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Sports offered at Northern High School


Boy’s and Girl’s Cross Country
Boy’s Soccer
Girl’s Tennis
Girl’s Volleyball


Boy’s and Girl’s Basketball
Indoor Track
Boy’s and Girl’s Swimming


Girl’s Soccer
Girl’s Softball
Boy’s Tennis
Boy’s and Girl’s Track

The Northern High School Athletic Department is administered by the by-laws of the North Carolina High School Athletic Association and Piedmont Athletic Conference, as well as, the policies and procedures of Durham Public Schools and the school. Every effort is made by the NHS Athletic Department to be fair and consistent to all of our student-athletes and at the same time be compliant with the rules of all the bodies governing our behavior.

Philosophy and Objectives

The Northern High School Athletic Department Programs are an extension of the classroom. The purpose of athletics is to educate. The privilege of athletic participation is earned through the maintenance of proper standards of attitude, attendance, and achievement.

Through participation in interscholastic activities, Northern High School student-athletes will develop values, attitudes, and skills for personal growth and for the benefit of a diverse society.

Specific Objectives:

  1. Work with others – The team and its objectives must be placed higher than personal desires.
  2. Be successful – striving to win with dedication and a desire to excel.
  3. Develop sportsmanship – being humble and graceful in victory and defeat.
  4. Improve – establishing goals to enhance skills and working to accomplish them.
  5. Enjoy Athletics – enjoy participating and work to preserve and improve the school’s sports programs.

Value of Athletics

Research indicates that students involved in extracurricular activities have a greater chance of being successful during adulthood. Many of the positive character traits required as a participant in athletics are exactly those that will promote a successful life beyond high school.

Interscholastic Athletics Promote Teaching and Learning:

Higher Graduation RatesEncourages Teamwork
Better AttendanceTeaches Sportsmanship
Lower Discipline RatesIncreases Self-Discipline
Increased Motivation to AchieveBuilds School Spirit
Improves Self-EsteemCreates a Sense of Community
Instills a Sense of PrideIncreases Community Involvement

Athletic Eligibility

To be eligible to participate in a sport you must be both medically and academically eligible.

Medical Eligibility

  1. You must pass a physical examination. Physicals are good for one calendar year.
  2. Must turn in a North Carolina High School Athletic Association Sport Participation Examination Form, also referred to as the Medical History Form.
  3. Durham Public Schools Assumption of Risk/Medical Treatment Release Form
  4. Authorization for Release of Protected Health Information, also referred to as HIPAA
  5. Concussion: Student-Athlete Form/Parent Legal Custodian Form
  6. Student-Athlete Critical Contact Form

These forms can be found on the school website, under athletics or on the athletics website at under forms.

Academic Eligibility

Requirements to be academically eligible are part of the NCHSAA and DPS policies and procedures.

  1. Initial Entry: A student is eligible upon initial entry into ninth grade.
  2. Age: No student can participate in athletics if his or her 19th birthday comes on or before August 31, 2014
  3. Attendance: A student-athlete must be present for 85% of the previous semester.
  4. Scholastic: A student-athlete must have passed 3 out of 4 classes the previous semester.
  5. Eight Semester Rule: No student may be eligible to participate for a period lasting longer than eight consecutive semesters.
  6. Residence: A student is eligible to participate at the school to which he or she is assigned by the local board of education.

School Requirements

Student-athletes and parents must complete the following forms and turn into the Head Coach before the first contest in order to be eligible to participate.

  1. DPS Residency Form
  2. Parent/Student Sportsmanship Pledge
  3. NHS Drug and Alcohol Policy
  4. Social Media Contract

Expectations of Student Athletes

Important: Student-athletes must have completed medical eligibility requirements and fill out and turn in Residency Form, Sportsmanship Pledge, NHS Drug and Alcohol Policy, and Social Media Contract before your first contest in order participate.

Participation in competitive athletics may result in severe injury. Players may reduce the chance of injury by obeying all safety rules in their sport. Any injury should be reported immediately to your coach and/or the Athletic Training Staff.

All equipment issued to you is the property of Northern High School and Durham Public Schools. Please treat your equipment with respect. You are responsible for the equipment and you will be asked to pay for stolen, lost, or damaged equipment or uniforms (including altered uniforms) at the replacement cost.

Student-athletes are expected to be leaders and mentors for younger students. Initiation rituals and hazing are not acceptable and will not be tolerated at Northern High School. Students found guilty of this activity may face dismissal from the team and face disciplinary actions by the administrative team. Leave a positive influence on those around you.

