Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G7, 15 February 2017
Northern Territory of Australia
Government Gazette
No.G715 February 2017
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The Gazette is published by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel.
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Northern Territory Government Gazette No. G7, 15 February 2017
Northern Territory of Australia
Waste Management and Pollution Control Act
Termination of Appointment and Appointment of Authorised Officers
I, Paul David Purdon, Acting Executive Director, Environment Protection in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, as the delegate of the NorthernTerritory Environment Protection Authority:
(a)under section 70(1)(a) of the Waste Management and Pollution
Control Act and with reference to section 44(1)of the Interpretation Act, terminate the appointment of each person named in Schedule 1 as an authorised officer; and
(b)under section 70(1)(a) of the Waste Management and Pollution ControlAct, appoint each person named in Schedule 2 to be an authorised officer for the purposes of the Act.
Dated 3 February 2017
P. D. Purdon
Acting Executive Director, Environment Protection
Schedule 1
Rachael Marie Davies
Michelle Anne Kassman
Daniel George Spelchan
Schedule 2
Sophie Rose Anderson
Edel Catherine Stoner
Northern Territory of Australia
Waste Management and Pollution Control Act
Termination of Appointment and Appointment of Authorised Officer
I, Paul David Purdon, Acting Executive Director, Environment Protection in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources, as the delegate of the NorthernTerritory Environment Protection Authority:
(a)under section 70(1)(a) of the Waste Management and Pollution
Control Act and with reference to section 44(1)of the Interpretation Act, terminate the appointment of Emmalene Jade Plint as an authorised officer; and
(b)under section 70(1)(a) of the Waste Management and Pollution ControlAct, appoint Emmalene Jade Burcher to be an authorised officer for the purposes of the Act.
Dated 8 February 2017
P. D. Purdon
Acting Executive Director, Environment Protection
Northern Territory of Australia
Control of Roads Act
Proposal to Close Road
I, Craig Leslie Sandy, Surveyor-General, under section 18 of the Control of Roads Act:
(a)give notice of a proposal to close unmade roads within the Town of Urapunga not affected by the Roper Highway, the road to the Roper Bar Store and Caravan Park, the boat ramp access road and part of Blyth Street in accordance with SurveyPlanNo.S2016/092 and as shown on the map in the Schedule; and
(b)advise the adjoining owner is as follows:
- Lot 277 Town of Urapunga
Diskrig Pty Limited
- Lots 3,5,19,21,30,54 Town of Urapunga
Northern Territory of Australia
- NT Portion 2632
Yutpundji-Djindiwirritj Aboriginal Land Trust
Dated 8 February 2017
C. L. Sandy
Survey Plan No S2016/092 may be inspected at the office of the Surveyor-General, Arnhemica House, Parap, Road, Parap.
Under section 20 of the Act, a person may object to the proposal by serving notice on the Minister. The notice must:
(a)be served personally or by post within 28 days from the later of the publication of this notice in the Gazette or a local newspaper; and
(b)state the grounds for objections.
Postal objections may be served on the Minister for Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics, GPO Box 1680, Darwin NT 0801.
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