Northern Territory Government Gazette No. S71, 20 July 2016

Northern Territory of Australia

Government Gazette


No. S71 20 July 2016

Northern Territory of Australia

Plant Health Act

Revocation of Declaration and Declaration of Quarantine Places for Control of Banana Freckle

I, Leonie Michelle Cooper, Chief Inspector of Plant Health:

(a) under section18(1) of the Plant Health Act and with reference to section43 of the Interpretation Act, revoke the instrument entitled "Declaration of Quarantine Places for Control of Banana Freckle" dated 27October2014 and published in Gazette No. S104 of27October2014; and

(b) under section18(1) of the Plant Health Act, declare all land located in an area shaded on a plan in the Schedule and the whole of any parcel of land that is partly located in such a shaded area, to be a quarantine place for the control of the declared pest Banana Freckle Phyllostictacavendishii (the declared pest); and

(c) declare that the quarantine places are declared for the purposes mentioned in section18(2)(c)(i) to (iv) and (d) of the Act; and

(d) specify that the following prohibitions apply to each quarantine place mentioned in paragraph (b):

(i) the entry into the quarantine place of any declared host plant for the declared pest (a host plant) (other than entry into the quarantine place in accordance with a written permit given by the ChiefInspector) is prohibited;

(ii) the movement of any host plant, or material from a host plant, within the quarantine place (other than movement in accordance with a written permit given by the Chief Inspector) is prohibited;

(iii) the removal of any host plant, or material from a host plant, from the quarantine place (other than removal in accordance with a written permit given by the Chief Inspector) is prohibited;

(iv) the cultivation, storage, propagation and planting of host plants within the quarantine place (other than the cultivation, storage, propagation or planting in accordance with a written permit given by the Chief Inspector) is prohibited; and

(e) specify that the reason for the decision to make this declaration is because each quarantine place is affected by the declared pest; and

(f) specify that a person whose interests are or might be affected by the decision has a right to apply under section58 of the Act for a reconsideration of the decision.

Dated 14 July 2016

L. M. Cooper

Chief Inspector of Plant Health


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