Locker Room Conduct
Student security and safety in the locker rooms are priorities for the coaching staff. Each student-athlete is responsible to assist in keeping the locker room area clean, safe, and secure.
Absolutely no horseplay
Lock and recheck your locker before leaving the locker room
Do not share lockers or give your combination to any other person
Report any missing items to your coach or administrator immediately
Clean your area as you leave each day
Throw away all trash and help keep the locker room and school clean
Treat the facility with respect

Profanity will not be tolerated at any time! You are better than that.

Being Part of a Team
Student-athletes learn many skills to play their chosen sport, but this most important skill needed in order to be successful is teamwork. Every member of a team must work together to make the whole greater than the sum of its parts. Sacrifice, loyalty, common goals, working with others and sharing responsibility are all important components of teamwork.

Student-athletes should come to practice on time, be focused and ready to learn. They should be prepared both physically and mentally for the season by training in the preseason.

At the very core of citizenship is respect – respect for yourself and others. The student-athlete is to demonstrate respect for coaches, teachers, officials, spectators, school facilities, equipment, and opponents at all time.

A student-athlete must be willing to dedicate oneself to sports. The athlete should be aware that nothing worthwhile is accomplished without hard work and a desire to succeed. Remember, attitude, effort, and persistence will assist one in reaching his/her goals and becoming successful in life.

KnightLife is the basis for the Northern High School Brand. It represents 3 things:

  1. Model Student
  2. Model Citizen
  3. Model Athlete

We expect you to set the standard in the classroom, community, and on the playing field. We want to be the athletic program that every school models themselves after.

Expectations of Parents

Support your Student-Athlete
Encourage participation. Allow the student to select the sport based on his/her perceived ability and interest. Provide a pressure free environment regarding scholarship expectations.

Be supportive of your athlete. See that his/her needs are met. See that he/she has the right equipment. Attend as many of your child’s contests as possible.

Stress the importance of the complete athlete – both mental and physical preparation.

Do not emphasize quitting as the best way to solve a problem, but rather perseverance.

Keeping Athletics in Perspective
Emphasize that academics must always come first.

Assist the student to structure time wisely so that athletics do not interfere with academics.

Encourage your student-athlete to always give as much effort as possible.

Supporting the Program
Be supportive of the coaching staff. Go to all meetings requested by the coaches. Being on a successful team is important to athletes. Support the coaches’ preparation plan. Talk to your athlete frequently about how things are going with his/her sport. Make arrangements to talk to the coaches privately and early about perceived problems.

During the season, take into consideration practice and games when planning family events.

Understand the needs of a particular sport. Some take more equipment, some take more time.

Model positive behavior.

Guidelines for Parents to Discuss Concerns with the Coach

The Northern High School Athletic Department strives to have an open line of communication between the parents and the coaching staff. We do ask that any parental concerns be handled in the appropriate fashion. Below are the guidelines and protocol that should be followed if you have a concern.
1. Have student talk to the coach. On many occasions the conference between the student-athlete and coach will resolve most issues or questions.

2. Call the Coach. Specific concerns related to your student-athlete and sport they are participating can most likely be handled by the coaching staff. The coach works with your student-athlete on a daily basis and is the most equipped to answer any questions or concerns you may have.


These can be emotional times for the parent, coach, and player.
Meetings of this nature do not promote a positive resolution and can create more animosity.
Please use the 24 Hour Rule before contacting a member of the coaching staff.

3. Arrange a meeting with Coach. If you would like to meet privately with the coach, this can be arranged during the initial or subsequent calls to the coach.

4. Call The Athletic Director. If the meeting with the coach did not reach a satisfactory resolution, you may call the athletic director to set up a meeting to discuss the situation. The appropriate next step can be determined if we do not come to a resolution.

Appropriate Concerns to discuss with the Coaches:

Treatment of your student-athlete

Ways to help your student-athlete improve

Concerns about your student-athlete’s behavior

Concerns about your student-athlete’s academic performance

Issues NOT appropriate to discuss with Coaches:

Playing time

Play calling and game strategy

Other student-athletes

It may be difficult to accept that your child is not playing as much as you expect or playing in other positions that you do not expect. Coaches are professionals and put a number of hours in becoming better coaches and developing strategies and game plans. They make decisions based on what they believe to be the best for the team and for all student-athletes involved. Parents should understand that the decision on playing time, position, team strategy, play selection, and game management are the sole discretion of the Head Coach and his/her staff.


The critical factor in determining whether your child has a positive experience participating in Northern High School Athletics is the quality of their adult leaders – Their Parent and Coach.



Thank you for your cooperation.

Residency Form
Durham Public Schools Student Athletic Address Documentation Form

This is to certify that______, parent/guardian of

______, an athlete in Durham Public Schools do certify that my primary residence is located in the attendance zone of______School. This is my primary domicile (living residence) and I realize that for athletic purposes I can only have one Primary domicile (living residence). I further understand that this residence must be inside of the Durham Public Schools Administrative Unit.

