October 24, 2007
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RNinsiderB2B Marketing Communications Program
As a communications and marketing company focused on the pharmacy industry, we produce results that demonstrate a significant return on investment for our clients. Our unique reach into the market includes an effective internet presence, direct email marketing, print media, and aggressive tradeshow attendance which all serve to provide our clients with the most effective communications tool available in the industry. is a results and customer service driven company that prides itself on rapid response to our customers needs.
Brand Awareness:Company has received XXXXX ImpressionsAre you short term or long term oriented? Not all of the industry leaders exposed to your products will be interested in your product today… but eventually, many will be. It is VITAL that they recognize and feel comfortable with your brand when the time is right. Nobody wants to purchase a product from an unfamiliar company. RNinsider provides brand awareness via Print, Internet, Tradeshow and Email marketing vehicles.
Direct Click Leads:Company has received XXXXX click throughs.In addition to branding and sales support initiatives; RNinsider also generates direct and indirect product information leads and inquiries. RNinsider sources, filters and educates highly motivated individuals actively researching your industry, then directs them into your website for detailed information and direct contact points (phone, online form, fax, etc).
Direct Form Leads:Companyhas received xxxxxxx direct form leads. RNinsider allows researchers to directly inquire through our secure and reportable form tracking system. Direct form leads compromise approximately 15% - 20% of RXinsider’s marketing effectiveness.
Pricing and Structure:
- Annual (Term) agreement (ContractRange)
- Full Corporate Marketing Program as detailed below
- Reporting: Real time Sales leads, weekly results, and click through traffic statistics.
- Additional email campaign to over 3,800 Directors, Administrators, and Purchasing agents for an additional $1,100
- Pricing: $4,900 / Year
Company RXinsider
James Thayer
Date:Date: 10/23/2007
Features and Benefits:
- Advertising exposure to reach key decision makers in the market
- Individualized “company profile” including graphics in the appropriate RNshowcase category
- National and International internet exposure
- Aggressive Search Engine marketing programs
- Heavy cross marketing via RNinsider’s suite of pharmacy-specific websites
- National tradeshow exposure which gives additional visibility to Nursing professionals
- Multiple parameter, custom reporting for both received resumes and traffic analysis
- Database tracking system created solely for your companiesteam of users
- Drives decision makers back to your profile page from other websites or search engine rankings
- Decision maker has the ability to contact with ease
- Simple navigation with no registration or passwords needed for information or potential buyers
- Advertising exposure to reach key decision makers in the market
- Ability to generate filtered sales leads to your organization
- Low to NO maintenance of company profile & sales lead management system
- Monthly direct email marketing promotions of the website to over 25,000 nurses 7 nursing students
- Cost effective with measurable results and ROI
- Weekly auto-email of statistical snapshot to program administrator
Web Presence
Our family of websites:
Statistics Overview
Statistics from(Date Range):
- Internet Branding Awareness: Over XXXX researchers visited the ( CategoryName)category on the website (see graph below)
- Click Through Leads:1,056filtered & unique visitors were driven tothe (Company) website from generating immeasurable direct sales contacts (phone calls, emails & faxes)
- Form Leads: (Number of form leads) were completed and submitted to (Company).
Visitor Statistics to the (Category Page):
Visitor Statistics to the website:
Cost Comparative Analysis
Compare the Reach and Value of RNinsider against other marketing alternatives:
What do you normally spend on a typical tradeshow?
(Booth space, shipping, flights, hotel, food, marketing material, lost productivity, etc.)
If your company attends tradeshows, our experience tells us that a typical show would cost approximately $15,000 to attend. This price is more than 3 times the price for an annual RXshowcase program, so multiply your competitor’s annual results (use numbers above) by 3 for an accurate ROI comparison.
Would you consider a tradeshow successful if you spent $15,000 and…
- 64,800 people interested in your products & services to varying degrees passed by your booth/display and were exposed your brand
- 2,523 people approached your booth/display and asked for more information on your product & services
- 516people approached your booth/display and asked for a sales assistance
…I am sure you agree that would be a great investment! If only those results were attainable at a tradeshow.
These examples are actual results you would get from advertising with
Print Advertising…
What is the average price of a full page ad in a publication?
Would you consider a single ad successful if you spent $5,000 and…
- 4,400 people interested in your products & services to varying degrees saw the ad
- The ad drove500people directly your website for more information on your company
- 50people called your company and asked for sales assistance
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