

Minutes by Wendy Placko, Northfield Arts Guild Board Secretary