I certify that my address ______is within the said district and that the school in which my child attends is in the attendance zone for the school that he/she is currently attending.

If I am not attending the school that is my normal attendance zone assignment, I am attending this school because the Office of Student Assignment has issued an approved student transfer or an approved program assignment for me to attend my current school valid for the current school year.

I also realize that if I have given an incorrect or false address that my child will be declared ineligible to participate in the school sports program. My signature further signifies that I have completed this form and that I fully understand the consequences associated with giving information that is incorrect and false.

Parent/Guardian Signature______

Date Signed______

Student Signature______

Date Signed______


Date Signed______

Parent/Student Sportsmanship Pledge

Student Athlete Pledge

As a student-athlete, I know I am a role model. I understand the spirit of fair play while playing hard. I will refrain from engaging in all types of disrespectful behavior, including inappropriate language, taunting, trash talking, and unnecessary physical contact. I know the behavior expectations of my school, my conference, and the NCHSAA and hereby accept the responsibility and privilege of representing this school and community as a student athlete.

Student Athlete Signature ______



Student Athlete's Parent Pledge

As a parent, I acknowledge that I am a role model. I will remember that school athletics is an extension of the classroom, offering learning experiences for the students. I must show respect for all players, coaches, spectators, and support groups. I will participate in cheers that support, encourage, and uplift the teams involved. I understand the spirit of fair play and good sportsmanship expected by our school, conference and the NCHSAA. I hereby accept my responsibility to be a model of good sportsmanship that comes with being the parent of a student athlete.

Parent/Legal Guardian Signature ______


Northern High School Drug and Alcohol Policy

I will not sell, distribute, use, or possess any alcohol, tobacco, recreational or illegal drugs throughout my athletic career at Northern High School. I accept this agreement as morally binding and will honor each item in this agreement. Breaking this agreement will be grounds for actions indicated below, as well as, possible consequences for violating the DPS student code of conduct. I understand that any individual selling or under the false pretense of selling drugs will lose all athletic eligibility and will not be allowed to participate on any athletic team at Northern High School.

Alcohol, Recreational Drug, Illegal Drug Offenses

1st Offense:
1. Suspension of 20% of regular season games. If during playoffs, suspension of 20% of playoff
2. Parent conference at NHS with head coach before participating in practices or games.
3. Suspension from practices at coach’s discretion.
2nd Offense:
1. Suspension from 40% of the number of regular season games. If during the playoffs,
suspension from 40% of playoff contests.
2. Parent conference at NHS with head coach before participating in practices or games.
3. Suspension from practices at coach’s discretion.
3rd Offense: Ineligible for the remainder of athletic career at Northern High School.
Selling Drugs: Ineligible for entire career at Northern High School.
Tobacco Offenses

1st Offense: Parent conference at Northern High School with head coach before participating in practices or games.
2nd Offense: Parent conference at Northern High School with head coach. Suspension from 1 game and practice suspension at coach’s discretion.
Beyond 2nd Offense: Suspension from 2 games for each offense and practice suspension at coach’s discretion.

Signature of Athlete ______Date ______

Signature of Parent ______Date ______

Sport(s) ______

Northern High School Social Media Contract

The use of social media is not prohibited by Northern High School Athletics, however, a student athlete must abide by the following rules if he/she chooses to use social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). As a student athlete you are held to a higher standard than a normal Knight.
1. Under no circumstances should you say anything negative towards a member of the school (teammate, coach, manager, trainer, or administrator).

2. Under no circumstances should you say anything negative towards a member of an opposing team (team member, coach, manager, trainer, or administrator).

3. Do not disclose any information that is sensitive to our team (injuries or other issues that should stay internal to the program).

4. If you make a comment which the coaching staff sees as inappropriate you will agree to delete the comment if asked to do so.

5. Think before you make a post! When in doubt, don’t post anything.

6. Any comments that are seen as discriminatory or harassing are prohibited and you will be asked to delete them immediately.

7. If a post makes anyone at the school uncomfortable at all, please report it to the coaching staff and it will be dealt with appropriately.

Failure to abide by these social media rules will result in disciplinary actions taken by the athletic department. In addition, some offenses (based on the DPS student code of conduct) may result in disciplinary action by the administrative team.

1st Offense: Asked to delete the post, Hand written apology
2nd Offense: Post deletion, hand written apology, suspension from team for 3 days
3rd Offense: Post deletion, hand written apology, suspension from team for 1 week
4th Offense: Permanent suspension from the team

Athlete’s Printed name: ______
Athlete’s Signature: ______
Parent Printed name: ______
Parent signature: ______